Title: World Predator & Wild Hog Extravaganza Sept 7-9, 2012 Waco Conv. Center Post by: sos ken on September 29, 2011, 02:07:50 pm Hello all:
I wanted to let all you teans out hear know that (SOS) Scurry Outdoors South will be promoting our 2nd annual World Predator & Wild Hog Extravaganza next Sept 2012. We will have anything and every thing that has to do with Predator & Wild Hog Doggin. We are in the process of updating this years site and will have more information soon. WE have just launched The hunt for BOARASAURUS which is the search for the biggest Dog Bay Catch in the country. Info will be posted soon. for more info visit www.scurryoutdoorsssouth.com Good Luck Hunting! SOS Ken |