HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: ChaseG on August 17, 2011, 02:45:33 pm

Title: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: ChaseG on August 17, 2011, 02:45:33 pm
I take my national registry in a couple weeks and was wondering if y'all had and advice on what to study. Like a website or a certain book. I took good notes and have all my quizzes from class to study but I'm afraid that won't be enough. I need to pass this cause if I do I will be able to start at a local fire department soon.  Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: BigDaddy2508 on August 17, 2011, 02:50:02 pm
Just look over your notes and go with your gut.  They make that test sound so hard but really it is about average in the difficulty scale.  Read the whole question and every answer.  Take your time get rest the 3 days before and eat a good sugary snak about 30 mins before your test.  I have taken it twice passed both times 1st try but let quals laps.  You will do fine just dont get over excited.

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: BigCutters4 on August 17, 2011, 05:13:21 pm
there is a book we used at lsu called essentials of fire fighting look it up its got alot of info

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: hogdog05 on August 17, 2011, 05:57:41 pm
Is this your basic or paramedic test.  If it is the basic it is farily easy.  If you payed attention in class you should be fine.  If it is the paramedic it is a little harder.  The national registry is designed to feel like the hardest test you have ever taken.  The test is adaptive to you.  So the more you answer correctly the harder the questions get till it decides you passed.  So when you come out feeling like you bombed it don't worry to much.  Everyone feels like that.  Study your abc's.  I think it has actually changed since I went through it a year ago.  Don't get ahead of,yourself remember don't treat a broken leg first, if their airway is occluded.  Read the questions all the way through, and the answers.  Some answers are made to trick you.  Good luck with it.

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: ChaseG on August 17, 2011, 08:51:46 pm
Thank y'all. And yes it's just my basic emt test. I did good in clas was one of the top ones but I still can't help but worry. I would prolly be less worried about it if this job wasn't riding my but about passion it. But thank y'all for the advice.

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: firemedic on August 17, 2011, 09:48:59 pm
Good luck Chase,...been over 20 years since I took my basic test.....we didn't have to do the national registry back then, just pass the state test. If you have one of the highest averages in class, then you should be good. Just remember....this is ONLY a test, you've taken a ton of them already and passed just fine. Trust your gut and don't overthink anything. Remember, it's just a test, they can't kill you and eat you..... ;D

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: ChaseG on August 18, 2011, 12:32:55 pm
Ha.  thank you firemedic. Ya I usually don't get worked up about them but this one I can't help it. I think I'll be fine. Just want to make sure.

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: Scott on August 18, 2011, 12:56:33 pm
I teach these courses for a living...make sure you get a good night sleep the night before. Don't spend more than an hour or so reviewing. If you know the concepts...you'll do fine. jblearning.com has some practice tests you can take (I believe there is a small fee).There's also an app for smart phones called EMT review plus ($10, but good stuff).

Title: Re: Question for firefighters and emt's
Post by: ChaseG on August 18, 2011, 11:09:18 pm
Thank you Scott. I will look into both of them. I appreciate it.

Well I just bought the app for my phone. I figured $10 is worth the extra help. I'll check into the websit tomorrow. Thanks again