HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: jdt on September 05, 2011, 08:58:12 pm

Title: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: jdt on September 05, 2011, 08:58:12 pm
was just watching it with my boys , 8 and 4 . i THOUGHT  it was a good family show , real people doing real stuff in the great outdoors that the good lord made for us . you can tell the guys hosting the show  are just good ole country boys like most of us . it  WAS  one of the few programs i thought were safe anymore for my kids to watch .


I'M PISSED OFF , can't we sit down and watch ANYTHING without that kinda crap being shoved in our face  !!!   it ain't my place to judge them , but it is my place to teach my kids the way god wants us to live ............     I 'M  P I S S E D  O F F

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 05, 2011, 09:19:06 pm
That brings a whole new meaning to "noodling"  :D

Title: Re: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: J.Prince on September 05, 2011, 09:29:55 pm
That brings a whole new meaning to "noodling"  :D
Lmao :D

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Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 05, 2011, 10:38:41 pm
That brings a whole new meaning to "noodling"  :D

ew.  O0

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: hvacman on September 05, 2011, 10:53:13 pm
was just watching it with my boys , 8 and 4 . i THOUGHT  it was a good family show , real people doing real stuff in the great outdoors that the good lord made for us . you can tell the guys hosting the show  are just good ole country boys like most of us . it  WAS  one of the few programs i thought were safe anymore for my kids to watch .


I'M PISSED OFF , can't we sit down and watch ANYTHING without that kinda crap being shoved in our face  !!!   it ain't my place to judge them , but it is my place to teach my kids the way god wants us to live ............     I 'M  P I S S E D  O F F

i totally agree why can't they stay in the closet? it has become politically correct to except it well i don't like them or politics and i don't want to except them.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 05, 2011, 10:59:16 pm
Thats a dang shame right there.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: bob on September 06, 2011, 09:45:57 am
we have a gay waiter at the local mexican eaten place , I told them I didnt want him waiting my table and they ask why , I told them I didnt want him touching my plate , I didnt know what he was thinking when he was looking at me or my boy and I didnt want him around my family , they thought Iwas crazy , Ill make a scene every time a heterosexually challenged trys to grab my plate , no can do   , adam and eve not adam & steve , I think the world has forgot

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Swine-Stalker on September 06, 2011, 10:32:44 am
That brings a whole new meaning to "noodling"  :D

I hope they didn't stick their hand in the wrong muddy hole  :o :P :-X

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: JDJP on September 06, 2011, 10:51:37 am
we have a gay waiter at the local mexican eaten place , I told them I didnt want him waiting my table and they ask why , I told them I didnt want him touching my plate , I didnt know what he was thinking when he was looking at me or my boy and I didnt want him around my family , they thought Iwas crazy , Ill make a scene every time a heterosexually challenged trys to grab my plate , no can do   , adam and eve not adam & steve , I think the world has forgot

I'm gunna be honest, that seems a little over the top, I think you were way better off either keeping your mouth shut, or to stop going there. Cause id bet they all think you are an a hole, and they are doing stuff to your food.

Kinda like don't bite the hand that feeds you, don't mess with the people who cook your food....

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 06, 2011, 10:59:26 am
That brings a whole new meaning to "noodling"  :D

I hope they didn't stick their hand in the wrong muddy hole  :o :P :-X

Aahhhahahahah! !  !     That's funny right there. 

Honestly, I could care less what people do behind closed doors. If they want to get some hot man on man monkey love in the privacy of their home......just don't tell me about it. I'm not 100 percent sure those people choose to be gay. But if they choose to tell about it, thats another deal!!

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: jon on September 06, 2011, 11:30:41 am

Aahhhahahahah! !  !     That's funny right there. 

Honestly, I could care less what people do behind closed doors. If they want to get some hot man on man monkey love in the privacy of their home......just don't tell me about it. I'm not 100 percent sure those people choose to be gay. But if they choose to tell about it, thats another deal!!


i feel the same as u.. as long as im being told about im fine

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: jdt on September 06, 2011, 02:13:07 pm
you can CHOOSE  to do , or not do any damn thing you want to .

i choose not to rob banks , even when i need money .

i choose not to kill people even when they need it sometimes .

 why ? because its just wrong . thats why .

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 06, 2011, 02:32:05 pm
I will agree that they "choose" to act on their homo feelings. All I'm saying is I don't think they choose to have homo feelings in the first place. I'm not necessarily defending homosexuality, I just don't think I have the right to judge.

And, if a show I liked got hijacked by a couple sugar britches...I would "choose" to change the channel.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Purebreedcolt on September 06, 2011, 02:33:59 pm
Glad I met some more that feel like I do it just is not right. 

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 06, 2011, 02:37:32 pm
 dont blaim u 1 bit bob, but i would eat there anymore instead of as some1 said to just keep quiet. if that restraunt thinks im an a-hole, so be it. they r the 1s who hired a homo to deal with faily members. i honestly dont care what they do in the privacy of their own homes, but DO NOT bring it to me or tell me about it and stay out of my way. i do think god destroyed soddom and gomora b/c of all the wrong doings goin on in them 2 cities, and now our government says its ok for them be open about it and acknowledges the union of the same sexes. BULLSH!T!!!!!

