HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: WayOutWest on September 06, 2011, 02:09:46 pm

Title: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 06, 2011, 02:09:46 pm
No I didn't get to go hunting, but we went up to the bro-in-law and spent the weekend crabbing and salmon fishing in Puget Sound. I feel like I can crack crab in my sleep. We ate fresh crab, crab louie,crab and asparagus omelettes and smoked salmon. I have salmon in the smoker and I bet some makes it to Texas at the end of the month. I love living in Washington but I love coming to Texas. I am coming down for the ADBA National Weight Pull and Show on OCT 1 & 2. I am working to finish a hand made knife to raffle. If I was any kind of computer literate I would post a pic but it has me whipped. Anyway it will be a short trip but I will get to see a bunch of my bulldoggin buddies.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: djhogdogger on September 06, 2011, 02:40:22 pm

 Ive been dying to go crabbing. I haven't been in about 5 years. Love some big blues. Did yall use a line or a trap?

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 06, 2011, 03:39:15 pm
We use traps up here. Can only keep males and the minimum size is 6.5" across the back. I have walked threw the tall grass in waist deep water and felt them with your foot then pulled them up with a home made net. Dang near as redneck as noodlin.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: TexasHogDogs on September 06, 2011, 04:07:38 pm
Joel here is the pic of your  knife.  Man that is a nice nice knife.  Hey were is that ADBA deal going to be at ?


Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 06, 2011, 04:11:11 pm
man what i would do for a bucket of blues and a bucket of steamed oysters, charleston was the life when i was there

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: TexasHogDogs on September 06, 2011, 05:53:57 pm
Joel how much one of them knifes cost me with a 10 - 12 in blade ???? You can send me a email if you want.  I sure am thinking about showing up for that ADBA show been a long long time since I seen a ton of my old friends.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 06, 2011, 07:32:49 pm
Jimmy I have never sold one and I have never made one with a blade that long. I might have to try sometime but I know it gets tougher to keep all your ducks in a row when you go bigger. I have give a few away and donated them. Some of the money raised went to fighting that BS kennel law y'all got this year. But the show will be in Cleburne on Oct. 1 & 2.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: TexasHogDogs on September 06, 2011, 07:58:24 pm
Well if you get the itch to make one that long like a Bowie holler at me and let me know bout how much I need to send to get you to make me one.  Didnt you make one for Nathans wife Kelly one time and gave it to her ?

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 06, 2011, 08:07:20 pm
No I didn't make one for her, I didn't want to be responsible for what she might do to him  ;D

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: TexasHogDogs on September 06, 2011, 08:49:48 pm
hahaahahahahahahaahhahahah it might have been the Georgia boys that made it I cant remember.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: tmatt on September 06, 2011, 10:21:23 pm
Do you show or weight pull yours or both? What bloodline dogs are you running?

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 07, 2011, 10:26:56 pm
I show, but this is about the end of showing as I disagree with alot going on. Weight pull is about the worst thing that happened to the pit bull. But it's fun to watch. The good dogs pull their guts out. I have run Jeep/Rascal/Redboy for some time but I bred to a Carver bred dog from Texas on my last breeding. I also have a little BLK Cowboy mixed in. Used to run Tonka/Bolio but they were number 2ty brood bitches and I don't have time for that. I judged for over 20 yrs and won a couple Nationals but I'm kinda thinkin I want to spend my money and energy hog hunting.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: tmatt on September 07, 2011, 10:54:03 pm
I showed for a while with some Eli/Carver stuff. I agree about the weight pulling being horrible for the pitbull in general. I think that is why so many people breed and want huge pitbull dogs. I have some Jeep/Redboy stuff as well as some Jeep/Redboy/Carver stuff. I also have some Redboy/Jocko and some Redboy/Jocko/Eli. I have a little 32lb bitch that's off of my Redboy/Jocko/Eli male bred to a Plumber's Alligator female. I have a Boyle's/Carver male that is one hell of a good dog. Which Carver stuff.did you breed to.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 08, 2011, 09:31:27 am
Ibred to TLK's Musket dog. Inbred off Lil Man and Miss Kim. You can see him at Texas Legacy Kennels site.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: tmatt on September 08, 2011, 04:38:48 pm
He is a nice bred dog. This is the per for one of my females. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=238833

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 08, 2011, 05:42:23 pm
She is a well bred bitch. One of the sons of Musket and my Snipper bitch is now in Georgia working as a RCD. He has killed 4 hogs. It would make me nervous turning on out like that. The dog is 55# and can outrun the curs.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: tmatt on September 09, 2011, 02:10:58 pm
Some folks on this board keep saying that pitbulls need something crossed into them to give them more wind and speed. Overtime I see it I try to explain that if they get the right pitbull dogs that there is no need to cross anything else into them. I don't imagine I could just turn one out and let it run with the curs, with my luck all I would have when I got to where the hog was caught is a dead dog and hog.

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: tmatt on September 09, 2011, 02:14:25 pm
Back about a month ago I lost a heavy Andy Capp bred dog. He was a very very good dog. He was 38 pounds and as driven as they come and as game as you can get. Lol

Title: Re: Crabby weekend
Post by: WayOutWest on September 10, 2011, 10:32:56 am
I have a bitch that is out of a son of Andy Cap bred to a daughter of Indian Moon and Tonka bear. Good ol game bitch but won't raise a pup. She is 10 I think and healthy as a horse. Ready to back up to a male but doesn't want anything to do with pups. Kinda like some of those welfare mommas.