Title: article on breakin sticks i wrote a few yrs back, thought some might like it Post by: gary fuller on June 08, 2011, 01:51:37 pm OF BREAKING STICKS AND BULLDOGS
First off let me start out by saying “breaking sticks” aren’t just for dog fighters. They can be a very useful tool when owning tenacious breeds such as the American Bulldog. I owned A.P.B.T.s for many years and have hunted hogs with dogs for over 30 years I also worked in the same yard as our city pound for many years and saw a lot of kennel fights while there. In this time I have seen many different ways used to break up a dog fight. Most of them doing more damage by either harming one or both animals involved, or by it not working and giving the animals more time to inflict damage. Some will try to lift the rear legs of a dog, put a water hose in the nose or throat, or just spray em with water, choke the dog out with its own collar or a rope or belt. I’ve seen dogs kicked or hit with anything from lumber to shovels and buckets. When you are doing all this you are in many cases causing more damage to the dog. I’ve even seen a lighter used on a dog’s testicles to try and make it let go. As most will find out at some point in owning American Bulldogs you may run into a dog fight at some time. I have had to break up dog fights at dog shows as well as accidents at home or hunting. And also if hunting with bull breeds some folks use breaking sticks to get the catch dog loose. For all the above reasons I feel having and knowing the proper use of breaking sticks is important to the American Bulldog owner. The breaking stick (also called parting sticks by some).... The sticks are typically made from hard wood, or very durable plastic, or some other material suitable for the purpose of spreading a strong dog’s jaws apart. I have also had the chance to see and learn the use of a deer antler to break dogs loose. I am personally not fond of this method as I fear it may harm the dog’s mouth if you aren’t careful. I know some folks that swear by the antler, so the choice is yours. I will start off by using an example of two bull breeds in a fight and two handlers there. If one dog doesn’t want to fight but bites and tries to run etc., then you must be more careful as to not get bitten by it. If you are all alone, get one dog tied to something stationary and hold the other or try to tie them both at the end of their reaches. So assuming these are two bull breeds and two handlers here’s what both handlers need to do. Straddle the dog locking your legs around the dog just in front of his hind quarters, then using your free hand(as the other has the breaking stick in it) grab a handful of skin on the nape of the dogs neck and strongly pull back and upwards. Then insert the breaking stick into the gap in the premolar area of the dog’s mouth. You may need to wiggle and work the stick into the gap. The stick should be inserted maybe a ½ inch to an inch and a half past the teeth. As the stick will be semi flat you then need to turn or twist the stick which in turn opens the dogs jaw. All the time you need to be pulling or holding the dog going away from the other animal. This may sound like a big job but actually it can be done in just a few seconds and with no damage done by the dog to the other dog or animal it has a hold of. I won’t list any sites as I make and use my own breaking sticks but there are very many places you can purchase quality breaking sticks. I suggest try hog dog hunting supplies and or American Pit Bull Terrier supply dealers. Gary Fuller Title: Re: article on breakin sticks i wrote a few yrs back, thought some might like it Post by: Mike on June 08, 2011, 05:38:11 pm Good article Gary... thanks for sharing.