HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: UNDERDOG on October 08, 2011, 02:35:10 am

Title: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: UNDERDOG on October 08, 2011, 02:35:10 am
I understand what yall  are saying but the words you use are jacked.  Strike, Bay, RCD, and Catch.  Finder, Holder????   You Texas boys are spoiled with that dry land and huge fourwheeling properties.  Yeah we have those down here but the magority of us don't hunt them unless we get some special invite.  Fl curs have changed.  Used to be a "do it all" dog now guys are ruining the lines cause all the newbies.  No experience, accidental breeding, dog peddl'n.  Used to be you could have good dogs given to you.   Now the market is flooded with newbies offering up biig bucks for the wrong dogs.  Plenty of capable dogs are ruined due to lazy dogmen.  They expect the dog to just do it.  It takes training.  Trial and error, experience and learning from mentors.  I have my own forum for educational purposes and trying to keep the young guys on the right track but this whole entitlement generation don't want to work for it.  For a dog to reach it's potential, you must have a plan.  You got to want it!  Cull hard and don't sell your chiteaters!  New to this site.  Don't want to sound pessimistic but it don't take a perfect dog to produce hogs.  Many breeds will do it.  Certain dogs will serve you best on different terrain.  I have had plenty of young buck come out with their "finished dogs at 1 year old.  Couldn't catch a hobbled hog.  But they know everything and never shut the heck up.  Texting while their hunting and showing off pictures of hogs they didn't catch.  Once you find you a pack that works for where you hunt, you have to step back and think to yourself........self......I need to protect these dogs so I can have a decent line.   No.... everyone wants Now Now Now.  If you don't want your dogs to get beat up don't hunt hogs with dogs.  It happens!  Get you some bay dogs that will run you across the county with your atv and shoot.  If you want to have HOGDOGS.  One month ago I lost my bad a** catch dog, got my lead dog stitched, lost a puppy to severed achilles and my RCD got 150 stitches.  All in a matter of minutes.  The Boar hog beat me and my pack.  The challenge is to get back ASAP an d figure that badboy out.   For months before that we had nothing but minor flesh wounds here and there.  It takes time and experience.  You know where to get the best dogs.  Florida!  Man my fingers are tired and I'm up way too late!  All Do respect to everybody who don't fall into my criticism.  

Since you posted in the wrong topic I moved this.

You seem to have a very strong opinion and a very rough one for a first post and its late and im not sure how to take it. Why don't you introduce yourself, how old are you, were you from exactly in Florida,what kinda dogs you got?  Maybe some pics,how long you been dogging etc.?

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: justincorbell on October 08, 2011, 03:24:56 am
sorry buddy but you are WAY outta line......and alot on this site are gonna feal the same way...........texas boys are spoiled? with our wide open hunting places?..............have you even ever stepped foot in texas? we have EVERYTHING that ya'll have a far as landscape and hunting grounds.......i am in no way talking down on florida or attemptin to take away from your state at all but do me a favor and think a bit before you start a sensless rant.........sounds to me like you are tryin to make up for something, or maybe you are just jealous of us "spoiled texas boys" >:D....... we have palmetto groves that go as far as the eye can see, swamplands FULL of gators, pine plantations that you can't see 5 foot in front of you in the daylight, scrub brush full of cactus, briar patches, hardwood bottoms, O and did I mention SWAMPS..........think before you type, you may realize that us "texas boys" aren't all that different that yourself......I've only been doggin for 5yrs but i've been hunting this land my entire life and I can promise you that texas lands are as wild as any. And while I may not have dogs that will do it at this current time I can guarantee you that there are guys on here that can and will be more than happy to prove to you that the "BEST" dogs don't just come from florida..........have a great day rolleyes

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: rdjustham on October 08, 2011, 06:36:23 am
WOW  :o  Here we go again  rolleyes