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 06, 2011, 02:41:56 pm
Now gay marriage.......thats a whole other matter. Marriage is between man and woman....

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: ked on September 06, 2011, 04:34:15 pm
Romans 1:18-32

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 06, 2011, 04:39:17 pm
bob your not wrong for what you said at all, i dont want no homo touchin my stuff

everyone has opinions some are wrong some are right.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 06, 2011, 04:58:42 pm
I agree that everyone has a right to speak out against what they feel is wrong. Our country has turned into a bunch of sheep, scared to say what they think for fear of offending someone.

while we are listing bible verses......Luke 6:37

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 06, 2011, 05:00:49 pm
Its all in the book, aint nothin right about it, and there will be no excuses for it. We will all stand before a true and just GOD.
   I WILL NOT, knowingly eat at a place that employs homos.
They are right up there with those crazy animal rights people, pushing their twisted views on everyone else,............I better just stop right there.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: bob on September 06, 2011, 05:02:18 pm
I agree , I should have not showed my rear and also he will not wait my table , and aint no gay dude going to keep me out of my favorite diner

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: make-em-squeel on September 06, 2011, 05:18:54 pm
Haa this has turned out to be quite entertaining  ;D Grin or barf....its a fine line

Sin is Sin, I'm no better than anyone but some is just harder to picture and except for us rednecks

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 06, 2011, 05:33:44 pm
 why stop speakn ur piece? its ur right to say how u feel, utilize ur rights b4 they r gone. if soe1 has thin skin, then of freakn well. grow a thickr layer or end ur life. to many butt hurt folks nowdays.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Swine-Stalker on September 06, 2011, 06:11:26 pm
why stop speakn ur piece? its ur right to say how u feel, utilize ur rights b4 they r gone. if soe1 has thin skin, then of freakn well. grow a thickr layer or end ur life. to many butt hurt folks nowdays.

While everyone is speaking their peace... I was raised to never swing from the other side of the plate, never go to bat for the other team and never dabble in mud with other men... ewww, I just threw up in my mouth. With that being said I would like to apologize for a whole generation which I was born right in the middle of. I feel that it was those born around the early to late 80's that put homosexuality in TV, movies and in public, which in turn helped everyone else join to push it main stream. When you say
Our country has turned into a bunch of sheep
That is the winning answer. The rectal rangers have some sort of weird heterosexually challenged pride going on but they stick together to get what they want. Is straight pride to common to fight for? Is the good book too much to fight for? As long as we cower down to everything that isn't right and is unjust, it will keep happening. How long before all burgers are made of soy? How long before all meats are made of by-products and tofu? One day someone will take a stand but until then they will keep picking us apart community by community and state by state.

The main thing that aggravated me is I worked for a company who had set rules on insurance dependents (one man one woman and kids). A few years later I was helping out a buddy by getting him hired. He had a child out of wed-lock and was still with the girl but not married. After 90 days he was able to get health insurance. He got insurance on him and his child but was not able to get insurance on the mother of his child. BUT!!! There was and is a section on the form where you can get insurance on your life partner. RIDICULOUS!!!

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

So raise your pistols but not the meat pistol... they might want to play :P

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: jdt on September 06, 2011, 07:13:35 pm
right on swine stalker .

   my biggest concern is the agenda that keeps pushin this crap in our faces and trying to brainwash our society and my kids into acceptance and condoning .... and who all is pushing this agenda ? seems to be more than just the heterosexually challengedgets and lesbians .

Title: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: J.Prince on September 06, 2011, 07:18:23 pm
I am just curious here. I am not supporting homosexuality, in anyway, but I would like to ask a couple questions for folks who hate the homos so passionately. Personally I don't agree with it, but as long as you keep it away from me its your business. My main question here is it really the unholiness that you guys despise, or is it just the fact that its two dudes together? For example, if you were out to eat somewhere and there was a waitress who was a smoking hot lesbian would you refuse her service, or would it be ok be cause she is a homosexual woman? Example 2: you have two friends you have known equally as long are complete equals when it comes to your friendship. One is married, one is single. The single friend comes to you one day and says he just wants to let you know he has come to terms with it and ready to come out and admit that he is gay. Your married friend comes to you a while later and tells you he cheated on his wife. What do you do? Do you disban your friendship with both of them because both of them have commited serious sins? Or do you just stop being friends with the gay one cause he is a queer now, and your married friend gets a pass cause what the heck it's just adultery. Or do they both get a pass cause its your friends and not someone else? I guess what i'm trying to get at is... is every sin not equal? Does homosexuality carry a heavier punishment than adultery, murder, or stealing? I know personally I am not going to hate someone because of who they love. And as a christian aren't we suppose to except others and their flaws? If someone can murder someone, then apologize, and give himself to the lord, and worship the lord until the day he dies, and then get into heaven it is hard for me to believe that all the homosexual ppl are going to hell because they happen to love someone of the same sex. So what it boils down to, to me is if you want to hate someone for being gay ok then hate them but I don't think its right to say it is because god would want you to hate them. I know the god I pray to at night would want me to forgive them for their sins, and try to help them. And if you are gonna look down on someone for their sins than look down on everyone equal because everyone has sinned and we can't put a different weight or punishment on different sins. Once again I am not supporting homosexuality I am just trying to show a different point here, because sometimes we allow ourselves to become to judgmental and look past things we choose to look past.

