HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 11:37:20 am

Title: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 11:37:20 am
just curious. im outside salinas and been hunting hogs with dogs here since i was 21 and im 56 now, thanks  gary

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 11:39:28 am
more specifically i live in prunedale , the community with the donut shop  shown on wild justice,lol. i play poker with the guy who makes the donuts there too ,lol.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: Mike on May 11, 2011, 12:30:29 pm
Isn't that the donut shop they said all the outlaw hog hunters hang out? :o

Those game wardens crack me up... do they give y'all are hard time about running dogs out there?

We have several members on here that are from California.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 01:10:45 pm
oh yea thats the one,lol. i was just there a few minutes ago  at the shoppin center and i  didnt see one outlaw hog hunter there. wait a minute,,,, accordin to that game warden on that show they identify outlaw hog hunters by them havin dog boxes in their pickups so i guess it was me,lol. and yea they try to give us a hard time here, treat ya like a outlaw if you have a dog box etc. we can hunt with dogs in california  and catchdogs are ok , but under sport laws we  cant hunt at night, limited to 3 dogs per hunter, cant stick hogs with a knife and cant take em out alive, and garmins/gps tracking systems are illegal for us to use to hunt with. and you have to buy hog tags at over 20 dollars each along with a valid hunting liscense. they are considered big game here. you also cant own live california wild hogs  and cant sell them or their meat. under the depredation laws we can hunt basically how fish and game say is ok on the permit and now some wardens wont allow dogs and none will allow knoifes anymore but typically allow us to hunt em at night. its just boggles the mind how fish and game  restrict hog hunting while our hog pop is huge in this state and they hire alot of paid hunters and trappers to control the  hogs.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: TCB-Vince on May 11, 2011, 03:05:11 pm
Good ole Mike Smith is out your way. He was the one on the show.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 03:11:05 pm
oh yea,he lives just up the same road the donut shop is on,lol.when he was raided for that show  it was phone call city all over the hog dog community here as they had 5 game warden trucks and some sherriff deputies and the camera crews and all and he lives right by a major intersection out here. heck several guys i know were parked to where they could watch the whoile thing goin on, just like bein at the movies,lol. vince were you the guy who has hunted with the twins over in carmel valley?

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: TCB-Vince on May 11, 2011, 03:17:04 pm
Well DFG is ridiculous out here in Cali. I've been on a mission for the past two months to find out and get write paper work on SB329. DFG has changed the rules on it but the senate has not past it! Cali sucks for hog dogging but I don't ever get harassed by DFG thank god and I know most of the Sherffies when I hunt so I'm usually good to go.

Gary is right tracking collars are illegal here but there not illegal to use them to find your dog ;). Under SB329 were not "hunting" were "removing" so tracking collars are ok. What it comes down to is if DFG stops you you got to know how to talk and be stern with them. DFG will write you a ticket just to give you the headache even tho you will when in the end. It's all on the Game Warren disgracision on what they want to do.

And yes we can have wild hogs just ear tag them or freeze brand simple way to get around california lol.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: TCB-Vince on May 11, 2011, 03:18:20 pm
Haha ya that guy is something else. Kinda makes us hog dogger look bad but o well always gonna have bad apples in the pack.

Yup rusty and jeremy

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 03:25:20 pm
vince what they have done is changed their own way of inturpretting the law. and sadly thats what we have to go by. now like you said there are ways around certain thigns lol, but we have a local judge who has allready said  stickin hogs is illegal and he will rule against any that kill them that way no matter what law they site him.a friend of mine up north beat them is why they changed the writtewn way they use the encounter law. it took him one year and over 10 grand but he beat em but then they sent pout statewide memos on the law and how to use it that really hamper landowners.sadly when day hunting on land that you have permission on where they also guide hunts or sell hunting rights we cant be covered by the encounter law thus no grmins there. it was up for change this yr but the tree huggers got sac to not change anyhting.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 03:26:59 pm
did you ever hunt with them boys when they had a red nosed ambull named slammin jack

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: Explorer on May 11, 2011, 03:32:40 pm
hey, i would love to take my girl on a hunt some day. how far are you from Los Angeles?

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: TCB-Vince on May 11, 2011, 03:50:08 pm
Well that's what I've heard that they changed the "encounter" part on sb329. But I've been calling and going down to DFG for almost two months now and I still can't get in writing where the rules have changed. It's a bunch of bs if you ask me. And what sucks is to win you got to put out all this money for no reason.  I actually have been calling my local assembly guy and he gonna get on it for me. But unfortunately I only see it getting worst here in Cali. I'm just glad I hunt big private ranches where I've never see DFG up that way.

I've been hunting with them in this last year. I have heard them talk about a dog named that but not to sure all about it. You hunt with them boys? You still hunting or stay low now cause of all the bs

LA is about 5 hours from me

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on May 11, 2011, 04:08:07 pm
lol i been at it for a long time now so i dont see the wardens s;lowin me down,lol. we just have to be sure we arent doin anyhting they can get us for. i bred that jack dog and when he got wrecked they brought him back here to me. hes ten yrs old, bad leg, busted out teeth, neutered and blind but still hangin around,lol. i thuink we are about 5 hours from los angels also, we are outside salinas.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: TCB-Vince on May 11, 2011, 04:12:04 pm
Plus I don't see how a judge can make up his own law? And DFG can't just add stuff on top of it how ever they feel. The senate has to ok it since the bill was made. Cali just wants money is what it comes down to it. I'm gonna continue to do what I do and go from there. As far as I know I'm tryin to get all my land owners to get Dep permits so that way don't have to worry as much anymore. As much as I would love to fight DFG over it I don't have millions to spend lol.

Well Gary I say we get together one of these. Always good to meet people around here and share info and maybe do a little hunting.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: BIG BEN on May 12, 2011, 07:25:30 am
 California game wardens suck big time, one of the main reasons I moved is because of them. When I left the area I lived in seemed like the rookie dump off for game wardens, Its kinda hard taking a 19 year old kid seriously when he is trying to tell you the laws that you already know.

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: Steeldog on January 08, 2017, 08:21:30 pm
oh yea thats the one,lol. i was just there a few minutes ago  at the shoppin center and i  didnt see one outlaw hog hunter there. wait a minute,,,, accordin to that game warden on that show they identify outlaw hog hunters by them havin dog boxes in their pickups so i guess it was me,lol. and yea they try to give us a hard time here, treat ya like a outlaw if you have a dog box etc. we can hunt with dogs in california  and catchdogs are ok , but under sport laws we  cant hunt at night, limited to 3 dogs per hunter, cant stick hogs with a knife and cant take em out alive, and garmins/gps tracking systems are illegal for us to use to hunt with. and you have to buy hog tags at over 20 dollars each along with a valid hunting liscense. they are considered big game here. you also cant own live california wild hogs  and cant sell them or their meat. under the depredation laws we can hunt basically how fish and game say is ok on the permit and now some wardens wont allow dogs and none will allow knoifes anymore but typically allow us to hunt em at night. its just boggles the mind how fish and game  restrict hog hunting while our hog pop is huge in this state and they hire alot of paid hunters and trappers to control the  hogs.

 If you can't stick hogs with a knife and can't take em out alive do you have to shoot them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: who comes here thats hunting in california
Post by: gary fuller on January 08, 2017, 10:26:08 pm
yep on the shooting all hogs. and in our area its non lead only. the whole state is non lead for hunting come 2019.