HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: make-em-squeel on September 27, 2011, 09:47:41 pm

Title: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: make-em-squeel on September 27, 2011, 09:47:41 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

Title: Re: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: muleman on September 27, 2011, 09:50:27 pm
I almost always have a pistol, hunting or not.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: dub on September 27, 2011, 09:55:42 pm
The only reason I don't is I might trespass without knowing it. Then it would be jail and not just a ticket. I have never had any problems but it sure would make for a bad hunt. I have thought about it on high fence places because there is no accidently jumping the wrong fence. It would have helped me with one when I just had my one bay dog. That was one big boar and the brush was too thick to sneak in. I just had to call the dog off. I don't hunt with just one bay dog any more ;D

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: halfbreed on September 27, 2011, 09:56:21 pm
if i wasn't public enemy # 1 in the great state of texas i wouldn't even go feed the chickens without packin a rod . if you are able to carry a gun hog hunting do it ther wont allways be a tree to climb .

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: lapdog on September 27, 2011, 09:56:44 pm
I try to have one on me or at least have a gun in the truck when its night. heard of and had to many bad experiences bayin up in the water.

Title: Re: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: justincorbell on September 27, 2011, 09:57:03 pm
I almost always have a pistol, hunting or not.

you and me both

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on September 27, 2011, 09:57:54 pm
I always cary a pistol and usually two big catch dogs. I figure I owe it to my dogs to be able to shoot them out of a really bad spot if they get in a wreck.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: tuskbuster on September 27, 2011, 10:04:11 pm
always 1 in the truck and usually its on my hip when huntin unless nighttime

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: M Bennet on September 27, 2011, 10:12:43 pm
i care one just in case i need to use it for anything.its like 4wheel drive its there if you need it.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Peachcreek on September 27, 2011, 10:20:19 pm
i care one just in case i need to use it for anything.its like 4wheel drive its there if you need it.

x2 i always have a pistol with me just in case. you never know what you will run across, we had to go take a dog back from some joy riders that came on the lease it sure made me feel better knowing i had the pistol when we confronted them.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: djhogdogger on September 27, 2011, 10:22:01 pm
 We don't carry a pistol but we do carry a rifle just in case....

 A. Dogs get in a bind with some bad hogs
 B. Bay dogs are getting mauled by pack of coyotes
 C. We come across a rabid or sick animal
 D. There actually is a bigfoot in the woods
 E. A chupacabra charges us
 F. James climbs up a tree to knock a coon out but its really a souped up wildcat and one of them needs some relief

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: gary fuller on September 27, 2011, 10:34:35 pm
being as im in california  a gun is a absolute have to if hunting legal beagle. but even if not  i have always and always will carry a pistol. had a 357 mag for several years  but have had  a 44 mag for many years now. a pistol is much easier to have compared to a rifle when we have bad brush  to fight  or crawling under grape vines/wires in vineyards. i have a cheapy single action virginia dragoon made by i think interarms but its a true workhorse and has never failed to go bang and get the job done.i think ive been carryin it for over 25 years.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 27, 2011, 10:50:03 pm
357 snub nose is my friend ;) ;D

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 27, 2011, 11:00:53 pm
Very seldom ever Cary one hog hunting, but definitely not a bad idea. Always carry one bear hunting.  454 casul

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: muddogger98 on September 27, 2011, 11:08:58 pm
never carry one when we run with buddies. we got ropes and knifes. and i have got a bigger knife now. and at least 2 catchdogs.. but when we run solo. we got one close. but its not good if it has to cum out.. cause if u got good dogs and a good knife.. then there is no need for one..

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 27, 2011, 11:23:20 pm
There will be, sooner or later.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: charles on September 28, 2011, 12:01:21 am
 its like the old american express cc sayin. never leave with out it! bound to be a couple more guns in the tck though and pleanty of ammo for those emergency situations.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Bar W on September 28, 2011, 12:48:28 am
We pack when we hunt. Usually have two catch dogs but you never know and I like to be able to back my dogs up, I've never used mine but two of my uncles got on boar that was over 450lbs one day cut three dogs bad only four dogs on the ground including catch dogs and it charged my uncle wearing a pit for an ear ring so he put three 44 slugs in it and they got busy stapling dogs. Saved three of the four by shooting that boar.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Reuben on September 28, 2011, 04:57:52 am
if you hog hunt long enough there will come a day on a hunt when you wish you had one. Most places I get to hunt do not allow pistols.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Jared H. on September 28, 2011, 05:04:12 am
 I always carry one.  I have my CHL so there's not many places I can't carry one. If I hunting with someone new I want them to know that I won't shoot over there dogs.  I'd rather see the dogs work over just shooting a hog any day.   I don't even load one in the chamber  when hunting until it seems necessary.  There's only been a few times I had to use it but I feel its better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it. Plus I know for sure of two times that it saved a few dogs from a whole lot of hurt or maybe worse.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Oly on September 28, 2011, 06:43:13 am
Better to have it and not need it---then need it and not have it---there is ALWAYS heat with me.


Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Mike on September 28, 2011, 08:12:47 am
cause if u got good dogs and a good knife.. then there is no need for one..

I used to have that same attitude... till a few bad boar hogs adjusted it for me and my good dogs. ;)

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: leifbarnes on September 28, 2011, 08:20:43 am
I typically always have a pistola on the ranger and one in the truck.  I may not carry it on me but have access to one if shiit hits the fan.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: NechesBobcat on September 28, 2011, 08:31:14 am
cause if u got good dogs and a good knife.. then there is no need for one..

Dogs can get injured or be at the wrong place at the wrong time and knives can be lost. That's like saying, if you got a good beaver you don't need a chainsaw.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: kaycee on September 28, 2011, 08:48:19 am
We don't carry a pistol but we do carry a rifle just in case....

 A. Dogs get in a bind with some bad hogs
 B. Bay dogs are getting mauled by pack of coyotes
 C. We come across a rabid or sick animal
 D. There actually is a bigfoot in the woods
 E. A chupacabra charges us
 F. James climbs up a tree to knock a coon out but its really a souped up wildcat and one of them needs some relief
;D ;Dlmao

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Bryant on September 28, 2011, 09:28:14 am
I always carry when hunting, and tell people if you see that pistol coming out of the holster things aren't looking real good.

Dub brings up a good point that most people don't realize.  If I have to cross a fence to retrieve a dog, my pistol stays on the Ranger.  Get caught packing heat on property you don't have permission to be on and the charge becomes a felony.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: firemedic on September 28, 2011, 12:07:13 pm
Can't imagine why you wouldn't have a firearm of some sort at all times when you're hunting hogs.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: txhogsanddogs on September 28, 2011, 02:10:28 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: sfboarbuster on September 28, 2011, 02:51:36 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

X2.... And it amazes me how many of ya'll in texas use two CD's. Guess ya'lls hogs must be badder then these Fl midgets :D

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: North Cedar Creek Ranch on September 28, 2011, 02:53:31 pm
I usually hunt by myself and I will always have a pistol just n case.  We have a few folks in this area that have turned some barr hogs loose with no ears.  These bad boys are 220 plus and they have killed more than one dog in the last few years.  I havent had the pleasure of baying one up yet but when i do i got bullet for em.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: 2Kranch on September 28, 2011, 03:04:11 pm
I usually hunt by myself and I will always have a pistol just n case.  We have a few folks in this area that have turned some barr hogs loose with no ears.  These bad boys are 220 plus and they have killed more than one dog in the last few years.  I havent had the pleasure of baying one up yet but when i do i got bullet for em.

i dont no if britt sent you a picture of the hog i got on close to your house the other day but i wish i woulda had one for him. this wasnt no barr hog tho he was all man with no ears and he dang near killed my two ruff dogs no bs close to 400lbs. but like you said no ears so what good would a bull dog do on something like that? try to hold on to the nose or jaw dont think so lol wish ida had some lead for him.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: hogdog05 on September 28, 2011, 03:05:18 pm
I like to run two cds but haven't been able to lately, especially when hunting by myself.  And running only one has cost me five cds this year.  I used to never carry a gun, but after getting dogs cut down I can see where one might need it.  Ex.  Last night I hunted and had a nice boar bayed, 275 and nice teeth nothing to big.  Using a brand new cd who has caught 3 hogs four days before.  I turn cd loose in a bad thicket, cause my yellers are getting impatient and trying to catch.  Well that was the last time I seen the cd.  I was able to get up to the pig 3 times within 15 feet, and put 5 shots from a .45 in him.  The point is I needed the gun in the thicket cause my normally loose baying dogs got a little gritty and this pig was slicing and dicin.  Did I get the pig, no.  He bolted and ran into a sounder and pigs busted.  Dogs caught a couple small ones.  The down side I absolutely HATE shooting over my dogs.  Sometimes you gotta do whatca gotta do.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on September 28, 2011, 04:24:14 pm
never carry one when we run with buddies. we got ropes and knifes. and i have got a bigger knife now. and at least 2 catchdogs.. but when we run solo. we got one close. but its not good if it has to cum out.. cause if u got good dogs and a good knife.. then there is no need for one..

some day some time you will find even your good dogs need help.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: dub on September 28, 2011, 04:50:15 pm
Another point is that I NEVER BRING A GUN WHEN I AM A GUEST!!! Unless I am asked I will not bring a gun. It is called respect.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: djhogdogger on September 28, 2011, 05:36:42 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