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Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 06, 2011, 07:58:02 pm
Very good post, but unless they repent and change their evil ways, then yes, they are all going to hell according to the bible. But you make a very good point, no sin is greater than another. Sin is sin. Period!
And its not just the homosexual that twist the scriptures to suit their lifstyles.  ;)
Galations 5:16-21
Romans 10:9-13
Romans 8:1-2
John 12:47
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
James 1:26
1 John 4:20 hate the sin not the sinner.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Purebreedcolt on September 06, 2011, 08:02:03 pm
I'm afraid to post but yes the guy would no longer be associated with.  Now I am against the lesbians but they do not tick me off like guys do.  my wife is just opposite she can't stand lesbians but is ok with gay guys.  I'm sorry there is just something wrong with them and I think it should be a crime any way about it punishable by send to the moon or somewhere.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Swine-Stalker on September 06, 2011, 08:11:28 pm
I may have strayed a little from the topic... JDT was complaining about seeing them two colon cowboys on the TV. The problem is that they are showing rectal wranglers on tv, and movies. Just like they released the movie brokeback mountain. No one wanted to see Jake Gyllenhaal ride the two legged pony. The stuff is there whether we like it or not. Things like this, drugs, fornication, adultery and many other morally and biblically wrong actions have been pushed onto our TV as acceptable things to watch. Just like how certain curse words have recently been allowed in pg movies and you can show a boob but not a nipple on pg13 movies. Certain things should be left up to us parents to be able to let our child see... not left up to us to work our tails off to hide from them. I am also sure that JDT would not watch the show cheaters with his kids then high 5 when the spouse gets cheated on.

You make a valid point J.Prince and all of it is wrong but to answer that I would have to be put in that situation but I can tell you one thing . If he is my friend and is thinking about coming out of the closet... he better stay in if he wants to stay friends. It is the openly and publicly that I don't like... It just don't sit right

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 06, 2011, 08:20:15 pm
 this country is full of sheep. a lot are blind or dont give a hoot bout the truth, as long as it doesnt have a personal and direct impact on them. as to all the questions. they women are just as wrong as them men, i could care less for either 1. i usually stay to myself as long as they dont push their beliefs upon me, but it is getting out of control and their aint enuf of the good ole' people left that will stand up and speak out against it, but it is also hard to fight against it when the info concerning the issues are left in a blanket of darkness and secrecy untill it to late to make a differance. homos are homos. o matter is they are a split tail or pole climber.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 06, 2011, 08:22:53 pm
I aint worth a dime at sayin whats on my mind, j.Prince speaks the truth, but I also see where jdt is coming from, its not just t
Hating or judging them for being that way. It has alot to do with them tryin to shove their lifestyles down everybody's throat, I think is what has alot of people upset the most. Like teaching our kids that its natural, and acceptable. But yet its not acceptable to say one nation under GOD, or to have prayer in school.
Its acceptable to have homosexual on every tv channel, and take the LORDS name in vein, but did you know they are not allowed to say JESUS?
I think im just going to stop right there, I cant possibly type everything thats going thru my mind right now, and it would probly come out wrong anyway.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: T-Bob Parker on September 06, 2011, 08:43:38 pm
Easy peasy guys, lets not start a weenie roast just yet. There are gays and recovering gays at my church, and if you really knew the truth there's probably a few at yours. Being in a pastoral role has more negatives so far in my experience, not that I'm complaining, but I have to hear things that make my face as red as my neck fairly often. Let me say this, homosexuality is a sin. So is lying, disrespect of your parents and so on. If your going to believe the bible, then believe it in its fullness, Gods word tells us that no one is righteous and the entirety of humanity has come up short of his standard of perfection. God sees each and every one of us as culls deserving of the bonepile if we are left to open devices. His word says the penalty for our sin is death. fortunately, in his love for us he provided a way for all of us regardless of our sin de jour to measure up to his standard. He said that through faith in the death and resurrection of his one and only son, that we may be made new creations. We can shed our filth and put on the righteousness of Christ.

Two parting thoughts

You can't love God enough. 1 John 4:10

Don't mistreat other culls because you think you are less cull worthy John 8:1-11

