THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: HOGHUNTERX2 on September 27, 2011, 12:37:03 pm

Title: Parker X YBMC
Post by: HOGHUNTERX2 on September 27, 2011, 12:37:03 pm
Parker X YBMC with a touch of Ridgeback. Sire is Bill who is directly from Larry's Blackie. (And yes, I confirmed this with Larry before posting.) Went to buy one and came home with three. I should have listened, we don't have the room. They were born 07/11. Keeping our orignal pick. Selling one male and one female. Both are brindle. A light brindle male and red brindle female. $200 ea. Benton, AR.  Pictures available by text.  501.722.3535 or 501.326.7167 Text preferred.  SoCaLIGHTNGplate@aol.com