HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: treeingratterrier on August 13, 2011, 10:52:17 am

Title: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: treeingratterrier on August 13, 2011, 10:52:17 am
I have white 55 gallon plastic barrels that I cut in 1/2 with a sawall and need to try to keep the alage growth down so i dont have to pressure wash them so often and of course the dog need clean clear water  What kind i add to the water and how much so it does not hurt the dog but will keep the alage growth uder control??  These are now 25 gallon water buckets now  I was figuring on adding some kind of clorax bleach to them but dont know how much per 25 gallon bucket??  Is there anything one can buy like pool supply stuff for this that wont kill anything??  Thanks in advance,  been spraying all of the 5 gallon water buckets and the 25 gallon barrels out with the 3000psi presure washer since 8 till now, just burned a hole in dang 3000psi hose darn it dang crutches make it hard to go back and forth to check the hose and i guess it got on the muffler while i was dragging it instead of moving the sprayer

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: got2catchem on August 13, 2011, 11:07:21 am
Emergency Water Purification Calculator


Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 13, 2011, 01:28:07 pm
Black barrels would almost stop your problem my black barrels dont grow hardly near the gunk that the white ones do

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: machine73 on August 13, 2011, 02:39:22 pm
If what you have is a slimey stinky growth you have blue-green algae. Not really an algae, it's a type of bacteria called cyanobacteria. If its tough and green and adheres to the plastic very well you have normal algae. There is nothing harmful with regular algae. It just looks bad. If anything, regular green algae is filtering the bad crap out of the water. Green algae is used in sewage treatment all over the world. Not worth the trouble or expense trying to get rid of it. Blue green algae on the other hand can put off a toxic compound when it's running rampant, but that is rare. The only way to kill off blue-green algae is with an antibiotic and thats probably not worth the expense. All algaes grow as a result of too much nutrients in the water or too much light. Putting water containers in the shade and draining out dirty water keeps it down.

Title: Re: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: boone823 on August 13, 2011, 02:47:54 pm
I put a chlorine tablet in for 24 hours. Then drain and remove tablet.  Replace with fresh water. Will make huge difference for a few weeks.

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Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: DubbleRDawgs on August 13, 2011, 03:01:23 pm
 i use a cap full off a gallon of beach bottle to every 5 gallon bucket  i use 3 capful to the kiidy pools that are in the kennels  it works well ..as t bob said the black buckets dont get it as the white and blue does

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: Reuben on August 13, 2011, 03:32:15 pm
Black barrels would almost stop your problem my black barrels dont grow hardly near the gunk that the white ones do

x2...We have a 55 gallon black barrel with the self watering tip for the bay pen. Water does not get algae in it.

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: dub on August 13, 2011, 04:15:27 pm
Black and in the shade. I had no algae until they ate the tarp. The sun will make it grow. Chlorine helps too in small amounts. Don't poison your dogs.

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: slimpickins on August 13, 2011, 06:23:36 pm
I'm with DoubleR, my white 1/2 barrels get 2 cap fulls off of a gallon jug.

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: treeingratterrier on August 13, 2011, 07:34:20 pm
Thanks all, i put 3 caps fulls in there after the 3000psi cleaning, wish i had black barrels but i got white alas

Title: Re: Alage growth killer for 1/2 55 gallon white dog water buckets?
Post by: halfbreed on August 13, 2011, 10:40:38 pm
you can also go to the feed store and get a product to put in the barrel to keep algea in check and if i'm not mistakin iy ain't nothin but corn meal in a little burlap bag