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: coyote hunter on October 08, 2011, 07:36:27 am
U want spoiled  ill admit i have it made  ask anyone that hunts or has hunted with me  i have it great  wide open flat land, hogs a quarter mile from my house  my furthest drive is ten miles   keys to gates to just drive up on the bays most times  landowners overall like me although "newbies" r ruining hunting here also so u can call me spoiled    but before u get on here and stereotype any state or any individual i suggest u get to know the people and who they r and what they go thru  lugger and holder r aussie terms  if ur gonna be on this board u should get to know the lingo and where its from imo  there r posts about terms and their meanings  u should read em    ur about to get bashed on this post by some "spoiled texans"  im sure and really and truly if u would have worded that post differently and more kindly u would see a whole different side to these people  they r a really great bunch  for example  problems at home and newbies had me ready to sell all my stuff but these guys talked me out of it and offered to come get my dogs and gear and keep em just in case i decided to get back into it   bever met em but they sure offered some very nice words and a place for my dogs...  moreover anytime i have a question they sure give good advice for free. My last few words on this post r i think u should get more positively involved on here and apologize to the texans( ou is gonna whoop yall tomorrow by the way;) ) and if u dont have anything nice to say then u shouldnt say anything at all.  Hope the best for u bud and that these people dont get to upset at u   

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: halfbreed on October 08, 2011, 08:50:01 am
lordy lordy lordy  that youg florida boy done slapped ya'll in da face . you gonna take that !!!  some one get ahold of noah and see how much it will cost to go kick his butt .

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: J5 on October 08, 2011, 09:01:39 am
Shoot, i'd be willin to bet he has 4t all figured out...just ask the expert!                     

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: tomtom on October 08, 2011, 09:03:43 am
 Anybody ever heard of the cat hunters Finney and his son John Clay? The Clays have cat hunted with hounds all over North America thier entire lives. In no uncertain terms will they tell you that the place to live if you want tons of land to run dogs is north Florida.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: uglydog on October 08, 2011, 09:26:43 am
I need a link to your Forum so I can be explained to about training a dog how to hunt. I need help you see, I want to learn about Prey Drive.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 08, 2011, 09:52:53 am
I need a link to your Forum so I can be explained to about training a dog how to hunt. I need help you see, I want to learn about Prey Drive.

x2 i aint mad i aint offended i wanna learn from the BEST!!!

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: halfbreed on October 08, 2011, 09:57:14 am
 hell cris just come by the house  ;D  ;D  ;D  but i would like the link  [if there even is one ? ]  thats just some young kid probley still in school cause us old farts cant type that well with all that proper puntuation and such .

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 08, 2011, 09:58:04 am
choot, im gonna have to get me a pair them bad arse florida cracker curs!!! get me a dane and name him bloodytick, and i`ll be set.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: Noah on October 08, 2011, 10:19:45 am
HAHAHA, this is a good one  ;D    I'm keen to see who this person is myself...  put your name up brother

Nothin' wrong with having a strong opinion... as long as you respect everyone elses as well

.... and most importantly... PUT UP PICTURES OF THOSE BAD ASS FLORIDA CURS... I never seen one before ;D

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: djhogdogger on October 08, 2011, 11:01:12 am
 ???  All this time I thought that Florida "boys" were spoiled to wetlands!  ???

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: arrowbar on October 08, 2011, 11:13:11 am
 You know where to get the best dogs.  Florida!  

The best dogs don't come from individual states, but come from individuals that field test their dogs, select the best ones and breed the best to the best. It is trial and error, but you have to be willing to cull hard and keep thinking of ways and sources to improve your dogs. Not to mention the difficulty of placing these fur balls of potential with the people that will keep extracting this penned up potential and keep continously testing them out at the same time.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on October 08, 2011, 11:30:10 am
Sir, since you were so smart as to not put your name, we will call you Jack. I'm sure you can guess why.  ;)

Now Jack, I don't know you from Adam, but here is what I can tell about you from your post. First and foremost, you obviously are very proud to be from Florida, and if that is your home, then you should be. However, you should also realize, that being from Florida means you don't know chit about texans. First thing you need to know about texans is that 99% of us work our arses off for everything we have, so calling us "spoiled" is the first and by fat the best way to get riled up.

Second off, I can tell that you are very conceited and self absorbed as to toot your own horn and say that you can train a dog when no one else does. You obviously have not met every person on this earth, so how can you truly say that no one takes the time to teach their dogs the correct way to do something?

