Title: Got some good ones comin up........ Post by: DKBAR on August 17, 2011, 11:19:50 am ;)
(http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii69/dkersey2356/Willy.jpg) This male dog here (Willy) That is owned by Fred Stewart bred him to his Lena dog who is Rip's(owned by gil now) full sister. This picture below is of Lena who is Rip's littermate....Who is bred to Willy, Pups due about OCT 12th... (http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii69/dkersey2356/LEna.jpg) Willy is also the male dog who Fred bred to Noah's gyp, pups should be around a year old now. JUst as a refrence that He produces some dogs for sure!! BTW Noah, if you wanna ever hunt her you better get ahold of Fred, he'd kick my butt if I took out one of his peoples...... ;) :D Anyone interested in that litter contact Fred Stewart @ 941-345-7125 Or Acowboyswive@aol.com I will also put pics of the pups up on my website when they are born... DKBarCatahoulas.com ;D I Title: Re: Got some good ones comin up........ Post by: warrent423 on August 17, 2011, 04:16:19 pm Good lookin leapard dogs. My Junior dog looks a lot like that Rip dog. This mearle dog laying down is his father.
(http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee143/warrent423/DSC08573.jpg) (http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee143/warrent423/Meganshouse043.jpg) (http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee143/warrent423/Meganshouse042.jpg) Title: Re: Got some good ones comin up........ Post by: Noah on August 17, 2011, 05:52:00 pm Man... I'm still rubbin' my eyes cuz I think I ain't believin' what I'm seein'!!! Surely the faces of Fred and COREY are not finally on EAST TEXAS!!!! :o ;D
Yall to been readin' and spying long enough... time to get your asses on here and tell some huntin' stories... I know I'd sure enjoy it!!!!!!!! Fred, Donny, and Corey's dogs are why I got into this, they got as good an eye for dog flesh as I've seen... have probably caught more hogs than anyone I know... Corey bred my Shine dog's momma, and I will always appreciate that. I gave him a male out of my Shine/Willy litter... would love to hear an update on him!! Deanna, you're right, they're just over a yr now From what I hear, Fred's Lena dog is the real deal... I haven't got to see her hunt yet, but she must be somethin' for him to be so careful with her ;D Her and Willy ought to make a hell of a set of dogs... he was nice enough to offer me one but I got my hands full as it is... any of yall that want a dog with some speed/bite to it... you'd like this cross ;D Deanna you scared to mess with ol' Fred too?? I thought Donnie was the only one scared to rattle Fred's cage?? Seems they went a yr or two without talkin' after that last spat they had!!! Like an old married couple I tell ya HAHAHA!! Dog men can be a moody bunch can't they HAHA! ;D I'm comin' down to hunt with 'ol DW here in the next few wks, takin' that boy from the bahamas out I guess. We need to all get together and have a beer if nothin' else! |