HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: 5150hogdogs on June 05, 2011, 06:11:03 pm

Title: Fl curs
Post by: 5150hogdogs on June 05, 2011, 06:11:03 pm
Does anybody on here hunt behind fl curs tryin to get a little info on them

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: wranglercurs on June 05, 2011, 07:52:04 pm
WE mostly hunt TEXAS curs around here.lol  just kidding

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: BA-IV on June 05, 2011, 07:59:22 pm
Get with CrackerC and Noah, there's a couple more but it's a start.

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: 5150hogdogs on June 05, 2011, 08:21:34 pm

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: BIG CHRIS on June 06, 2011, 01:07:06 pm
can anybody post some good looken FL curs there is a guy here where i live that says he has a jam up FL CUR male. he is from florida cant member his first name but his last name is kellog he is a horse shoe guy. i have`nt seen his dog but he wants to breed him with my gyp and is wanting to pay hansom for his dog to service my gyp so that he can get half the litter, i will hunt with the dog first to make sure that i would be satisfied with cross, any kinh of info would be nice!!!!

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: sfboarbuster on June 06, 2011, 02:54:45 pm
Heres a pic of two of my buddies good fl curs that i hunt with.


Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: cajunl on June 06, 2011, 03:03:54 pm

Are those Chucks line?

They look good.

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: sfboarbuster on June 06, 2011, 03:58:20 pm
No they are just out of some cowdogs down around 'chobee. He lost one of them a few months ago, but the other one is the real deal. We've been trying to find something for him to breed before he gets killed.

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: geronimo on June 06, 2011, 04:03:51 pm
big chris is it ross kellog?

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: rdjustham on June 06, 2011, 05:00:43 pm
No they are just out of some cowdogs down around 'chobee. He lost one of them a few months ago, but the other one is the real deal. We've been trying to find something for him to breed before he gets killed.

cant beat them lake O dogs.. Would like to get a black and tan on my yard..

Heres my two pot lickers

Rooster.  Lightsey ranch lines on momma's side.  10 months old, kinda started..

Jack. Out of Cowdogs from Labelle  bout 6 finished out.  Retarded and fat now, from not hunting much this past year.

Tipper RIP.  Out of Lake Okeechobee Dogs.  Best dog ive ever had.  At 9 years old she was out striking most peoples younger finished dogs..  If she barked it WAS a hog, and if it was under 200 or she had help you only got two barks!

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: BIG CHRIS on June 06, 2011, 06:22:41 pm
i honestly dnt know just know his last name is kellog he has nephew that is in my little girls class, if this is the same guy can u tell me anything about his dog? he was a really easy goen guy, i have his number here some where i`ll c if i cant dig it up

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: geronimo on June 06, 2011, 07:08:08 pm
big chris can you pm me your number?

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: crackerc on June 06, 2011, 08:48:03 pm
I definately don't claim to be an expert on them, but have owned them for about the past 30 years. I do know this, they are a varied bunch!! There are more families or lines of Fla curs than any other type of cur I would bet.  They come all sizes, all colors, all tail lengths, all different builds, etc. Most have at least some bulldog in them way back...some not so far back. My dogs are cow dog bred. I managed ranches for about 13 years and the last ranch I was on for 7 years we ran 500 crossbred cow/calf pairs. The dogs I have now (with the exception of Monkey) is the same blood we used to pen and work the cattle. I got Monkey as an outcross to the dogs I already had.

Monkey is pure "Partin Cur"...whatever that is. I was at Mike Partin's house about 10 years ago trying to get my old Dixie female bred to his Stubby dog (but she didn't take, she had cancer and I didn't know it at the time), and I asked him about the "Partin Curs". Now there is a whole tribe of Partin's down around St. Cloud FL, all of them cattlemen and from generations of cattlemen. When I asked Mike, he said "shoot, they are just cur dogs". Neither he nor I could figure out why 75% of people that get a Fla cur try to pawn it off as a Partin cur. Mike had 5 dogs at his house. Stubby (who like Monkey hated people), a black and tan son of Stubby, a spayed old female and two 4 month old pups sired by the black dog and out of a dayworkers female. Doesn't sound like he was in the business to mass produce dogs does it?

Monkey came from Mike's relative, Roy Partin's dogs. All the dogs, like all the Partin's are related somewhere along the line. They trade pups back and forth as they are needed. When one has a litter, the pups usually go to family members who need them. At least, that was my understanding. Thats why the dogs are hard to get. They go to family members first.

Here is a pic of Monkey along with a whole pile of people from this forum...Monkey was on his best behavior for this pic. He HATES people around my truck.... ;D
Another pic of Monkey

This is my Spur dog, sired by Monkey and out of an old cow dog of mine named Chelsea.
This is Scarlet. Sired by a south Fla red cur named Bob and out of my Red female. Red and Spur are half brother and sister.
Two pups sired by Monkey out of my JJ female. JJ is a littermate to Red and a half sister to Spur also.
This is Cricket, my $20 dog..... :o She goes back to Judge Platts dogs on the top and some Overstreet ranch dogs on the bottom. She is unrelated to my other dogs and is ROUGH.

