Title: Bay or Catch Dog Competitions??? Post by: Marshall on January 22, 2009, 03:05:23 pm I hunt my dogs in the woods only, but I do like to attend baying or catch-dog competitions from time to time. Does any body know of any Bayings that occur on a monthly basis in the East Tx area? I also used to go to some CATCHdog competitions that were pretty fun but I hear they are kinda hard to find these days? Any pointers of where I might be able to find one? YOU CAN SEND ME A PERSONAL MESSAGE if you would rather! Thanks for your help Gentlemen!!
Title: Re: Bay or Catch Dog Competitions??? Post by: Hogger on January 22, 2009, 03:28:15 pm Village Mills has one once a month. I think there is one in Lufkin called Callaways.
Title: Re: Bay or Catch Dog Competitions??? Post by: Marshall on January 22, 2009, 04:06:06 pm Is 'Village Mills' a town? I have been to Callaways in Lufkin. It is a nice operation! We had a blast!
Title: Re: Bay or Catch Dog Competitions??? Post by: Jasonmac on January 22, 2009, 09:43:29 pm I think Callaways is the 3rd weekend of every month.
Title: Re: Bay or Catch Dog Competitions??? Post by: Hogger on January 23, 2009, 09:23:52 am Village Mills is the name of the town and of the baying. They advertise in Bayed Solid. You might be able to call Jimmy or Sharon and ask them.
Title: Re: Bay or Catch Dog Competitions??? Post by: Circle C on January 23, 2009, 10:04:27 pm Marshall,
This one is not too far from you. Hello to all, T-N-T Bay Pen will have our first hog baying on Jan. 31st; starting at 8:00 A.M. in Bremond Texas. We will have a Amateur Events Puppy Bay (up to two pups at a time can run) $15 enrty fee; One Dog Amateur $25 entry fee; Two Dog Amateur $40 entry fee (Trophies will be awarded in these events along with 80% payback on calcutta.) Pro Events One Dog Pro $50 entry fee; Two Dog Pro $50 entry fee (On these Pro events there will be a 70% payback on entry fees and a 80% payback on calcuttas.) Directions are as follows: From Bremond take 2954 approx: 7 miles towards the White Rock Communtiy, turn left on Dunn Road. It will be the first drive to the left. Signs will be posted. For more information call Gilbert Thompson @ 254-746-7628 or 979-676-2388. |