Title: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 13, 2011, 04:34:02 pm I was wondering if there are hogs on the island or somewhere close? stupid question but i was just wondering...im wanting to move here but i dont want to stop hog doggin or move and not ever be able to run my dogs...is anybody running around here??
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 13, 2011, 04:53:50 pm There are only a few hogs loose on the island itself on the west end on a secret location but they aint exactly huntable, or going wild. There are hogs in Galveston county but you'll be EXTREMELY hard pressed to hunt them without outlawing it. Brazoria county is ate up full of hogs but there's almost as many hog hunters. Most folks I know around here are really cliquish and that includes the landowners. There are several guys on this board who I have a professional respect for and even joke around with but will more than likely never hunt with. Its not that we're mean or anything, just not enough land for everybody who wants too.
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: SCHitemHard on August 13, 2011, 05:21:40 pm i got some family in galveston that hunt but they said the hogs are gone for now, they have had a dry run for a good while now
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 13, 2011, 06:06:13 pm dang..i want to move but have a good place to run :(
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on August 14, 2011, 12:57:44 am Just across the cause way on I45. You have some really good hunting in the santa fe and alvin areas. I work down there during the week and have came up on several large sounders in these areas. If im not mistaken there are few board members from these areas. Its bout 15 min from island. Don't think it'd even worth trying to turn dog loose on the island unless he is riding a surf board. Way to many folks. ;)
Good luck. Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: tmatt on August 14, 2011, 01:09:39 am Where do you run your dogs at now?
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 14, 2011, 05:07:36 pm around where i live now. we have some spots close then others a few towns over. why?
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Legendkiller on August 14, 2011, 05:15:29 pm and wev got my big place in normangee,its about 2000 acres.loaded witg pigs.but we stop runin dogs there in august to let the deer settle down.
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 14, 2011, 05:39:13 pm What brings ya down to the Galveston area? Lotsa jobs down here.
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: treeingratterrier on August 14, 2011, 06:29:02 pm Just across the cause way on I45. You have some really good hunting in the santa fe and alvin areas. I work down there during the week and have came up on several large sounders in these areas. If im not mistaken there are few board members from these areas. Its bout 15 min from island. Don't think it'd even worth trying to turn dog loose on the island unless he is riding a surf board. Way to many folks. ;) Used to be a guy named Don Jolly right off i45 at sant fe that had a lot of yellow black mouth curs he sold hunted on hogs and cattle, i think he got sick or something, this would have been in 1985, anybody remeber him??? We bought some dogs from him and them went down to LaWard Texas and bought some blackmouth curs from a guy there i cant remeber his name anymore, then on the way back we bought 2 yellow dogs from V K Sowell at Austwell?refugio and came home, this was after we went hood hunting around Angleton west columbia with Lavon Davis and i think a guy names Sizemore??? Anybody recongize these guys, I dont even know if they are alive to tell the truth, anint heard of Lavon in a while come to think of it, is he sick or something??? These guys were all 10 to 15 years older to me and i have been fitted for a casket several times lately!!!lolGood luck. Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 14, 2011, 08:50:39 pm What brings ya down to the Galveston area? Lotsa jobs down here. well i love the beach so we went on a little vacation. just came down for 4 days. i was just wondering about the hog population since ive always wanted to move closer to the beach.Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 14, 2011, 09:06:15 pm Cool, the economy sucks everywhere now, but honestly there are some decent jobs to be had in and around Galveston. The coolest thing about the island is if you have any degree of spunk you can scratch out a living there. My bro-in-law is a preacher but also guides tours, works in gift shops, does maintenance for hotels and beach houses, powerwashes homes etc.... The island has a real small town feel once you make some friends but hog hunting is at minimum a 30 min drive and more often than not way farther than that. Good luck.
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: tmatt on August 14, 2011, 10:21:34 pm I was just wondering. It is hard to find places to run dogs over where I am at. There are a ton of pigs just not many folks want you to hunt them.
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Muddogkennels on August 14, 2011, 10:26:43 pm I work on pelican island in galveston there's spots that are full of pigs heard of 30 they group up now because of the coyotes but last week we had a heard of 10 run in are ship yard there's a honey holes that holds them every night. Its the only fresh water hole ! I live in alvin there's lots of hogs around here but there briar brush is the thickest stuff I have hunted in that's why I hunt jagds they follow the pig though the brush !
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 14, 2011, 11:54:57 pm I work on pelican island in galveston there's spots that are full of pigs heard of 30 they group up now because of the coyotes but last week we had a heard of 10 run in are ship yard there's a honey holes that holds them every night. Its the only fresh water hole ! I live in alvin there's lots of hogs around here but there briar brush is the thickest stuff I have hunted in that's why I hunt jagds they follow the pig though the brush ! i was just on pelican island...seemed there would be pigs there. i thought there would be lolTitle: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Muddogkennels on August 15, 2011, 12:28:57 pm Ya I got the honey hole baited 1 a week. they have big cutters ! All the ponds are dry but 1 is not in that's the hot spot a night!
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: NechesBobcat on August 16, 2011, 04:50:51 am You could probly find a place around bolivar peninsula or high island or anahuac. Lots of hogs in that area but it's a whole different kind of hunting. There's tons of hogs on McFaddin Beach.
Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: txhogsanddogs on August 16, 2011, 09:39:54 am I was just wondering. It is hard to find places to run dogs over where I am at. There are a ton of pigs just not many folks want you to hunt them. Except for me, right Tmatt? Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 16, 2011, 10:05:18 am You could probly find a place around bolivar peninsula or high island or anahuac. Lots of hogs in that area but it's a whole different kind of hunting. There's tons of hogs on McFaddin Beach. You aint joking!! One summer day in high school curiosity got the better of me and my friends so we went to McFadden but those were the bad old days. Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 17, 2011, 04:30:16 pm You could probly find a place around bolivar peninsula or high island or anahuac. Lots of hogs in that area but it's a whole different kind of hunting. There's tons of hogs on McFaddin Beach. whole different kind of hunting? what do you mean?? Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 17, 2011, 04:46:20 pm You could probly find a place around bolivar peninsula or high island or anahuac. Lots of hogs in that area but it's a whole different kind of hunting. There's tons of hogs on McFaddin Beach. whole different kind of hunting? what do you mean?? Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: Chelcee on August 17, 2011, 04:49:30 pm You could probly find a place around bolivar peninsula or high island or anahuac. Lots of hogs in that area but it's a whole different kind of hunting. There's tons of hogs on McFaddin Beach. whole different kind of hunting? what do you mean?? oh lmao Title: Re: hogs in or around galveston? Post by: tmatt on August 18, 2011, 07:29:42 am Txhogsanddogs, that's exactly right. We need to go again sometime. I need to take this yellow dog out.