HOG & DOGS => VIDEOS ON HOGS => Topic started by: crackae11 on June 06, 2011, 08:48:44 pm

Title: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: crackae11 on June 06, 2011, 08:48:44 pm
my blk tan cur gyp is 17 weeks old and my catahoula/bmc cross is 15 weeks old this is what there up to opinions and input


Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: SCHitemHard on June 07, 2011, 04:42:00 pm
well they look like they got it down, may end up bein alil gritty on smaller pigs

i would recomend a bigger pig, i usually do the 5 to 15 pound ratio on bay dogs it would teach them to bay and not try to bite to much, good looking dogs though!

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: crackae11 on June 07, 2011, 05:58:25 pm
10 4 I'm hopin to have them wind trail and catch I don't want to have alot of dogs 2 is what I'd like to hunt , is this not a good idea?

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: jtmitchell21 on June 07, 2011, 07:45:40 pm
lol man them pups look good and two dogs are going to have to be very long winded and very catch for the longest time i only ran 3 dogs and a catch dog and i let so much swine slip by and just made them that much worse the next time i got on the same hog and if u bayed them up in a pack it would be them to be the first to break and u would always get on that same hog and sometimes i would catch him and not have to wrry next time and sometimes i wouldnt i got about 20 head now and run about ten at the time the same three sticke dogs go everytime and then the rest are young dogs and a couple older dogs that are very catchy im just sayin hogs now days are runners 8 yrs ago it was nothin to stop a bad hog now its so hard cuz dogs have been on them so much

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: crackae11 on June 07, 2011, 10:49:48 pm
take into account I'm in mid east florida , I do have a 3 yr 85 lb cat who is strictly catch I take him when I go with friends gritty as hell  he ripped the ears pff my domestic sow that's 350 and when my yorkshire stud got out he did the same so if these pups wind trail and bay (ones in video) with my stud cat what do ya think? 

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: SCHitemHard on June 07, 2011, 11:04:48 pm
have you thought of adding a older dog into the mix as a strike dog?

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: crackae11 on June 07, 2011, 11:41:54 pm
what do yall consider a strike dog? I have a 3yr old catch dog who been on lot og hogs . But if I put him on anything round size I'm usin to train pups he will kill it lol he gritty he done jumped in pin twice killed 2 small hogs

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: SCHitemHard on June 08, 2011, 12:27:38 am
get yourself a 4 to 6 year old cur who has some pig time and let him loose. they are long to med range, some bottom try a cur/hound mix or a straight yella dog

use the pit as a catch dog my friend its what they were bred to do, get him a decent catch vest and lead him to a bay

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: Riley W on June 10, 2011, 07:05:25 pm
look like you need a fresh hog that moves a little more NICE PUPS U GOT THERE ;D

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: crackae11 on June 11, 2011, 12:25:37 pm

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: Riley W on June 11, 2011, 01:09:43 pm
o ok didint see that ;D

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: rdjustham on June 11, 2011, 01:20:01 pm
take into account I'm in mid east florida ,

If this is the case take the video DOWN!!  It is illegal to tie a hog and allow dogs to "molest" (how its written in florida statue) it.  A video very similiar to yours got three people arrested in central Fl recently.  Not posting an opinion I work in Lee County as a deputy sheriff.  Im not telling you what to do just giving you some advice.  Animal control and Law enforcement has been cracking down on this.

Title: Re: in re to my starting a pup topic HERES MY PUPS !
Post by: Riley W on June 11, 2011, 01:37:42 pm
o dang thats not good