HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: shawn on January 25, 2009, 07:22:57 pm

Title: dog unrinating blood
Post by: shawn on January 25, 2009, 07:22:57 pm
My ab Buddy is pissing blood sometimes, I noticed it today. He hasn't been hit by a hog for about a month, I hardly hunt him anymore, so I don't think it was any kind of internal injuries. I was reading that it maybe a unrinary track infection, or kidney failure. I hope its the urinary tract infection since he's only 3 years old.

He did have a heatstroke on a hunt about a month ago, but hasn't shown any negative signs from it after I cooled him off in a creek that day.  So I doubt it could have anything to do with that either.

He's fed dog food and table scraps sometimes, but never any cooked bones.

Anyone ever dealt with this?

I gave him a shot of pennicilan and was gonna watch him for a couple days and see if it kept going or got worse before I took him to the vet.

Title: Re: dog unrinating blood
Post by: southernhoghunter on January 28, 2009, 05:46:15 pm
man it could be a urinary tract infection in that case try giving him some cranberry juice and if you cant get him to drink it they make a cranberry extract pill made specifically for U.T.I im almost certain you can find them at just about any store walmart ,walgreens, rite aid, cvs, etc... give him 4 or 5 a day until you run out along with the penicillin...and as for the penicillin to be really effective it must be administered three consecutive days given in a different location each time but in the mean time keep him cool with lots of clean fresh water in front of him

Title: Re: dog unrinating blood
Post by: shawn on January 28, 2009, 10:56:15 pm
i gave him the shots for 3 days, and always making sure his water is fresh, if he shows an signs again ill get some cranberry juice, he seems to be doing good now, i havent seen a drop of blood since that first day actually. and he's active (well as active as a house dog that hunts once in awile gets) fetches, runs, barks at the cat and squirrels, all that good stuff.