Title: Want to go on a hog hunt Post by: tomtom on July 19, 2011, 04:24:12 pm I have some guys from up north working here at the power plant in la grange. One of them is asking where he can go on a hog hunt. I told him I trap hogs, but don't hunt them. He is wanting to just camo up and shoot one, but is open to the idea of hunting with dogs. To give you an idea, he has never heard of "trapping" a hog. After he said that, I strongly recommended going with some dogs and a good handler. These guys hunt, just never seen a pig, so they are pumped up to see one. I use "they" because I'm sure one or two other guys will want to go. These guys build smoke stacks. They aren't sissies. They will only be in Texas for another 3 weeks or so, so if anyone wants to show these guys a hunt give me a call, text, or email me. tom cantwell 512-903-2686 tom.cantwell@lcra.org
Title: Re: Want to go on a hog hunt Post by: tomtom on July 20, 2011, 07:32:27 am Could anyone recommend a good day hunt outfit???