HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Jacob on October 03, 2011, 03:58:48 pm

Title: Needing a good boar skull
Post by: Jacob on October 03, 2011, 03:58:48 pm
Now I know this is gonna sound crazy but, past few weeks Ive bee really trying to get on a good sized hog with no luck, and so Im turning to ETHD for help. Ive been asked by my guy that takes care of all my hearing aid needs to get him a good size boar skull to display in his office, I told him Id find him one and Ive yet to get on one good enough to put on display......SO with that being said, if anyone on here has a good boar skull that they could let go of, Id gladly drive to pick it up or pay shipping to have it shipped to me, I know it sounds crazy but he has always went measures to make sure Ive got the best equipment to date and Id like to do the same for him. If anyone could help me out send me an email at revjkelso@suddenlink.net or shoot me a text or call 903-517-2915, Im located here in Paris, Tx thanks in advance!!