Title: Poison Ivy Post by: Logan-99 on July 30, 2011, 03:12:00 pm It seems like i cant ever get out of it i get it atleast once or twice every couple months and i just wait it out and let it get over itself, but now im starting to change my mind if any of yall have any remedies or tricks on how to kill poison ivy quick i'd sure like to know. Ive gotten the shots and the antibiotics before but it takes a week to heal, thanks
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: OutlawHogDoggers69 on July 30, 2011, 03:47:20 pm Just be a man and stick it out... ;D
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: chainrated on July 30, 2011, 04:02:35 pm Get some gritty soap and scrub it till it quits itching and it starts to hurt. If it starts itching again do it again. Scrub it until any blisters are opened up .. I have also used fine sandpaper to do it... The main thing is the itching will stop and it will heal twice as fast.. The sell some stuff called Zanfel but it's about 30 bucks for a small tube. It will work but the gritty hand soap or sandpaper will do the exact same thing..
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Logan-99 on July 30, 2011, 04:17:59 pm Just be a man and stick it out... ;D Trying to! buts its driving me nuts! Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: brad s on July 30, 2011, 04:40:12 pm Have u tried bleach? I had it long time ago and it worked but it burns like crazy but I would rather it burn than itch. I would dilute it first an see it that works
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: BIG BEN on July 30, 2011, 05:04:40 pm Have u tried bleach? I had it long time ago and it worked but it burns like crazy but I would rather it burn than itch. I would dilute it first an see it that works Dont do the straight bleach, its a fast way to a chemical burn and thatsucks more than any rash. Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: leonidas on July 30, 2011, 05:25:55 pm Have u tried bleach? I had it long time ago and it worked but it burns like crazy but I would rather it burn than itch. I would dilute it first an see it that works X2 but id delute it to. Chemical burn is just as bad. Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Reuben on July 30, 2011, 07:18:57 pm I read up some on poison ivy and part of the problem is that the oil is hard to wash off with soap and water. I used benydryl pills to heal from the inside and benadryl cream for the outside.
They also have creams at the pharmacy at walmart for poison ivy. For the poison ivy on your skin you need to use something that cuts and desolves oil like a degreaser or charcoal lighter fluid or finger nail polish remover. Just rub if off with a paper towel and the polish remover... Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: firemedic on July 30, 2011, 10:06:04 pm I seriously doubt that there's another human being that's as bothered by the stuff as me....it's tormented me my entire life. If you want to enjoy the outdoors during summer I offer you this advice....learn to recognize it and STAY OUT OF IT. I know that it's hard to do when you're hunting with dogs because they get covered up with it, however you can dodge it if you wash your hands frequently while you're hunting, carry some hand wipes in your shirt in a zip lock bagand use them, especially after handling the dogs. Wear a long sleeve shirt if you can stand it, and above all else......shower as soon as you get home and get the dogs put up....I can't stess that point strongly enough. Wash with soap and use run the shower heavy too. I've done this for years and it's been many years since I've had a good case of it so I know this works. Plus,......don't handle your dogs the next day or anytime for awhile, if you have to, be sure to go wash with soap and water first thing after you touch one of the dogs that has it on them. Prevention is the key here. The oil from this stuff is potent even when diluted down to a few parts per million. As for a remedy....I've tried everything from horse lenament to bleach to aftershave....tried 'em all, the best thing I ever found was lemon juice......just get a bottle of the stuff at the store and rub it on....it's a natural astringent and will help with the itch too......this is the only way I can get out in the woods during summer without being at the Doc's office in about a week......hope this helps you out.
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: leonidas on July 30, 2011, 10:07:20 pm I haven't used it but dawn is a good way to dessolve the oil.
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: jdt on July 30, 2011, 11:59:35 pm i'm not allergic to it , but i've been told that if you drink milk from a cow or goat that has been eating it you will get an immunity . after your a hole quits itching of course . idk i'm allergic to milk and not poison oak , ivy or sumac .
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: BigCutters4 on July 31, 2011, 02:01:10 am this is gonna sound crazy but i live in south la when i get the ivy i go swim in the bayou and scratch the stuff in a few days it is starting to heal i think it has something to do with the salt water or( bp oil spill lol jj )
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Critter Catcher on July 31, 2011, 03:47:05 am I use campho, this oil in the small green bottle..like brakes down like, poison ivy and sumac are hydrophobic and have to be diluted by a oil base solution. I take a good bath, try not to scratch, get out and put the campho on the infected area with a swab. Repeat as needed, mine clears up in just a couple days...Ivy doesn't bother me but the dam sumac tears me up, I avoid it if possible. good luck
Now who knows how to keep these f'n ticks off of ya, OFF ain't working.... Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Muddogkennels on July 31, 2011, 08:41:59 am I have to wear 2 long sleeve shirts an 2 pairs of pants and a pair of rubber boots and glove any time I get In the woods! I tried somthing new this time! Its works but it burns u! I buy the freeze off for warts and as soon as I see a bubbles. I freeze it just keep it on for about 5 second. Don't do it to much it leaves scars just stops it from spreading ! It may burn and itch so allittle just run cold water on its for the first day here in there! Last time I had it I like to kill my self that's no lie I will post some pic of how bad it got!