Title: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: J.Prince on September 06, 2011, 08:47:38 pm
I respect everyone's thoughts and am not trying to push beliefs on anyone else. Like I said I don't agree with it either. It is difficult to type exactly the point I am trying to convey. I suppose the gist of it is that it is important to keep an open mind, and try to be careful of passing judgement in general not neccesarily just towards homosexuality. Swine stalker I am not picking on you but I just want to know. You say the gay friend better keep it to himself, what about the other friend? Do you want the gay guy to keep ut to himself because its gross, or because it is unholy? I guess I got a bit off topic as well I do agree that homosexuality and such nonsense should not be pushed upon everyone like it is these days, but christianity is pushed upon others just as well so how can we say they can not express their thoughts and beliefs but we can? Its our right living in this country to believe what we choose to believe that is one of the main reason this nation was founded was so we could choose our beliefs and not have them forced upon us. I also saw the show and they never said they were partners or anything. We just assumed their gay. Thats part of my point I don't think we should be so quick to pass judgement. My wife has a uncle who is a hair stylist which is what the assumed gay man on the show was.  And he is as straight and tough as they come an if someone was to pass the wrong judgement on him for his career choice they could be in for a rude awakening. I apologize for offending anyone's religious beliefs that was not my intention.
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Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Swine-Stalker on September 06, 2011, 09:06:07 pm
It is a little of both but also a little deeper than that. Also, I have been involved with the other side of your question on a couple occurences. Almost lost a best friend to adultery, but to stop speculation before it starts I was involved but not with the adultery part. I do not care to elaborate. I see both as bad just one bothers me more. I guess it was just part of my upbringing. With that being said, you and tbob have both made very good points along with tom. I humbly decide to bow out of this one. I will keep reading though because I am always eager to learn more about the word.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: dub on September 06, 2011, 09:13:59 pm
While I have my opinions on homosexuality they are my opinions. Nobody asked to be offended on either side so I will kepp them. But I don't care if you think being gay is a choice or not displaying it is a choice. I don't walk around smooching my wife in front of other people. I worked with at least one gay guy without knowing it. When I did find out I did not have any problem with him. I can't stand drama from a gay or straight person. I can't stand prissy people no matter who they sleep with. I also do not like the gay political agenda. That is completly different than the people. Tolerance means I tolerate you, not agree or even like you. I don't like myself sometimes so why should I be expected to like other people. I am told to love my neighbor not like my neighbor. But I should treat eveyone with the love that Christ showed. People love to say "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." But he told the woman to "go and sin no more."

It seems to me the vocal gay people want people to tell them what they are doing is ok. I hunt and kill animals and I am not asking anyone to tell me it is ok. I personally think the vocal gay people have an internal strugle with God because God's law is laid in everyone's heart. Their problem is not with me it is between them and God. So I should show love but I do not have to accept their choices as ok.

I have looked at many armored cars and thought about how to rob them. But I have never taken any action at all to do it. Why because when I think through it I know that people could die and no matter what it would be wrong to steal. I sometimes think about lots of things I would never do. While I do not look at guys and think about gay stuff that does not mean I don't understand not doing something I want to do. I have thought many times about hurting people that really deserved it. I really wanted to do it too. But I believe in right and wrong.

I know I was not a nice person before God changed my heart. But that change happened because I prayed over and over because I knew that I did not know how to change. So I would tell anyone with an internal strugle to pray without ceasing, and seek God with all your heart. None of us can be perfect. All sin condems all of us. Just because we do not have the same sins does not mean that anyone of is further from God because of it. But only Jesus can take the punishment from us. None of us are being nailed to a cross or sent to hell for anyone's sin but our own. I think we should all spend more time looking at our own sin instead of looking at others.

It is when we see our own sin and what Jesus did for us that we can love others. I think that was one of the things Jesus tried to show us.

What right do you have to hate the person that Jesus loved enough to die for?

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 06, 2011, 09:27:08 pm
dud, I couldn't agree more, very well said.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: lapdog on September 06, 2011, 11:02:50 pm
interesting t-bob thats the first time ive heard of a recovering gay. I tell you what you learn somethin new everyday. lol

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Reuben on September 07, 2011, 07:09:11 am
I don't care what gays do behind closed doors. And Broke Back Mtn can go broke and it should have but it didn't... apparently quite a few people went to see it and they say that 10% of the population is gay and I wonder how many more percentages for bi-sexual which in my book is still gay.

I also believe that gays are born that way and can not help that...However, I do not want to accept it in school, television etc. etc. They can keep it in the closet.

Having said that... because we are talking about percentages in our population it is very possible to have a child or grandchild that could be born gay...So do we cull him/her or love them and try to show them a different way?  I am sure we would do a lot of praying and worrying for them because they are our children and we love them unconditionally.

I see gays coming out of the closet as wrong because it says in the good book it is wrong and personally I believe that we should not accept it as normal or right... I see it as one more thing that is eroding away our society as it should be.

As a kid I heard how good the movie "Gone With The Wind"was and I suspect it had something to do with when the leading character said the famous words "FRANKLY MY DEAR I DON"T GIVE A DAM".

In the mid 1960's I went to see a cowboy movie at the theater, and of course the leading character said the SOB word once  and everyone went to see the movie mainly to see him say that word... Twenty five cents for the movie, five cents for the drink and 5 cents for the popcorn. :)but I worked for free in the cotton field...

I reckon that is how society tends to break down... It happens very slowly and before we know it, we have those type of words in the movies from beginning to finish and then it becomes the norm... and then we see it in the afternoon sitcoms (primetime) when the kids are watching...

Same thing with nudity and adultury....Sex and violence sells so what do we do??? We can start by not buying in to it and if there is no market for it... it goes away...

