THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: josh54 on May 25, 2011, 12:32:19 pm

Title: still in need of a good find/baydog
Post by: josh54 on May 25, 2011, 12:32:19 pm
im in need of a good find dog/ baydog that can find a hog but doesnt range too far. i dont want one i gotta have a collar on. i need one to help get my 9 month old trained on. he bays great but needs help to find hogs. anyone have anything for me? im near abilene. i just had a baby so i dont have much money lookin to spend about 100-200.  but need to know for sure that the dog knows what its doin so a trial would be nice even if i have to go on a hunt with u. or if u come with me and bring it alone if u have anything email josh541990@yahoo.com or text 3252809006. i really need this as my other find dog just died and hogs bring in a majority of my income. please help me out. not lookin for pups or started dogs i need one that knows what its doin when it comes to finding a pig