Like all the other curs there are good ones and bad ones in any family. Be sure the dog is what you are wanting to produce before you breed to him. I would venture to say that the Fla curs produce more rough catchy dogs , percentage wise, than the other cur lines. Just my opinion......

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: BIG CHRIS on June 07, 2011, 12:41:10 am
crackerc thats is one good looken $20 dog :o

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: Bryant on June 07, 2011, 08:09:45 am

The fact that Monkey is human aggressive...do you not consider that a genetic flaw?

Personally, that's one attribute that I will not tolerate.  The first time a dog shows a hint of unprovoked aggression around me (or especially around my kids), he/she won't have to worry about having a chance to prove itself as a hunting dog!

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: rdjustham on June 07, 2011, 08:18:17 am

The fact that Monkey is human aggressive...do you not consider that a genetic flaw?

Personally, that's one attribute that I will not tolerate.  The first time a dog shows a hint of unprovoked aggression around me (or especially around my kids), he/she won't have to worry about having a chance to prove itself as a hunting dog!

Bryant, I have to admit two of the three yella "Fl Curs" Ive had as an adult were "human aggressive" so to speak.  I like you wont tolerate a dog aggressive to me or my family, however like mark's dog mine dont want no one around my truck when they are loaded up.  In the yard is another thing.  If i come in the yard with you your fine, if you come in while im in your not.  If you come in and im not your SCREWED!  ;)  None of mine are aggressive towards me, my family and most importantly my son, instant cull!  I dont mind them protecting the yard, house and the truck.  If i hunt with someone they dont know it only takes ONE correction for them to figure out its ok.  Usually i just have to raise my voice.  Its a trait I kinda like.  And most that know me and hunt with me know i dont like people messing with my dogs unless i ask for  the help.  They also know i wont let the dog be aggressive with someone who belongs. 

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: Bryant on June 07, 2011, 08:39:54 am
I understand what your saying...but what about that neighbor who perhaps has family down for Thanksgiving and their 5 year old son sneaks out of the house and just can't resist the urge to come pet the "puppies".  Just because the dog was being protective of it's domain...does that make it okay?

Or you run in a convience store with said dog chained in the back of a truck.  Someone walking by reaches in to pet the dog and is bitten.  Now you can say he/she shouldn't have been reaching in the back of the truck or whatever, but I don't think I have to tell you how TODAY'S judicial system will view the incident.

Everyone's business and can do as they like, but I'm just not willing to take that risk.

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: rdjustham on June 07, 2011, 08:47:46 am
I understand what your saying...but what about that neighbor who perhaps has family down for Thanksgiving and their 5 year old son sneaks out of the house and just can't resist the urge to come pet the "puppies".  Just because the dog was being protective of it's domain...does that make it okay?

Or you run in a convience store with said dog chained in the back of a truck.  Someone walking by reaches in to pet the dog and is bitten.  Now you can say he/she shouldn't have been reaching in the back of the truck or whatever, but I don't think I have to tell you how TODAY'S judicial system will view the incident.

Everyone's business and can do as they like, but I'm just not willing to take that risk.

Bryant your absolutly right, and i understand what your saying.  I have a 6 foot privacy fence around my yard and keep my dos in pens.  My one neighbor hates me for having hunting dogs and calls the law every, and i mean EVERY da about them being outside.  I also dont chain my gdogs in my trucl i keep them in the dog box and ive had an issue with someone reaching into the box to pet my old GYP when she was alive.  She like i knew she would bit the tree hugger who called the law.  After filling out my statement she was arrested for burglary to a conveyance (truck, car etc.).  I wouldnt have pushed that issue and i even made sure paramedics responded for the bite.  BUt that fact is ive done everything i can to prevent someone who shouldnt be bit from being bit, but if your dumb enough to reach into a dog box to pet a dog thats growling at you well.... maybe we should cull the gene pool some..  ;)

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on June 07, 2011, 09:08:33 am
Here is a pic of Monkey along with a whole pile of people from this forum...Monkey was on his best behavior for this pic. He HATES people around my truck.... ;D

He knew what the lady beside him was capable of.  That chick carries a tacklebox with sick and sadisticle items in it.  Why do you think Chance is always on his best behavior.  I've seen what she can do with a needle and thread.  She's dangerous to be around.   ;)

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: BA-IV on June 07, 2011, 10:55:37 am
The old line of cur dogs my family owned and used were just like what Mark said about Monkey.  I was raised around those type of dogs and I personally don't mind the trait.  I understand that alot of people cull for it, I don't, but I don't consider it human aggressive as much as a one man dog and being protective.  Its something I live with that many people refuse to.