We teach our kids not to curse yet we sit in front of the big screen and laugh at all the vulgar jokes that the comedian is telling us...we are sending mixed signals to our children...So we can start by looking at ourselves first...because we make up this great country...and I want it to stay great...

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 07, 2011, 11:04:57 am
 reuben u hav some good points, but i find it really hard to believe they are born gay. if the child is brought up in or very near gays, the chances of that child turning gay is very high, but the child was not born gay. that would be the same as a person born being a theif or murderer, the dna strands dont hav gay, theif or murder stands in the. a prime exaple would be to take a child born to a hetero couple and then 1 of them was bi/gay, if u took the child from the gay lifestyle even though he/she was born with a gay parent, with enuf proper upbringing, the child half an extreely low chance of becoming gay. born with it is a cop-out or a cheap excuse to ot adit their screwd up in the head

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 07, 2011, 11:26:30 am
I think they are born that way too. Some of them anyway. I personally knew a kid that at age 9 I told my wife he would be a homo when he grew up. He had no family members that were gay and was not around it at all. Sure enough, as a grown man he is gay. He couldn't act "not gay" if he wanted to. I think they are just wired wrong. I do think there are people who choose to do those things as well. Any 40 + year old homo did not grow up thinking it was ok to be a homo.

Title: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: J.Prince on September 07, 2011, 11:32:04 am
Charles I have to disagree. I believe they are born like that. I think if you did a poll amongst homosexuals and asked if their upbringing encouraged homosexuality or if they're parents were ok with it in anyway, you would find that a very large percentage of them come from homes that look down on such things.

Here's a link to check out. Not saying its right or wrong or I agree or disagree it is simply something to think about.

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Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: warrent423 on September 07, 2011, 11:47:37 am
Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you ;D

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: bob on September 07, 2011, 11:52:52 am
x 2

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: dub on September 07, 2011, 12:03:49 pm
I would say if people were born gay then we would not have to cull them because that gene would be removed from the breeding pool by itself. I do believe some people have a higher disposition to do many things. That does not mean that we have to behave in a manner or not. What I do not like is that some people want me to say their lifestyle is normal or that I approve. I do not approve of many things and as long as you don't shove it in my face I will not say anything. But do not expect me to be silent when you keep putting something in my face.

If I unbuttoned my shirt and walked around with my hairy chest stuck out talking about women as objects. Or if I wlked around at work talking about heterosexual things and pointed out that I was a heterosexual I would expect to get fired. Should I say I am suffering from discrimination? Sorry heterosexual is normal. A man and a woman having a child is normal. Sorry put any two people on an island alone and there will only be children if they are different sexes. So anything else is un-natural. Chosing to go through a surgery to change your body does not mean that I can't have an opnion. It does not make you a protected class because you were not born that way.

I will pray for them and show God's love to the people. But I will not support any homosexual agenda. I will not watch a movie, a show, listen to the songs, or anything else of someone that actively annouces they are gay or acts in an immoral way. I refuse to listen to Madonna because she flaunts her immorality and uses it to make money. I put shows about adultery in the same group.

Go read your Bible.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

So lets just look at who is on the list:
1. the sexually immoral
2. idolaters
3. adulterers
4. male prostitutes
5. homosexual offenders
6. thieves
7. the greedy
8. drunkards
9. slanderers
10. swindlers

So be careful to judge. That is in the Bible too. If you read the Bible you will see that if your talk bad about people you are a slanderer and on the some list. If you have had a time that you went and got drunk on purpose you are on that list. If you have cheated someone you are on the list. I would guess that eveyone is at least one thing on the list. Should I stand up and say that being a drunk is normal? What about thievery or the other things? Then I will not say homosexuality is normal. But the Good News or also called Gospel is that we all still have hope. Just read what is after the list. 1 Corinthians 6:11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

How many people know John 3:16 but what about John 3:17? John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

I do not care if some is born a way or not. God can change anyone if they pray and ask for it. We are told to come to God as we are not as what others say we should be. The Gospels are are great and the Old Testiment or the Jewish books are needed to fully understand them. But nothing is as important as seeking God first. When I look at what God forgave in me it makes it hard to judge others. There is a Parable about that too. Jesus said that the parables were used so only the believers could understand them. Now that would seem to exclude the non believers. But I think it shows the order of importance. First seek God and then more will be revealed. But if you don't seek God first then the rest does not matter. Without love nothing else matters. That is in the Bible too, if you don't believe me then go read it.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 07, 2011, 12:07:39 pm
Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you ;D
:D thats funny!

It would be helpful for the sake of good debate to hear from a fairy....make-em-squeal, were you born that way or choose it?? .........just kidding Grant! I know you aren't gay, even if you do have homo tendancies....

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: dub on September 07, 2011, 12:12:05 pm
Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you ;D
:D thats funny!

It would be helpful for the sake of good debate to hear from a fairy....make-em-squeal, were you born that way or choose it?? .........just kidding Grant! I know you aren't gay, even if you do have homo tendancies....

That is just plain wrong. But it was funny ;D

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Reuben on September 07, 2011, 12:46:25 pm
I would say if people were born gay then we would not have to cull them because that gene would be removed from the breeding pool by itself. I do believe some people have a higher disposition to do many things. That does not mean that we have to behave in a manner or not. What I do not like is that some people want me to say their lifestyle is normal or that I approve. I do not approve of many things and as long as you don't shove it in my face I will not say anything. But do not expect me to be silent when you keep putting something in my face.