I used to think the same thing until one night when it was a full moon and James spotted a large group of hogs running across a hay field. The wind was not in the dogs favor. So we hauled butt and cut them off. We saw a really big boar standing in our headlights about 200 yards from us. We sent the bay dogs. There were so many hogs that the dogs all scattered, and one of our seasoned dogs spotted the big boar. He bee lined to the boar and had him bayed up on the road. There was still a pup on the wheeler so we turned him loose to help the one dog bay the boar. The rest of the dogs were after their own hogs. We could see that they had this boar spinning circles so James turned the catchdog loose.....

the dang catch dog spotted a choat out of the corner of his eye that was booking it across the field so he took a hard left and took off after the choat. That left the two bay dogs with the big boar hanging so to speak. One of our buddies took off to go try and retrieve the cd and we took off to get closer to the bay. When we got down there, the pup was trying to put teeth on the boar and that was a big mistake. He was taking some pretty good licks. They got down in a brushy ditch and then our seasoned dog who normally bays loose started baying real tight. Still no luck getting the cd back and this boar had some knives.

Well there aint a hog alive worth any of our dogs getting cut down so James grabbed the 30/30 off of the wheeler and when the dogs where on either side of the hog baying, James shot the hog.

They may have bayed it just fine until we got the cd back but it just wasnt worth the chance of standing there and watching a good dog be cut down when you can do something about it. IMO

Title: Re: Re: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: muleman on September 28, 2011, 05:54:39 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

I have respect for my dogs......I owe it to them to do whatever it takes to get them home safe. If that means shooting a hog, so be it.....I ain't gonna let a hog take me or my dogs out. Not everyone hunts hogs for the sport of it. The farmers we hunt for depend on us to keep them out of their crops. Haven't had to shoot one yet, but I ain't ever let one live on purpose either. The peoples land we hunt on want them dead or gone and Thats the way it goes.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: dub on September 28, 2011, 05:55:22 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

X2.... And it amazes me how many of ya'll in texas use two CD's. Guess ya'lls hogs must be badder then these Fl midgets :D
I heard y'alls midget hogs are so easy you do not even need a catch dog. Just walk in and they lay over with the toss of a hat ;D I ain't never seen it myself but that sounds like some easy catching there on them midget hogs rolleyes I bet they tie themselves too ;D

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: make-em-squeel on September 28, 2011, 06:03:59 pm
Can't imagine why you wouldn't have a firearm of some sort at all times when you're hunting hogs.

Simply b/c I am lazy and its an extra thing to tote, & Its not needed very often. I agree it is a smart thing to have!

Title: Re: Re: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: make-em-squeel on September 28, 2011, 06:07:52 pm
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

I have respect for my dogs......I owe it to them to do whatever it takes to get them home safe. If that means shooting a hog, so be it.....I ain't gonna let a hog take me or my dogs out. Not everyone hunts hogs for the sport of it. The farmers we hunt for depend on us to keep them out of their crops. Haven't had to shoot one yet, but I ain't ever let one live on purpose either. The peoples land we hunt on want them dead or gone and Thats the way it goes.

AMEN Muleman....thats ridiculous to say that if your dogs are caught in a bad spot you wouldnt shoot a hog b/c your a sportsman! I would be sporting the next wknd instead of re building my pack. F a hog the second one my dogs is getting hurt. Its all about the sport of the dogs to me but I will take care of them 1st over  any hog

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: tuskbuster on September 28, 2011, 06:24:08 pm
yep i dont hunt and catch hogs to feed my ego .i like the dog work and seein em come along and i wont let a dog down just to say they didnt do thiers so i aint gonna help em.JMHO

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: adamp on September 29, 2011, 02:33:42 am
We always have one with us when we hunt. I normally don't carry one myself unless hunting by myself

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: bayem~and~slay em on September 29, 2011, 07:20:58 am
My dad used to make carry one an I quit carrying it then there were times I needed it again didn't have it so I'm bout to start carrying it again I've got to much time an effort in my dogs just to stand there an watch em get whooped


Title: Re: Re: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: txhogsanddogs on September 29, 2011, 08:20:22 am
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

I have respect for my dogs......I owe it to them to do whatever it takes to get them home safe. If that means shooting a hog, so be it.....I ain't gonna let a hog take me or my dogs out. Not everyone hunts hogs for the sport of it. The farmers we hunt for depend on us to keep them out of their crops. Haven't had to shoot one yet, but I ain't ever let one live on purpose either. The peoples land we hunt on want them dead or gone and Thats the way it goes.

AMEN Muleman....thats ridiculous to say that if your dogs are caught in a bad spot you wouldnt shoot a hog b/c your a sportsman! I would be sporting the next wknd instead of re building my pack. F a hog the second one my dogs is getting hurt. Its all about the sport of the dogs to me but I will take care of them 1st over  any hog

I guess it's another thing to carry around as well.  I haven't ever needed one so far so I'm not going to start now.  JMO...  I carry vet supplies and water and that's about it.  I've lost 3 dogs in 12 years and none of them would have been saved by a pistol.  I'm not saying anything about people that carry them, i just choose not too. 

