HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: swinegoddess on July 21, 2011, 12:47:34 pm

Title: GOT JADG???
Post by: swinegoddess on July 21, 2011, 12:47:34 pm
I just would like to see everyones Jagd Terriers!
We have two at home and the other day, someone asked about our male and if he was mixed because of his coloring!
All of our Jagd's are 100% purebred and I personally like the orange coloring on him
So show off your little piranas!

This is the Male Bandit

This is a puppy of Bandits :)

This is the mother of the puppy above along with one of our pitts (and no they do not both stay in that kennel, they just both went in there at the same time!)

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: clearcreek on July 21, 2011, 01:49:03 pm
A few of ours past and present.

Dietz, Axel, Penny, Heidi (These are the Jagds we currently have in our pack)

Axel--German Import

Dietz and Axel 02/11

Dietz (nice buck he recovered in 2007)

Dietz and daughter Izzy

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: clearcreek on July 21, 2011, 01:54:23 pm
Few more.

Dixie--deceased but dang sure worth mentioning!!


R to L-- Dixie (deceased), Izzy, Willy (deceased)

Lil girl (deceased)

Herman--sold to Creekmores in East texas

Title: Re: GOT JAGD???
Post by: clearcreek on July 21, 2011, 01:56:55 pm
Swinegoddess-- How are your two Jagds bred? Where did you get them? Do you use them on any other game?

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: swinegoddess on July 21, 2011, 02:47:28 pm
Very nice looking pack you got there!
Sorry to hear about your Dixie, she looks like a real tough cookie  :)

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 21, 2011, 02:47:37 pm
This is Hilde:


And another:


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 21, 2011, 02:49:32 pm
Mina as a pup:


And another:


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: swinegoddess on July 21, 2011, 02:50:22 pm
Clearcreek. We got both our jagds from cooldog kennel owned by david mangrum. Lots of jammed up dogs there. Their bloodline is dixielane. We havent really tried anything besides hogs, although our yard is free of rats and squirrels thanks to them!

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 21, 2011, 02:51:21 pm
The two of them with the consequences of their stupidity:


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: swinegoddess on July 21, 2011, 02:54:10 pm
AWE. Poor pups!! I hope they are ok now?? And Mina is darn cute! We have a litter now, I cant wait for them to be able to be moved outside and of course to start baying, they are driving me crazy with their howling in the house!

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 21, 2011, 03:05:15 pm
They were completely fine. Sore for a few days after but fine. Mina was/is a cutie pie but she has the worst attitude and lack of judgement. Typical teenaged girl.


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: clearcreek on July 21, 2011, 03:21:07 pm
Sean-- Those are two really nice Jagds. Especially like the first pic of Hilde, really well put together. I can think of several times that the Jagds drive/stupidity have got them in some pretty tight spots, but WOW!! thank god we don't have to deal with porcupines here.

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 21, 2011, 03:33:30 pm
Yeah I am glad that I'm moving back to Texas at the end of this month. The hunting laws up here are crazy. This state caters to white tail hunters like crazy. Thanks for the compliments. I love my terriers but they can be a handful. There's been nothing in season up here for months so they are going batty.


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: treeingratterrier on July 21, 2011, 03:38:57 pm
Dont have jads but got a question about them.  I see a few jags hunting hogs on here but i have never seen a large pack, like at least 6 or more dedicated to hunting hogs with no curs pits danes etc etc, why is that???  When you go hunting with them how do you hunt them???  Do you put them down in front of a truck or atv and road them thru the woods or how do you hunt them??  If you were roading them in front of you for example how do they strike when they cross a hot hog track??  Do they bark or yip instantly and continue barking or yiping on track until they are baying the game or how to they actually strike, trail, bay, catch etc etc??   I am very curious as i have terriers but no idea if jags hunt like them or if they have more trailing ability than the terriers i have down here.  Good looking dogs for sure, do you ever go squirrel hunting with them during the day and then go hog hunting at night with them or are they straight hog dogs???  Do you think if you had a large pack of 10 to 15 jags they would bay up hogs and not catch or would if just be catch city and mayhelm?????   I really like the wire hired one and the red one you had pictures of.  Do you have or know or any videos of jags working and barking at hogs or coons or squirrels with lots of action and dog talk??  I am very curious on what kind of mouths they have on game.  Pretty cool lil dogs for sure tons of game in them too!!!

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: Muddogkennels on July 21, 2011, 04:37:44 pm
Jagds are like hounds they try to wind but when they hit a hot tract they yelp only 1 our 2 time like they get excited to smell hot tracts then they put there nose down like a hound in work so hard to find it they role out our piss a deer its find it there's no looking back at all thay drive there self crazy to find in they strike with no fear there not afrair of anything they stike with the hog like there trying to kill them ! If there's a sow around the shoaks are dead when u get there it ! They can catch a 100 pound pig with just 1jagds

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: leifbarnes on July 21, 2011, 04:54:25 pm
Search for "Bump" under the usernames.  He runs a pack of only jagds.

