Title: Rattlesnake Vaccine Post by: crackerc on July 25, 2011, 09:48:38 pm I saw a post a couple days ago about the vaccine. I received a Jeffers Livetsock Supply magazine in the mail yesterday and they are now selling the vaccine. Says its $257.60for (25) individual doses. The vaccine is for western diamondbacks. Don't know if the vaccine is any good or not, but thought I would let you guys that are interested in it, know where you can get it.
Title: Re: Rattlesnake Vaccine Post by: TimmsHogDogs on July 25, 2011, 11:50:35 pm Thanks for the info
Title: Re: Rattlesnake Vaccine Post by: ric.o on July 26, 2011, 01:40:47 am try deximethadone. itsa alot cheaper than anti venom and works on different snakes. cotton mouths and copperheads are one thing rattle snakes are a whole other. I had a bulldog struck by a eastern diamond back in the head. his head swole to the point of his hair falling out around the bite. I pd for 3 antivenoms. to no avail. the dog lived but was never the same. had tosend him to the farmer in atmore to live.