HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: slimhogdog on August 11, 2011, 02:39:57 pm

Title: Mosquito Repellant Systems
Post by: slimhogdog on August 11, 2011, 02:39:57 pm
Any of ya'll have anything set up to repel mosquitos from around ya'll kennels? My brother just bought some land that backs up to a swamp, his kennels are in on the edge of the woods and the mosquitos are pretty thick......just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. This is one i found...


Title: Re: Mosquito Repellant Systems
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 11, 2011, 03:30:48 pm
Yes sir, mosquito control systems is my 9-5 ;D in all honesty the propane systems are an easier initial investment but for a few hundred dollars more, you can't possibly beat a misting system. Not only will they control mosquitoes but fleas, ticks, gnats, mites roaches and countless other harmful pests. The kennel systems that install are truly set and forget. You can buy the chemical online or at the feed store and do all the maintenance yourself if you're looking to save money.

The chemicals are safe to use around dogs and the company I work for has systems at some of the largest pet resorts, boarding facilities and veterinary dog runs in the Houston metro area. Im not a salesman just a refill dude, but i firmly believe in their merit. Anybody wants to inquire  as to the details including cost feel free to contact me

Title: Re: Mosquito Repellant Systems
Post by: charles on August 13, 2011, 03:59:00 am
Hey t bob can u post the type, brand n modle number n ballpark price of the mister system you are refering to? I dont hav an issue with skeeter, fleas, ticks n so on, but i dont want it to become an issue at a later time. I would rather have a preventive solution in place n up n goin so i dont have a problem later.

Title: Re: Mosquito Repellant Systems
Post by: GOODEN on August 13, 2011, 04:16:07 pm
Hey I have a system on my house, what's the website I can order the refill chemical or parts from? Thanks.

Title: Re: Mosquito Repellant Systems
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 13, 2011, 05:07:56 pm
www.houstonmosquitosystems.com find contact then give them my name. Terry Parker.

As far as pricing, it sounds cliche but I really need to know what problems you have, size of kennels and type of landscape surrounding dogs. These factors hugely affect the price of any system. As a base line I can tell you that for the standard digital pesticide system with up to 15 nozzles and all the tubing, clips, hardware and manuals even installation in some cases can come in under $1100.

This aint the classified section so in order to comply with forum rules please pm, email or call me for any further questions. I aint a salesman, just a tech, but I can answer almost anyquestion you can come up with.