Dont have jads but got a question about them.  I see a few jags hunting hogs on here but i have never seen a large pack, like at least 6 or more dedicated to hunting hogs with no curs pits danes etc etc, why is that???  When you go hunting with them how do you hunt them???  Do you put them down in front of a truck or atv and road them thru the woods or how do you hunt them??  If you were roading them in front of you for example how do they strike when they cross a hot hog track??  Do they bark or yip instantly and continue barking or yiping on track until they are baying the game or how to they actually strike, trail, bay, catch etc etc??   I am very curious as i have terriers but no idea if jags hunt like them or if they have more trailing ability than the terriers i have down here.  Good looking dogs for sure, do you ever go squirrel hunting with them during the day and then go hog hunting at night with them or are they straight hog dogs???  Do you think if you had a large pack of 10 to 15 jags they would bay up hogs and not catch or would if just be catch city and mayhelm?????   I really like the wire hired one and the red one you had pictures of.  Do you have or know or any videos of jags working and barking at hogs or coons or squirrels with lots of action and dog talk??  I am very curious on what kind of mouths they have on game.  Pretty cool lil dogs for sure tons of game in them too!!!

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: clearcreek on July 21, 2011, 04:54:48 pm
We don't hunt ours exclusively on hogs. We road, walk hunt, or hunt horseback. Never had luck teaching one to rig, they like to be moving constantly. Not as cold nosed as a hound, but has intense drive to make up for it. The Jagdterrier in general has been bred for generations to engage, so naturally they should not be like a loose cur type, they are right in face caught out, or trying to fight anything no matter the size. They are more of a nose to ground type, but will wind hunt on something real hot. Not open when working a track but will squeel and make the god awfulest noises imaginable on a real hot chase. Have not had any luck getting any of ours to bark on tree, they will tree game, but nothing to alert you they are treed.

If hunting only Jagds on a hog hunt, 3 or 4 will do for us. Too many and you may have a big mess of hurt dogs in a very short time. The more there are, the dumber they get.  When hunting with curs, 2 usually at the most. I have heard of guys in the mountains using big packs on bear with great success though.

We use ours for anything and everything. Hogs, bloodtracking, varmints, even have one that retrieves like crazy. They are just really cool little dudes to have around and extremely versatile. May not be the best at one thing, but dang sure handy to have around when you need them. Especially if you have a feral cat problem!! :)

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: clearcreek on July 21, 2011, 04:57:53 pm
Here is a couple short videos on hogs.  This hog was caught using only these four Jagds. No catch dog.



I have a video somewhere with a boar swimming the red river, cur dogs swimming along, Jagd riding on the boars head across, really funny. I'll try to track it down.

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: uglydog on July 21, 2011, 06:15:19 pm
Awww Machine you left Curly Tex out? He is yours too. You are going to hurt his feeling!

SwineGoddess, if you just want to see pics of others Jagds, go this link, some of these people don't get on here everyday.

One Eyed Rollee in background

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 21, 2011, 07:09:19 pm
I don't have any good pics of Tex. I don't own a camera up here. Don't worry about his feelings getting hurt. He gets treated like a king... biggest dang lapdog out of all of them.


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: Muddogkennels on July 21, 2011, 07:54:41 pm
Here are our jagds at uncle earls this year in the old and young divison. The placed 7th out of about 76 other dogs.
And this is my jagd after he caught this hog with our plott pup

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: Bump on July 21, 2011, 11:55:55 pm
Here is my baby...he is spoiled kinda. He likes ice cream better than hogs   ;D

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 22, 2011, 09:25:58 am
How about hog flavored ice cream?

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: Bump on July 22, 2011, 07:58:59 pm
The two of them with the consequences of their stupidity:


Like looks if them

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: machine73 on July 24, 2011, 09:12:59 am
Thank you sir. They were very proud of their facial piercings. I, however, was not so thrilled. I'm partial to the ugly hairy little devils like yours. I gottas put up a pic of Tex (got him from Uglydogs). In the Winter his fro looks like he belongs in a 70s Blackploitation film.


Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: Centexhogdogger on July 24, 2011, 10:00:02 am
 Yea i been trying to find a jagd for like 2 years.
i want a bigger jagd
prefer slick hair. but nobody ever has any
ill post some of my jagd one day  :)

Title: Re: GOT JADG???
Post by: Bump on July 24, 2011, 10:07:38 pm

Thank you sir. They were very proud of their facial piercings. I, however, was not so thrilled. I'm partial to the ugly hairy little devils like yours. I gottas put up a pic of Tex (got him from Uglydogs). In the Winter his fro looks like he belongs in a 70s Blackploitation film.


I know Tex....I picked him up when Reasoner bought the kennel out...where he came from.