If I unbuttoned my shirt and walked around with my hairy chest stuck out talking about women as objects. Or if I wlked around at work talking about heterosexual things and pointed out that I was a heterosexual I would expect to get fired. Should I say I am suffering from discrimination? Sorry heterosexual is normal. A man and a woman having a child is normal. Sorry put any two people on an island alone and there will only be children if they are different sexes. So anything else is un-natural. Chosing to go through a surgery to change your body does not mean that I can't have an opnion. It does not make you a protected class because you were not born that way.

I will pray for them and show God's love to the people. But I will not support any homosexual agenda. I will not watch a movie, a show, listen to the songs, or anything else of someone that actively annouces they are gay or acts in an immoral way. I refuse to listen to Madonna because she flaunts her immorality and uses it to make money. I put shows about adultery in the same group.

Go read your Bible.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

So lets just look at who is on the list:
1. the sexually immoral
2. idolaters
3. adulterers
4. male prostitutes
5. homosexual offenders
6. thieves
7. the greedy
8. drunkards
9. slanderers
10. swindlers

So be careful to judge. That is in the Bible too. If you read the Bible you will see that if your talk bad about people you are a slanderer and on the some list. If you have had a time that you went and got drunk on purpose you are on that list. If you have cheated someone you are on the list. I would guess that eveyone is at least one thing on the list. Should I stand up and say that being a drunk is normal? What about thievery or the other things? Then I will not say homosexuality is normal. But the Good News or also called Gospel is that we all still have hope. Just read what is after the list. 1 Corinthians 6:11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

How many people know John 3:16 but what about John 3:17? John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

I do not care if some is born a way or not. God can change anyone if they pray and ask for it. We are told to come to God as we are not as what others say we should be. The Gospels are are great and the Old Testiment or the Jewish books are needed to fully understand them. But nothing is as important as seeking God first. When I look at what God forgave in me it makes it hard to judge others. There is a Parable about that too. Jesus said that the parables were used so only the believers could understand them. Now that would seem to exclude the non believers. But I think it shows the order of importance. First seek God and then more will be revealed. But if you don't seek God first then the rest does not matter. Without love nothing else matters. That is in the Bible too, if you don't believe me then go read it.


you said a mouthful right there... :)good post. 8)

I also was thinking that in the old days it was a secret to be gay and so many married to hide it thus a never ending cycle of gays.

Now that it is ok to flaunt it the gays do not have to marry and have kids to hide being gay...  hopefully this will help in removing the faulty genes from the gene pool...right or wrong this has crossed my mind...

When I was a kid gay meant being happy. :)

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 07, 2011, 12:48:55 pm
 j prince, did u ever rebel against ur parents for anything? i know i did. just like children, u tell them not to do something, they do it. i wouldnt say that 100% of children do the opposite if what their parents say, nor does 100% of the teenagers rebel and not 100% of the homos turned to a pole smoker or rug chomper, but a good % did rebel and children did do what was said not to do.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Reuben on September 07, 2011, 12:59:49 pm
Charles, you bring up a good point...I think that society can break down enough that young adults could do something like this just to show the adults or parents that they can do whatever and no one can stop them...also could be a fad or it is cool to do something outside the norm...this would be too extreme for me to think as possible...but it could happen

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: ked on September 07, 2011, 01:06:17 pm
Dub you have said it correctly (or posted a good scripture).
When we put our faith in the power of what Jesus did on the cross (nothing else) He forgives all sin, delivers us from that sin nature and we become a part of His righteousness.
Does it mean we can not be tempted or will not sin again? No, but His Spirit in us, as we have been made a new creation, empowers us to no longer be practicing sinners. Once again we will sin, but we'll hate it and don't want any part of it in our lives. As He becomes more a part of our lives, sin becomes less.
Jesus can deliver anyone from any bondage of sin if they will turn to Him. Whether it be pornography, homosexuaity, heterosexuality outside of wedlock, drug addiction, envy, greed, you name it, through His work on the cross He can help and wants to help. He nevertold us to come to Him sinnless to be accepted but rather He is the sacrifice for the sin of all who will receive Him as Lord and Savior.
Every one needs to hear the gospel message for it is the power unto salvation.

And whoever posted about sin on Tv & movies...You nailed. We (as a culture) have accepted sin and keep it in our eye gate and ear gate all the time. Choices have to be made, and they are tough, but disciples are to be in the world but not of the world. From homosexuality to teen adultry evan to Harry Potter sin is being depicted as righteous, normal and not just acceptable but to make out any one intolerant to those things which bring destruction as evil.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Reuben on September 07, 2011, 01:10:48 pm
Dub you have said it correctly (or posted a good scripture).
When we put our faith in the power of what Jesus did on the cross (nothing else) He forgives all sin, delivers us from that sin nature and we become a part of His righteousness.
Does it mean we can not be tempted or will not sin again? No, but His Spirit in us, as we have been made a new creation, empowers us to no longer be practicing sinners. Once again we will sin, but we'll hate it and don't want any part of it in our lives. As He becomes more a part of our lives, sin becomes less.
Jesus can deliver anyone from any bondage of sin if they will turn to Him. Whether it be pornography, homosexuaity, heterosexuality outside of wedlock, drug addiction, envy, greed, you name it, through His work on the cross He can help and wants to help. He nevertold us to come to Him sinnless to be accepted but rather He is the sacrifice for the sin of all who will receive Him as Lord and Savior.
Every one needs to hear the gospel message for it is the power unto salvation.

