Title: Pound Puppies. Post by: mod93dirt on July 24, 2011, 12:29:40 am Has anyone here ever had any luck getting a dog from the pound or rescue and getting it to turn on to hogs. Reason I am asking is one of my wives friends owns a local rescue here, and she just got a momma Pit with a litter of 1/2pit, 1/2 weimereinar pups. The pups look like a pit pup, but with floppy ears and blue eyes. I am new to hog dogs but in my mind this seems like it could make a heck of a RCD. Just wondering about the odds of pups without a hunting background turning out.
Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: Reuben on July 24, 2011, 12:35:21 am I would take 2 or 3 and train them and maybe 2 will make hog dogs...
Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: Purebreedcolt on July 24, 2011, 03:13:39 am My pit cd is a pound pit and a decent dog
Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: catchrcall on July 24, 2011, 05:45:07 am The first, and so far best, catch dog I've had was found running in a road ditch. I got a pit gyp out of the pound for one of my buddies and she's worked out good as a catch dog. Had somebody call me with a four year old pit they didn't want any more and ask if I wanted him. I found him a place with another hunter and he's worked out fine. Last but not least one of my buddies found a pit running loose on Fort Hood. Gave him to another hunter and last I heard he's catching hogs down by Conroe.
Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: dan on July 24, 2011, 08:06:04 am I used to get dogs from a local animal control guy. He understood the dogs at least had a better chance with me than at the pound. When he moved away, I quit checking. The animal rights wackos would rather kill dogs than give them a job.
If your wifes friend and you both understand that most won't make dogs, the arrangement will work fine. As for getting dogs with no knowledge of the background, stay away from pups. Look for older males of the bull, pit, herding, and bird types. They are headed for the green mile in less than a week at most "shelters". As a side note 1 in 20 will make hog dogs. If you can't deal with those numbers go ahead and pay the money for "proven hog dog lines". Your cull percentage might be a little less. Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: Miller Lite on July 24, 2011, 08:09:40 am i gotta buddy who takes 25 bucks with him no more an he hits up every pond around lookin for a dog lol i've seen some good lookin bulldogs in the pound a time or two
Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: dan on July 24, 2011, 09:06:31 am 25 bucks? Around here the wackos have taken over and the process to get a dog is unreasonable. It's an actual contract, similar to fostering a human child! I haven't been there in years.
Title: Re: Pound Puppies. Post by: ChaseG on July 24, 2011, 09:42:05 am We used to get dogs from the pound all thetime. Not just bulldogs either. Had some pretty good bay dogs come from there too. There is two pounds close buy that let us come in and check them out. They have always let us take them for free the deal is we can't bring em back. But we've had pretty decent luck gettin them. I haven't done it in a while tho