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: crackerc on June 07, 2011, 12:53:10 pm
Bryant, I wouldn't say Monkey is "human aggressive" as much as he is protective. If I put him in the truck, or on the 4 wheeler he won't let anyone touch it. He runs loose at my house, but my place is fenced and only one neighbor you can see so it hasn't been an issue. I have 4 wheelers, bass boat, had an airboat (the ex has it now), etc in the barn and part of Monkey's job is to be sure that stuff is still there when I get home from work. With the economy the way things are, theft here in Fla is at an all time high. I feel an aggressive dog is a big deterrent to a thief. But Monkey has never offered to bite me, my ex (darn...) or anyone he gets to know well. I don't have kids so I wouldn't trust him around them. but I rarely have kids at my house.

If you and I are hunting together I can turn Monkey out and he won't even look at you. He won't growl or pay any attention to you at all. But once I load him in the truck he won't let you touch him or the truck. Now Dave, that I hunt with regularly, can handle him pretty good. He knows Dave and knows we hunt together. He rides on Dave's 4 wheeler as much as mine anymore (due to me hauling young dogs) and he and Dave get along fine. But if Dave comes to my house, Monkey won't let him in the gate........

Anyway, most of the Fla curs I have been around for the past 50 years have all been very similar. Monkey isn't the only dog I have that acts this way, most of my dogs are like this. I may have 2 out of the 11 that tolerates strangers.

If any of you guys have a jam up finisihed hog dog that growls at people, and you are about to cull him for that reason,  let me know........he will fit in here! ;D

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: rdjustham on June 07, 2011, 01:00:32 pm
If any of you guys have a jam up finisihed hog dog that growls at people, and you are about to cull him for that reason,  let me know........he will fit in here! ;D

And if it dont fit there ill feed it!  ;D

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: Florida Curdog on June 07, 2011, 09:05:44 pm
I been raising this pup. She's 8 months this month. Her momma is a Partin dog that belongs to a fella that works cows for the Partins in Osceola County. Her daddy is a good cow dog that come off of Kemphers Ranch in Osceola County. He kept one pup & we split the rest  ;)
I hate waiting for pups to grow. lol


Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: FLBayNSlay on June 07, 2011, 09:31:48 pm


I have hunted with several very good FL Curs and hav owned a few good ones. All mine were short to medium range, catch first bark second dogs. I never used or owned a catchdog. If it was a rank hog 2 dogs mayb 3 on occasion we run along Poppa Barr Hog!!!! All mine had a great handle and were people friendly with no dog aggression. I must of been lucky from what im hearing, Cracker C I hunt with John quite a bit at my spot. I like that pup he has off Monkey, from what I hear he seems like a good dog. I moved from Central Fl to North Fl and traded my gritty short range dogs for sum long range bay dogs. Now I have a lead in CD and my dogs are not what I consider real gritty. I will probly get another one and hope to make it a long range bay dog  ;D The pics are of my buddys B&T and a tan gyp I had. Both were real good dogs!


Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: hogaholicswife on June 07, 2011, 09:51:20 pm
Our dogs are timid and do not care for strangers, if you come in the yard unannounced they are liable to hym you up.  Our gyp Sookie and her brother Chance are probably the worst about it but if you take them to the woods they are fine, with the exception that they do not want anyone handling them but my husband....they are the type you open the pen/dog box and tell them to load up.  While they are not child or human aggressive so long as we are around, but we like them like that because we know no one would ever get their hands on them.

Our dogs are all related and differ in size/build/color and most are 3/4 tails but those that arent we help out, their sizes range from 80lbs+ to a little female that is about 45lbs with a fiesty head but like crackerc said, they are all gritty as heck.  The males tend to catch by theirself or atleast try it and the females will usually wait for one other dog to get there but catches just like the rest.







Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: sfboarbuster on June 09, 2011, 12:21:08 am
Hogaholicswife, let me get that dog on the right in the last pic ;D

He has that psyco look to him with those eyes.... and i like that ;)

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: rdjustham on June 09, 2011, 07:04:53 am
Shoot id take every one of them, good lookin dos girl..

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: hogaholicswife on June 09, 2011, 12:37:16 pm
Thanks guys.

Hogaholicswife, let me get that dog on the right in the last pic ;D

He has that psyco look to him with those eyes.... and i like that ;)

lol well dont let his eyes fool you, he thinks he wants to be gritty but he also has a tendancy to make you question him/his abilities...I will say that he is probably a better woods/grove dog than in the cane as he just doesnt seem to care much for it.  
There are definately days when I would like to send him packing and others where I could hug his neck!  

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: sfboarbuster on June 09, 2011, 01:22:24 pm
Well just give me a call on one of his bad days and i'll come get him ;)

Title: Re: Fl curs
Post by: spazhogdog on June 09, 2011, 05:13:08 pm
No John,  I need another dog and I would promise him no cane fields and give him a blanket to sleep on when it is cold, so call me first on his bad day.  ;D   He is a cool looking dog