And whoever posted about sin on Tv & movies...You nailed. We (as a culture) have accepted sin and keep it in our eye gate and ear gate all the time. Choices have to be made, and they are tough, but disciples are to be in the world but not of the world. From homosexuality to teen adultry evan to Harry Potter sin is being depicted as righteous, normal and not just acceptable but to make out any one intolerant to those things which bring destruction as evil.

Ked, keep on preaching...that was brilliant.. :o :)

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: coach on September 07, 2011, 01:50:12 pm
In 17 yrs of coaching and teaching I have found that to some extent it is a fad. Women get tired of getting treated badly by men so they seek someone who will fill that void. They finally figure out that they want a family and wth they go back to the life they left to become impregnated. Go figure about the guys I think they just have a messed up home life with no father figure at home. Grow up playing dolls and dress up with their sisters. :-\

Title: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: J.Prince on September 07, 2011, 02:41:22 pm
Charles yes I did rebel plenty. In your first post though you said that with the right upbringing they had a lower chance of being gay. So I don't know why you are asking me about rebelling? I was stating that most gay ppl did have the right upbringing. So I don't think they rebel and are gay just because someone told them not to be. ??? That's all beside my original point anyway cause honestly I don't care why they are that way.

What i'm trying to say is if you don't agree with it fine, because I dont either. I just don't understand how we can look down on one person, because of their sins, but be fine with another person who has commited sin. If you don't agree with their ways ok fine but don't say that it is because what they are doing is a sin, because we all sin everyday and technically no sin carries a heavier load. If you don't like it you don't like it, just like I don't like it. There's where my problem lies is when ppl get so hung up on one thing that is wrong that's in the bible, but choose to look over so much that is in the bible, daily. So once again if you dislike their ways so be it dislike their ways for what they are, not because they are sinners.

As far as them expressing their ways in the media I dont agree with it either. It really irritates me as well, and I don't think we should be quiet about, but it is their right to express themselves as they please, just like it is our right to express our ways. Our nation is set up to give everyone equal rights, not just straight christian men.

I know my views will upset a lot of folks and again I am not trying to make anyone agree, I just want to state my opinion just like everyone else here. I am not going to get involved with this thread anymore cause we will all be arguing til the end of time. So if anyone wants to discuss it more feel free to pm me or I can give you a call. Either way I don't mind I am open to listen to your ideas as long as you will here me out as well. I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything I just like to share my thoughts just like everyone else.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: Reuben on September 07, 2011, 03:07:46 pm
Charles yes I did rebel plenty. In your first post though you said that with the right upbringing they had a lower chance of being gay. So I don't know why you are asking me about rebelling? I was stating that most gay ppl did have the right upbringing. So I don't think they rebel and are gay just because someone told them not to be. ??? That's all beside my original point anyway cause honestly I don't care why they are that way.

What i'm trying to say is if you don't agree with it fine, because I dont either. I just don't understand how we can look down on one person, because of their sins, but be fine with another person who has commited sin. If you don't agree with their ways ok fine but don't say that it is because what they are doing is a sin, because we all sin everyday and technically no sin carries a heavier load. If you don't like it you don't like it, just like I don't like it. There's where my problem lies is when ppl get so hung up on one thing that is wrong that's in the bible, but choose to look over so much that is in the bible, daily. So once again if you dislike their ways so be it dislike their ways for what they are, not because they are sinners.

As far as them expressing their ways in the media I dont agree with it either. It really irritates me as well, and I don't think we should be quiet about, but it is their right to express themselves as they please, just like it is our right to express our ways. Our nation is set up to give everyone equal rights, not just straight christian men.

I know my views will upset a lot of folks and again I am not trying to make anyone agree, I just want to state my opinion just like everyone else here. I am not going to get involved with this thread anymore cause we will all be arguing til the end of time. So if anyone wants to discuss it more feel free to pm me or I can give you a call. Either way I don't mind I am open to listen to your ideas as long as you will here me out as well. I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything I just like to share my thoughts just like everyone else.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk

J. Prince...that was well spoken and like you I am done with this one too...

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: jdt on September 07, 2011, 03:21:24 pm
do ya'll know how to boil frogs ?  you can't put em in hot water as they will jump out . you have to put em in cold water and heat it up real slow , before they now it they are boiled !

our politically correct society , media , givernment , or who ever  has been heating the water for about 2 generations now .

it's not hard to tell by reading these three pages who is closer to being boiled .

there were a bunch in the pot in soddam and gommorrah that got boiled , of course that was before it got REAL hot on them .........

i too am done with this discussion .

