HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: GET.LOW.CURS on July 02, 2011, 07:31:01 pm

Title: end of may hunt
Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on July 02, 2011, 07:31:01 pm
Well i loaded up the dogs at about 11 and headed out with two curs (pike and clyde) and one bulldog (vaya).  We got to the first dirt tank and turned the dogs loose and about 5 min later i heard clyde sound off followed closely by pike.  They were out about 800 and baying hard so me and the bulldog took off.  i got about 50 yards from them turned vaya loose and had a decent littlle sow caught.  i loaded her up and took off for another dirt tank about 20 min away where i'd been having some luck for the past couple weeks.  Turned the curs loose and it wasn't long before pike was chomping away at about 400.  I waited to see what clyde had to say and he let me know it was time so me and the bulldog took off again.  Got pretty close to where they were in a little scrub brush thicket and sent the bulldog.. I heard him hit so i started in and found him and pike had ahold of a pretty tusky little boar.. got him back to the truck checked the dogs(all was good) and decided that was enough fun for one night.. sow(clyde on left and pike on right)
little tusky fella
vaya standing guard

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: matt_aggie04 on July 02, 2011, 08:54:18 pm
Nice teeth on the boar!  What part of the state did he come from?  I assume south or west with the Rex dirt.

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: Gallo on July 02, 2011, 10:03:10 pm
Real nice boar, good hunt

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: Randy_P on July 02, 2011, 10:25:18 pm

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: curdogs3006 on July 03, 2011, 06:09:38 am
nice job, like the blk and tan for sure. good pics.

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on July 03, 2011, 09:26:23 am
Nice teeth on the boar!  What part of the state did he come from?  I assume south or west with the Rex dirt.

I'm up in the panhandle between silverton and clarendon... in the palo duro canyon area

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: derbettis on July 03, 2011, 10:31:06 am
good hunt

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: shankem on July 03, 2011, 10:35:52 am
Good lord, Pike grew up! Last summer he was about the size of a jackalope.
Mighty fine pack of dogs you got there; I'm betting nobody's getting that hog with Vaya on duty. ;D
Gooooood Teeeeeth!  I've been after one like that awhile and with tracking this bad, dad gum heat, and my buddies chasing split tail; guess I'll have to wait( at least til' it rains). rolleyes

Awesome Hunt! :)

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: slckhunter1978 on July 03, 2011, 02:01:36 pm
Dang nice blades on that hog  ;D That clyde sure is a good looking dog! im a brindle dog fan even tho i only have 2 right now but i love a good lookin brindle dog!

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on July 03, 2011, 09:50:35 pm
you just let me know when you're ready and we'll get after one of these little toothy guys down here

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: Logan-99 on July 04, 2011, 01:41:05 pm
and that my friends reminds me of why we use vests

Title: Re: end of may hunt
Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on July 04, 2011, 07:31:03 pm
i agree...but as you can see my curs dont have cut vests but i wont let a bulldog go without a vest.... i use to have some rough curs that i would have to vest up but through the years i've learned in my opinion they only get the others hurt so now i try to just run curs that will stop one and bay and maybe catch with the bulldog