Title: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: C4Kennels on July 23, 2011, 03:23:51 pm My name is Wes Clemens and I live in South Florida. I saw my kennel name posted on here a couple of days
ago and that caught my attention. I like the other things that I have seen. It seems to be a good group of hog hunters vs the scammers that I deal with in Florida. Not saying all us Florida boys are bad, yall know what I mean. I do have a website that I welcome everyone to visit C4KENNELS.com, feel free to register and post some of your hog hunting pictures. Thanks Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: noelle on July 24, 2011, 02:12:55 pm I see u made it on wes... Like the web site I'll b talkin to u soon
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: toyotatodd on July 24, 2011, 02:58:28 pm Nice to see another Florida guy on here. Im up in brevard county. This site is pretty addicting lol.
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: dub on July 24, 2011, 03:32:45 pm Stay of off of this site or your wife will be fussing at you too ;D Welcome
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: cward on July 24, 2011, 07:40:25 pm I've been down and hunted with several of the Florida guys on the site and all talks hogs are midgit hogs nothing like the Texas hogzillas. Jk lol some good guy's down there. welcome to the board.
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: C4Kennels on July 24, 2011, 07:57:08 pm I have deer hunted in Texas and yes they are bigger than our Florida deer, but I have never
hog hunted other than in Florida and Georgia. Yall seem to have your share of big ones. I know what you mean about the wife, she does get onto me already. Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: tnhillbilly on July 24, 2011, 11:46:02 pm Welcome aboard, glad to have ye. But we are nosey, and require that you post pics and info about what kinda of dogs you run. ;D
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: noelle on July 25, 2011, 12:41:00 am Hey tom wes is the feller I got my bird dogs from out in Florida... The ones your pups came out of... Real good guy
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: tnhillbilly on July 25, 2011, 01:22:01 am Thats what I was thinkin but wasn't sure. Couldn't ask for any better actin pups.
Hey Wes, do you know a feller named Jason Martin ? I think he is a little further north. Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: ric.o on July 25, 2011, 04:16:16 am Hi wes, just remember there is good and bad everywhere. There is just as many dog pettling clowns here as anywhere. But I think you will do just fine..welcome.
Title: Re: New to the site, just wanted to say hello to my fellow hog hunters. Post by: wilton on July 25, 2011, 07:47:27 am Welcome, i think you'll find us Texans a bunch of friendly good ole' boys, and grizzly ole' timers like myself.