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: zachW on September 29, 2011, 08:28:55 am
i have carried one some, the only thing i shot was a skunk that wandered up to me, funny thing was a trashy pup was not far behind on that skunks trail, she didnt mess with skunks for a while after that ;D

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: DoGgONit on September 29, 2011, 08:46:12 am
44 mag .... dont leave home without it...jmo.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: coach on September 29, 2011, 08:59:29 am
I always carry my trusty 357mag but I can tell you there has been a number of times I have forgotten to load the damn thing. :P

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: bob on September 29, 2011, 09:03:43 am
always packin hunting or not

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: halfbreed on September 29, 2011, 10:01:16 am

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: coach on September 29, 2011, 10:08:23 am
border patrol agents chasing your dogs around cause you set off their sensors.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: gary fuller on September 29, 2011, 10:46:17 am
i hunt for my own personal enjoyment, but most places we hunt the owners want every single hog  killed. so giving a bad hog a sporting chance isnt  an option. plus if shootin a hog can stop him from hurtin  or killin dogs then bang goes the pistola. i recall 2 seperate occasions where young fellas who felt it wasnt right if i shot a hog were screamin like  little girls for me and my pistola to  help out,lol. if the situation calls for it i will shoot a hog in the butt,belley  whatever  to break em down if i have to. and believe it or not some folks style of hunting is bay and shoot. most of us hunt the way we do as thats how we were taught by those who we hunted with first. i doubt if those who dont like shootin hogs would quit hunting if they moved to a state where they had to shoot em . if you told these land owners that you loose some hogs because you wont shoot them they just might find someone who doesnt have that same feeling as you. not tryin to offend anyone just sayin my opinion on the subject.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: halfbreed on September 29, 2011, 12:56:05 pm
x2 gary by whatever means neccesary . all hogs must die period ... in texas anyway we ain't never gonna run out

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Jasonmac on September 29, 2011, 07:58:25 pm
l carry all the time you never when you may need it save you or your dogs life. ;)

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: jsh on September 29, 2011, 08:22:28 pm
All these guys full of piss and vinegar that say if your dogs are "good" enough, you don't need a gun make me laugh.  They haven't hunted long enough.  I have too much respect for my dogs that have saved my a$$ many times, to not shoot a hog to save them.  If that makes me not a sportsman, or them sorry dogs - so be it.  If anyone that thinks a rank boar versus a dog is a fair fight - you're ignorant. 

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: coyote hunters wife on September 30, 2011, 10:03:54 pm
He always uses a knife but i would like to no there is a pistol near by so far there hasnt been lol Im still a virgin i havent stuck a hog YET!

Title: Re: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: BigCutters4 on October 01, 2011, 12:10:42 am
Just somethin we have never done

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: BarrNinja on October 01, 2011, 12:20:34 am
Better to have it and not need it as to need it and not have it. IMO

I alway have a firearm of some sort when I hunt solo and will usually have one available when I hunt with others even if Im not carrying it.
Funny thing is, when i need it, its usually not for a bad hog.

I will use myself as an example when I was young.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: BarrNinja on October 01, 2011, 12:24:22 am
How many of yall tote a pistol while hunting? I would say 95% of the time we dont, after seeing that +440lber Jesse killed it makes me question my methods  ??? I try to have two CDs but what do yall hunt with normally?

I don't and never have.  I riased my dogs to catch hogs and for me to catch them.   We as sportmen should have respect for hogs also and i beleive if a boar whoops up on your dogs and keeps going he should deserve to run around.  You won't see me shoot one! JMO

X2.... And it amazes me how many of ya'll in texas use two CD's. Guess ya'lls hogs must be badder then these Fl midgets :D

Hey big boy! I have seen you in action! You dont need any catch dogs!

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: Chad Taylor on October 01, 2011, 06:24:29 pm
Carry all the time.

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: charles on October 01, 2011, 06:59:29 pm
So if u aint nvr carried bc u teach ur dogs, then ur andmirable teachr to ur dogs. what if that hog that just whooped up on ur dogs gets done with them n then wanys u? After he cuts the crap out of u n leaves u there, u gonna have the same opinion that he deserves to keep on truckin as u lay there n bleed out? I bet ur family wont c it that way if they hav the most unfortunate to bury u, lord hope it DONT happen, but i wont take that chance

Title: Re: ??Carry a Pistol hunting ??
Post by: BobbyB on October 01, 2011, 07:09:52 pm
When I hunted with Jesse Paul he always had his .41 mag just in case. When I go with Jay Hutto, he always has his .44 mag lever action. When me and Zach go I carry my .357.