Title: Quick Track QTR-10 Post by: sbrooks on January 11, 2009, 06:57:38 pm Just a quick question i am looking at a system with some collars with it but if you look at qt's website it shows the channel selector as two rolling number selectors but i think this one has all turn knobs on it. does any know the difference between the two receivers?
Title: Re: Quick Track QTR-10 Post by: Mike on January 11, 2009, 07:14:19 pm The QTR-10 only has knobs because it only picks ups 10 channels... example 217.100 - 217.199. The 217 freg. is a given and you can select collars 0 thru 9.
Title: Re: Quick Track QTR-10 Post by: sbrooks on January 11, 2009, 07:19:41 pm ok the only reason i asked was because on their website it shows a different picture. they must just have it there for reference. Thanks Mike
Title: Re: Quick Track QTR-10 Post by: Mike on January 11, 2009, 07:33:44 pm All the others have the rolling dial... that way you can select between all the freq and channels.