HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: pig picker on January 27, 2009, 06:33:00 pm

Title: Last weeks hunt.
Post by: pig picker on January 27, 2009, 06:33:00 pm
So we let out bout hour before dark. We had bout 60 acres of swamp bottoms and 200 acres of 8 year old pines thicker than snot on a cold day. The dogs get on them pretty quick on the edge of the river that borders the pines, must have been a good size group. They bust and run into the pines and all the dogs in tow. They 1 by 1 single off onto different pigs (not good at all). For three hours these 5 dogs cannot seem to get together on one hog. They are running in circles and crossing each others paths. You can hear the pigs about 25 yards in front of the dogs running through the pines. Finally I catch two dogs and hold them one of our pups comes to about 75 on a loose bay and I let blacky and fifty go. They go straight to the pup and finally catch a 125 pd sow. We let it squeal of a bit to gather the other dogs and all came but one. Old Sue faithful on  her pig never stopped the pursuit an hour later we finally call her off. 
We have some big time runners were I live, they can get in the short pines and can stay ahead of the dogs with ease. The dogs noses are usually bleeding pretty bad from the briars and crap they are trying to push through to follow the hogs.
Good hunt and proud of the pup for hangin in ther for that long.
I have yet to figure out why my dogs would not honor each other , other than the fact that they were all HOT on their own pig.

Title: Re: Last weeks hunt.
Post by: pig snatcher on January 27, 2009, 07:17:31 pm
 I hate hunting little pines.  Those cat claw briars dont play.

Wouldnt expect a dog to leave a hot track to go to another dog.  ;) 

It can be agrivating when you want them on one but when you got two bays going at oce it sure is nice. O0

Title: Re: Last weeks hunt.
Post by: Mike on January 27, 2009, 07:31:28 pm
Those little pine thickets are a bad place to be... but the hogs always end up there. ;D

Title: Re: Last weeks hunt.
Post by: clint on January 27, 2009, 08:58:48 pm
thats about all we have here is pine plantation thickets.. and the can get way ahead of a dog in it