HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: mod93dirt on July 27, 2011, 11:25:36 pm

Title: Dirt track racing
Post by: mod93dirt on July 27, 2011, 11:25:36 pm
Just wondering if any of ya'll out there are into some dirt track racing. Racing pretty much consumed my life from age 20-30. But the cost of the class I was racing just got ridiculous. The last year I raced, I spent $10,000 on a motor, and still didnt have enough HP to keep up. Plus having a wife and kid kind of made me put my priorities in line, so I had to give it up. Having quit racing I have re-found my love of the outdoors, first with deer hunting, and now hog hunting, and couldn't be happier. I am from Oklahoma, but have traveled to some of the big shows they have in Greenville and Kennendale. The only thing I miss about the racing is the driving. Sure don't miss working on the car 6 nights a week, or spending all the money just to have it get tore up the next week. I still enjoy going to watch the weekly shows, but couldn't imagine wasting the amount of money that I did on racing again.  Just curious if any of ya'll are into this.

Here is a pic of me in the last race car I had back in 2007.

Title: Re: Dirt track racing
Post by: catchrcall on July 28, 2011, 06:32:37 am
My family and I go to watch the dirt track racing quite a bit.  We like the local track in Killeen.  It's always been something that we like and we can be pretty sure that when we go there the people around us will be pretty well behaved.  I mean no outrageous cussing, and folks mind their manners so that you ain't constantly having to explain to a six year old that "some people might do that but we don't". :D