HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: zachW on September 29, 2011, 10:17:16 am

Title: Bark collars
Post by: zachW on September 29, 2011, 10:17:16 am
Ok im sure this question has been asked, but im going to re ask it.  I want to put a bark collar on my two bay dogs, will this effect them wanting to bay in the woods or a pen?  2nd will they then associate the bark collar and a shock collar and not want to bark if i stick a shock collar on?

Mine and T colts neighbors have started raising hell, well they yelled at him i wasnt home.  So we need to shut the dogs up at night, is there any other ideas on keeping them quite in the kennels?

Ok my next question if my dogs are barking at something be it a stray dog, a feral child, or some one close to them, am i still suppose to keep them quite (as a good neighbor)?  What is the law on dogs barking, i know its anoying i dont expect my neighbors to have to listen to my dogs raising cain thats not right, but when it gets right down to it whats the law?

Title: Re: Bark collars
Post by: Hawkins on September 29, 2011, 10:36:04 am
Bark collar will not hurt them at all as far as having a real shock collar and baying a hog. There is probably a noise complaint law, but it is just common courtesy to not annoy the neighbors with barking dogs.

Title: Re: Re: Bark collars
Post by: muleman on September 29, 2011, 10:54:11 am
I use bark collars all the time. Never had problems. Barking ordinances vary by city. What city do you live in?

Title: Re: Bark collars
Post by: tomtom on September 29, 2011, 12:31:11 pm
 Bark collars dont hurt a thing. Just make sure you move the collar around daily or the points will irritate the dog(if you have the collar tight enough it will aggravate the dogs skin).

Title: Re: Bark collars
Post by: dub on September 30, 2011, 05:10:00 pm
I have one that barks with the collar on the highest setting. If you have one like that then put a sprinkler out that will spray on them. Turn it on when they are barking and they will go in the barrels and not bark. You don't need to leave it on long but it should get the point across.

Title: Re: Bark collars
Post by: TColt on October 01, 2011, 05:36:38 am
We are outside the city limits. They are usually pretty good, I had just got home though and the neighbor I guess was moody. It was only 930 and she was throwin a fit about her and her kid gettin up at 7:00 for school and work. I get up every mornin at 5:00 so I don't want dogs barking either. They have been good since without any collars. Main problem I have is my Dogo pup is kenneled with my soco dOg. If I let soco in the house and leave deuce outside then deuce won't shut up, so lately they are either both in or both out and that's been workin till I get the money for a bark collar. Deuce dont need to k ow how to bark anyways :)

Title: Re: Bark collars
Post by: T-Bob Parker on October 01, 2011, 10:39:54 am
I tried the sprinkler deal at the office kennels and found out that my pit and one yellow pup learned to associate barking with getting sprayed and would raise heck several times during the hot part of the day to get sprayed. Ended up having to put bark collars on them.