HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Hogboy on February 10, 2009, 11:14:09 am

Title: TDHA hunt rules amendment
Post by: Hogboy on February 10, 2009, 11:14:09 am
The Board has decided to amend the rules due to the fact that a mnimum wieght for the hogs was not set (as it had been in years past).  This is done to keep from tiny pigs being brought to weigh-in.  The minimum weight for any hog being entered is 50 pounds.  No hogs samller than 50 pounds will be allowed in any category.

Also, there is now a note in the rules stating that the winner of the Longest Tusk Contest will be awarded a free European skull mount or a discounted shoulder mount.  This was added in to get the work out to everyone.

Please remember to get a final copy of the rules the day of the contest and make sure all members are aware of the rules.  Please hunt this contest for the right reason and remember the goal of the contest (we are shooting for 30,000 pounds of pork).  Ignorace to the rules does not exempt anyone.  We are sorry for this last minute changes, but it should not have much of an affect on this contest. 

Thanks and Good Luck!


Ron J Branyon