HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Black Gold on January 28, 2009, 08:55:54 pm

Title: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: Black Gold on January 28, 2009, 08:55:54 pm

A good first-aid kit and cell phone are a must.....it only takes a second for things to go bad wrong!!!!

Title: Re: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: Black Gold on January 28, 2009, 08:57:08 pm
Text of that article in-case it's removed:

Wild boar kills hunter near Potsdam
Published: 10 Oct 08 08:51 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.de/society/20081010-14803.html

A wounded wild boar has reportedly killed a German hunter for the first time in modern memory near Postdam.

A group of five hunters including a man identified as Jürgen C. were recently patrolling the fields outside of the village of Linthe in Brandenburg when they spotted a large boar, according to the Friday edition of the Bild newspaper.

“The wild boars eat the corn, that’s why we kill them,” said Jürgen’s buddy Ehrhard H. “Jürgen himself had shot the boar on its backside and the animal ran wounded back into the cornfield.”

The 72-year-old Jürgen sent his terrier Ben in after the burly pig and another hunter, Torsten P., soon followed. “We then heard a cry and Torsten came toward us with his leg slashed open,” Ehrhard said. “He was brought to the hospital in Potsdam.”

But old Jürgen – a hunter for over 45 years – refused to give up, according to the paper. “It was getting dark and we at first didn’t even notice Jürgen had gone into the field,” said Ehrhard. “Suddenly he called for help.”

The hunters found him on the ground bleeding heavily from the leg after the boar had slashed a main artery near the knee with its tusks. “I wrapped his wound but he passed out,” said Ehrhard. “It was terrible.”

Despite their efforts to revive him, Jürgen bled to death on the field. His hunting buddies manage to avenge him, however. Bild reported the wild boar now hangs in a nearby cooling room.

Title: Re: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: nosightsneeded on January 28, 2009, 09:00:53 pm
man hate to see that. no expects to go out and get hurt.  met a man that lost his leg in belton due to an infection from a bad cut.

Title: Re: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: dabutcher on January 28, 2009, 09:03:17 pm
man.....makes ya wonder.   i don't care for cornfields much.  call me a sissy but i like to be able to see what i'm dealin with.

Title: Re: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: jdt on January 28, 2009, 09:10:39 pm
yeah! and even if ya put 3 or 4 cornstalks together to climb they aint hardly stout enough to hold ya up!!!!

Title: Re: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: clint on January 29, 2009, 06:31:19 am
dang that must have been a bad hog,,, thats a horrible way to die  :(

Title: Re: We need to be careful and prepared
Post by: Marshall on January 29, 2009, 08:17:31 am
Everybody needs a pair of leather chaps! They have saved me from SEVERAL bad accidents. And the one time I didnt wear them I had to get 26 stitches up my leg from a 352 lb boar.