I couldnt get rid of this batch, I think it could have been both poison ivy and poison oak! (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/Photo0272.jpg) (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/Photo0273.jpg) Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Rowdy on July 31, 2011, 09:07:48 am I use straight bleach and it doesn't burn at all just dries it up in twice the time as anything else does
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Caddo co. hog dog on July 31, 2011, 04:07:50 pm I used to get it really bad when I was younger. I always did the bleach thing but don't know if it really worked or not. I found some athletes foot spray in my brothers bathroom and sprayed it on my ivy. Seriously within the hour it was gone. Not sure of the brand but I do know it was the great value of sprays.. Also a few weeks ago we was handfishing and I got a big ol patch on my forearm and itches like crazy. I sprayed deodorant on it and never had it itch again. I think the rash was thr for a few days but never itched.
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: de_moon on July 31, 2011, 04:53:34 pm I seriously doubt that there's another human being that's as bothered by the stuff as me....it's tormented me my entire life. If you want to enjoy the outdoors during summer I offer you this advice....learn to recognize it and STAY OUT OF IT. I know that it's hard to do when you're hunting with dogs because they get covered up with it, however you can dodge it if you wash your hands frequently while you're hunting, carry some hand wipes in your shirt in a zip lock bagand use them, especially after handling the dogs. Wear a long sleeve shirt if you can stand it, and above all else......shower as soon as you get home and get the dogs put up....I can't stess that point strongly enough. Wash with soap and use run the shower heavy too. I've done this for years and it's been many years since I've had a good case of it so I know this works. Plus,......don't handle your dogs the next day or anytime for awhile, if you have to, be sure to go wash with soap and water first thing after you touch one of the dogs that has it on them. Prevention is the key here. The oil from this stuff is potent even when diluted down to a few parts per million. As for a remedy....I've tried everything from horse lenament to bleach to aftershave....tried 'em all, the best thing I ever found was lemon juice......just get a bottle of the stuff at the store and rub it on....it's a natural astringent and will help with the itch too......this is the only way I can get out in the woods during summer without being at the Doc's office in about a week......hope this helps you out. That is well put. Stay out of it as best as you can and shower thoroughly as soon as you get home and get dogs put up. Throw your clothes straight into the washing machine BEFORE you shower. If you shower all the oil off and then touch your clothes or your dogs then you are just re-contaminating yourself. Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: buddybegone on July 31, 2011, 06:58:51 pm there is some stuff called ivy wash that we used at the lcra when you think you been exposed just wash with it and it seems to of worked good for those that it bothered me i can pull it and rub it and dont get it lcra is in austin tx call their safety or the maintenance shop at la grange they can give you the correct name
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Jgreer on July 31, 2011, 09:33:55 pm Yea I get it bad myself and I have used Tht zanfel and I got the bad end of that deal turns out I was allergic to the zanfel so im down $30and it just got worse. Got so bad my eye swoll shut for two days I hadto get pills from the dr to get rid of it
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: skulker on July 31, 2011, 09:57:36 pm I used to be alergit to it got it from the pollen in the air started some poision oak extract shots after a few years no problem, they don't make the shots no more but I read about a place that sells an oral extract you can use, never used it but a freind did and said it worked, might be worth a try, dont know the site but search the internet you might find it poision oak or ivy extract
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: SwampHunter on July 31, 2011, 10:29:05 pm i used to get it all the time , but i got a shot from care now one time i had it real bad on my face , an didnt get it as bad after that , an now i wash with nutregena acne face wash its orange it takes the oil off your skin i use it as soon as i get home from hunting all on my arms an my face an it seems to keep me from getting it , i used to get it every other week it seemed
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: firemedic on August 01, 2011, 09:02:16 am Another thing about it that I haven't seen mentioned on here is the seconday infection that you can get from scratching it, and I don't know about all of you, but I don't have enough self-control to not scratch the stuff, it's gonna happen. There's most always some nasty stuff under your fingernails and this leads to a serious infection if you scratch it when it's blistered.
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: jimco on August 01, 2011, 06:56:50 pm When I was young I would get it often, real bad. I had an old cajun aunt that picked some of the berries and had me eat one berry a day for nine days straight. Since then (45 yrs. ago) I can roll around in it and it doesn't bother me at all. I've recommended this to all my friends and they all think I'm crazy.
Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: paul.m on August 02, 2011, 09:45:53 pm I guess some of us are just lucky. I can swim
in that stuff and wont get but maybe a red spot on my arm for 1 day or so! I took a buddy from work one night and he swelled up like a garbage pail kid!! I told him I pissed on my poison ivy so he did but didn't work ;) ;D :o :P >:D !!He was Pissed ( LITERALLY) (hahaha) !! True story!!! Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Logan-99 on August 03, 2011, 08:52:15 am haha well my poison ivy is starting to finally go away! it doesnt itch and ill tell you what i did.
1. get a tack or a needle and poke every single bubble until it pops 2. get Q-tips or cotton balls and soak up all the puss 3. jump in a HOT SHOWER like extremely hot and rinse out the blisters for about 5 min. 4. when you get out of the shower spray it with deodarent or anything you have that dries when you spray this will help with drying out the blisters. 5. do that for two days and its gone! :o ;D :laugh: Title: Re: Poison Ivy Post by: Muddogkennels on August 03, 2011, 09:13:31 am Any kind of heat is not good for the poison ivy it will spread like a fire in stay in side an try not to sweat it will spread!