Title: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: Black Gold on January 16, 2009, 09:22:10 am Selling this for a friend....It is located in Teague, TX
Trailer is 16' long and can side load/haul 2 4-wheelers at a time. Has 5 dog boxes with sliding doors and double hog compartment in the back with a sliding middle gate. Wall is solid between dog boxes and hog compartments so dogs cannot see hogs when they are loaded. Aluminum ramps shown are included but need a weld fixed. 2" ball hitch. Also has utility box that can be locked to store dog gear/supplies. Built heavy-duty. Call with any questions: 1-903-388-1614 $1,800.00 (http://www.wildboarusa.com/copper/albums/userpics/10003/normal_TRAILER4.jpg) (http://www.wildboarusa.com/copper/albums/userpics/10003/normal_TRAILER3.jpg) (http://www.wildboarusa.com/copper/albums/userpics/10003/normal_TRAILER2.jpg) (http://www.wildboarusa.com/copper/albums/userpics/10003/normal_TRAILER_1.jpg) Title: Re: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: btpp on January 16, 2009, 09:53:12 am what is a price and were is it at
Title: Re: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: Black Gold on January 16, 2009, 10:16:32 am Teague, TX $1,800.00
Title: Re: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: hoghunterdfw on January 19, 2009, 11:50:57 am all the lights and everything works good? condition of tires good too? looks like a heck of a deal on a great trailer. im going to try and get some $$ together...
Title: Re: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: Black Gold on January 20, 2009, 04:21:37 pm As far as I know everything is in working/good condition....best thing is to call the number with questions.
Title: Re: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: grizz07903 on January 28, 2009, 02:59:45 pm would you be willing to trade a 12x6 ft tilt bed trailer for it??
Title: Re: 16' HOG-DOG TRAILER FOR SALE Post by: Black Gold on January 29, 2009, 10:00:37 am No...he is looking for cash