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 07, 2011, 04:11:28 pm
 i could give 2 rats butts if they sin, i dont like them for what they are or who they are and dont like them shoving it down our throats.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: UNDERDOG on September 07, 2011, 04:14:30 pm
i could give 2 rats butts if they sin, i dont like them for what they are or who they are and dont like them shoving it down our throats.

There is a joke in that quote somewhere but i'll leave it be...... ;D

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: charles on September 07, 2011, 04:53:22 pm
thanks for pointing out underdog. i just re-read it and c what ur talkn bout, or what i was refering

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 08, 2011, 02:26:43 pm
See, we can have a debate on here without it getting out of control and hurting peoples feelers....Im so proud of you boys!

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 08, 2011, 02:43:39 pm
See, we can have a debate on here without it getting out of control and hurting peoples feelers....Im so proud of you boys!

x2 its cause we are all on the same page and like the ol sayin goes... we all got horns on here ;)

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: dub on September 08, 2011, 05:30:05 pm
See, we can have a debate on here without it getting out of control and hurting peoples feelers....Im so proud of you boys!

x2 its cause we are all on the same page and like the ol sayin goes... we all got horns on here ;)
Well we all show tolerance for Cutter Bay and his cheerleading ways and those people that keep watching that tra la la video ;D

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 08, 2011, 10:54:38 pm
See, we can have a debate on here without it getting out of control and hurting peoples feelers....Im so proud of you boys!

x2 its cause we are all on the same page and like the ol sayin goes... we all got horns on here ;)
Well we all show tolerance for Cutter Bay and his cheerleading ways and those people that keep watching that tra la la video ;D

hey a bottle of tequila was involved with finding that video  rolleyes

Title: Re: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: dabutcher on September 09, 2011, 02:37:17 pm
I am just curious here. I am not supporting homosexuality, in anyway, but I would like to ask a couple questions for folks who hate the homos so passionately. Personally I don't agree with it, but as long as you keep it away from me its your business. My main question here is it really the unholiness that you guys despise, or is it just the fact that its two dudes together? For example, if you were out to eat somewhere and there was a waitress who was a smoking hot lesbian would you refuse her service, or would it be ok be cause she is a homosexual woman? Example 2: you have two friends you have known equally as long are complete equals when it comes to your friendship. One is married, one is single. The single friend comes to you one day and says he just wants to let you know he has come to terms with it and ready to come out and admit that he is gay. Your married friend comes to you a while later and tells you he cheated on his wife. What do you do? Do you disban your friendship with both of them because both of them have commited serious sins? Or do you just stop being friends with the gay one cause he is a queer now, and your married friend gets a pass cause what the heck it's just adultery. Or do they both get a pass cause its your friends and not someone else? I guess what i'm trying to get at is... is every sin not equal? Does homosexuality carry a heavier punishment than adultery, murder, or stealing? I know personally I am not going to hate someone because of who they love. And as a christian aren't we suppose to except others and their flaws? If someone can murder someone, then apologize, and give himself to the lord, and worship the lord until the day he dies, and then get into heaven it is hard for me to believe that all the homosexual ppl are going to hell because they happen to love someone of the same sex. So what it boils down to, to me is if you want to hate someone for being gay ok then hate them but I don't think its right to say it is because god would want you to hate them. I know the god I pray to at night would want me to forgive them for their sins, and try to help them. And if you are gonna look down on someone for their sins than look down on everyone equal because everyone has sinned and we can't put a different weight or punishment on different sins. Once again I am not supporting homosexuality I am just trying to show a different point here, because sometimes we allow ourselves to become to judgmental and look past things we choose to look past.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk

I actually had a friend from highschool who turned out to be gay....weird cause in highschool he was picking up girls too.  He was raised from a wealthy family in our small town and it was pretty shocking honestly. I don't hate him but i don't really associate with him anymore because of the choices he makes.  I think anyone that is in a committed relationship and cheats is a p.o.s. in my book as well.  I had a guy i was friends with that i found out cheated on his fiance regulary and then made disparaging comments about my own wife... p.o.s. in my book. i don't talk to him anymore and didn't front him out to any of his friends cause it's not my place, but i was made to look like the p.o.s.  i think it's up to you to make your own personal decisions. if you don't like whats on TV or the movies don't watch them.  I don't watch much television at all because of the crap they deem suitable for kids or families period.  That's the wonderful thing about this country is your freedom of choice. God will pass the final judgement in the end, and quite frankly he's a lot better at his job than we are.  that's my 2 cents.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 09, 2011, 08:29:46 pm
i had a friend that turned out gay and we dont talk, also had a friend who cheated on his wife and then we found out he was beating her.

i dont associtate with it

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: muleman on September 09, 2011, 09:14:21 pm
had a buddy in high school, he dated tons of hot girls, his daddy was a game warden. after high school, he came out and is now a flaming fairy.........never woulda guessed that one.

Title: Re: hillbilly hand fishin
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 09, 2011, 10:11:29 pm
i had a drill sergent that used to get manicures and pedicures and wore tight pants and white flip flops

also told us the first person who called him gay would get skinned, and hung like a yote on a fence line