HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: pico on February 07, 2009, 08:08:48 pm

Title: early spring fleas
Post by: pico on February 07, 2009, 08:08:48 pm
Looks like spring is gonna come early this year.  Was wondering how everyone else handles flea problems.  It was so dry last year I had a real problem with them.  I tried a lot of different things and was about 90%.  I want to get a good handle on them before they get bad.  Would appreciate any and all advice.  Thanks!

Title: Re: early spring fleas
Post by: shawn on February 08, 2009, 05:08:10 pm
yeah id like to find some cheaper than frontline myself, fleas are bad here

Title: Re: early spring fleas
Post by: Purebreedcolt on February 08, 2009, 07:02:51 pm
there is another post on here talking about bayer tree and srub herbicide.  It works wonders for me.

Title: Re: early spring fleas
Post by: BMichalak on March 16, 2009, 03:12:14 pm
yea the bayer tree and schrub deal works great and very cheap

Title: Re: early spring fleas
Post by: Wmwendler on March 16, 2009, 09:08:49 pm
I use bear tree and shrub and spray around and in kennels with wetable seven dust.  When the white grubs get bad in my dog yard I spread some pesticide granules for those (but gets fleas too).  I like to go easy on the systemic pesticides on dogs.  I'll treat them once every two months if i can get away with it and most of the time it lasts that long or just treat one dog with the Bear and seven dust the other one which will drive the fleas to the other dog and thier death, then Alternate.  Keeping the grass mowed short helps also.  If you stay on top of them before they get bad its allot easier.
