Title: 10 week old bully Post by: nosightsneeded on January 15, 2009, 10:47:58 pm I have a bmc that is 10 weeks old and he is very alpha male type. He gets aggressive with the bigger dogs over everyting really. He has got the crap bit out him twice but continues try and run the yard. I have a 2 year old lab male that he tries to fight everytime he sees him. Its like he has no concept of size or the others dogs ability eat him. I dont undertand what is his deal is. I am worried that it will grow into a bigger problem than it is already is. does ne one have suggestions or similar exp. ?
Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: jdt on January 15, 2009, 11:19:44 pm the only thing u can do right now is stand back and let the big dogs teach him a lesson .,,,, if that dont work you probly will have a long row to hoe. lol.
maybe put a shock collar on and watch really close and try to help it that way. if the old dogs will put him in his place that would be best. just my opinion Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: Live Oak on January 16, 2009, 01:01:37 am A shock collar is a good training tool because you correct the dog with out assocating the correction to you. With a dog thats wants to fight that is not a good thing. The fighter may take the shock as a bite and the fight goes full blown! A cattle hot shot works much better! Sometimes call the "magic stick" it will work wonders on a fighter. Hit him on the neck or shoulder and it is like a bite from you. This lets him know you are the alpha dog and it hurts like hell!
Is the Lab nuetered? Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: Boardog on January 16, 2009, 07:16:15 am Me personally do not like training a dog with a shock collar in this situation because if you have the collar on the dog and he growls at another then you shock him the dog is gonna think that it was the other dog inflicting the pain on him. Just my 2 pesos.
Michael Conatser Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: nosightsneeded on January 16, 2009, 07:58:09 am the lab is intact. there is no growling if its food he wants he runs over tries to bite the other dog and stand in the food bowl. if he sees me he doesnt do it. The only way i see him doing is by looking out the window.
Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: jhy on January 16, 2009, 08:38:10 am This is a 10 week old puppy? Only a fool would put a shock collar on a pup like that! Get a empty 2 liter coke bottle and put a few pennies in it. When he growls at the other dogs pop him with that and tell him "NO", or grab him by his neck and lay him on his side and tell him no. Make sure that he hears "NO" everytime you correct him. It wont hurt him but it will get his attention a and thats what you want to do.
Joey P.S. No offense guys, but yall oughta know better than to be shocking puppys! Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: Bryant on January 16, 2009, 08:43:57 am You didn't mis-type that did you...ten WEEKS old?
I don't think I would ever put a shock collar (not that you could get it tight on his neck anyway) on a ten-week old pup. If you suspect this behavior, and don't think it is just puppy-play, I suggest you google "alpha dominant dog" and do some reading. Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: Black Gold on January 16, 2009, 08:48:08 am 10 weeks old if way too young to be shocking dogs.....puppy play as far as I'm concerned....he will be put in his place and will soon learn his boundaries with the adult dogs......USe "alpha dog dominant" like Bryant said...
Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: cantexduck on January 16, 2009, 09:40:47 am I dont want to add to the dog pile but........ Every pup that I bring home attacks my labs for alittle while. My catdo pup is bad about it. It is just a puppy being a puppy. I am sorry but no 10wk pup is gonna try to be alpha of the pack. And a shock collar should never be used to stop agression.
Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: jdt on January 16, 2009, 10:23:07 am let me clarify myself, if the old dogs dont put him in his place wich they will, but if hes still doing that at 4-5 months then id put a collar on.
yes you have to do it just right or hell think its the other dog and make it worse. there are other ways. i have broke alot of dogs from fighting this way, once or twice with the collar at the right time and then a stern voice will do the trick some dogs will never be broke from fighting Title: Re: 10 week old bully Post by: dog trainer on January 16, 2009, 01:58:26 pm I would wait a while and see if they work it out,If you do use a collar put it on the flank of the dog with the reciever on the belly and when the dog shows aggression give it a mild shock and no words said he will turn to see what got his back side and once he figures out he can't win the fight he will stop trying. Putting it on the neck makes them think they are getting bit and fight harder.