HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: dabutcher on February 07, 2009, 10:21:40 pm

Title: Headlamp.
Post by: dabutcher on February 07, 2009, 10:21:40 pm
i bought a new Princeton Tec Corona from Cody @ Ugly Dog Ranch.  It's awesome.  super bright 8LED's, and has good battery life with it's various light levels.  Very comfortable to wear and uses 3 AA batteries.  I'm using my Energizer rechargables but i haven't used it long enough (i've used it to feed my dogs when i get home from work and take em walkin for a total of about 5hrs) to run em down yet.

i've used several Petzl models, a Black Diamond model, and a Streamlight model and this is by far the best i've used.

picked it up for $59.95+TAX.  money well spent IMO.