Third, and finally, I can tell you have not been to Texas, or talked to many people from here. I can tell this because if you had, you would know that only 2 out of 5 people prolly have the prime open landed hunting areas. Most of us have small sections, where if our dogs cross a fence we get in big trouble. Those that do have the open spots have worked for the respect and love of the land owners by being kind and courteous, something that you obviously have no experience with.

Before you open your mouth about "spoiled texans" I suggest you do a little more research and spend some time actually talking with us texans and get the real story. 

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: Miller Lite on October 08, 2011, 12:02:18 pm
WOW  :o  Here we go again  rolleyes


Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: tmatt on October 08, 2011, 01:04:16 pm
I am like Underdog, Big Chris, and Halfbreed on this one. I would love to have the link to your forum. I definitely need help training dogs and learning what prey drive is. As for the best dogs being from Florida, I have yet to see someone prove it. I would love for you to bring them bad arse Florida curs over here and run some of the hogs through the mesquite with me.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: sfboarbuster on October 08, 2011, 01:19:51 pm
There is some truth to some of the things he said in that post, but some things that shouldn't have been said....

I ain't getting in the middle of it, all i'm saying is he lives in florida and i'm pretty sure he don't hunt florida curs....

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: Noah on October 08, 2011, 01:28:00 pm
Alright, spill it!  Who is it, Sean Kelley under a new screen name?  ;D

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: sfboarbuster on October 08, 2011, 01:29:59 pm
No it's not Sean. I don't want to get in the middle of this one.

He seems like a pretty decent guy though.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: Noah on October 08, 2011, 01:35:05 pm
He does have some good points I must admit...  would love to see the pictures of dogs/hogs resulting from those good points...

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: halfbreed on October 08, 2011, 01:51:49 pm
sf buster if you know him you must have his link right ? give it up !!!!

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: uglydog on October 08, 2011, 02:54:37 pm
It must be the guys from Hogs gone Wild??????? ;D

Waiting on a linkl!!!

I got so excited I bought a book awhile ago about how to train hunting dogs.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on October 08, 2011, 02:58:22 pm
It must be the guys from Hogs gone Wild??????? ;D

Waiting on a linkl!!!

I got so excited I bought a book awhile ago about how to train hunting dogs.

Now you just need a dog that will leave your feet. Maybe even one that will be comfortable while on the outside of a hog pen.  ;)

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: sfboarbuster on October 08, 2011, 03:18:06 pm
This is a link to his board

http://www.openhogseason.proboards.com/index.cgi? (http://www.openhogseason.proboards.com/index.cgi?)

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: SCHitemHard on October 08, 2011, 04:25:00 pm
fellas fellas lets not get to hostile please. opinions are like hole in the butts, some are bigger than others. lets welcome him and see what he means, im sure he has pictures and can give some insite.

HPD would you care to elaborate, im not from texas so ive had to work for my hogs in the swamps of SC and hills of GA

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on October 08, 2011, 07:39:38 pm

Welcome Prey Drive ..You gonna be a fun one. 

Only thing is you forgot to be specific about what part of Texas you were referring to. Its like a whole Nother country is what the travel guide says bout us.. :laugh:

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 09, 2011, 09:36:07 am
sfboarbuster, i would like to know some of the good points and bad ones he pointed out? im all about finding out the best ways, the do`s and the dont`s.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: djhogdogger on October 09, 2011, 02:30:06 pm

 I went to the link and signed up to see what it was. I looked around and I think that someone posted on here to try and stir up some members on their new forum. I will be sticking with ETHD!  ;D

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: rdjustham on October 09, 2011, 02:45:25 pm

 I went to the link and signed up to see what it was. I looked around and I think that someone posted on here to try and stir up some members on their new forum. I will be sticking with ETHD!  ;D

I had the same thought

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 09, 2011, 02:51:24 pm

 I went to the link and signed up to see what it was. I looked around and I think that someone posted on here to try and stir up some members on their new forum. I will be sticking with ETHD!  ;D

I had the same thought

so did i! i seen he had a spot for TX, LA, GA ;D

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: TimmsHogDogs on October 09, 2011, 03:17:21 pm
Just to point out the obvious but does he realize this is East TEXAS Hog Doggers right?
 rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
Buddy if you cant tell the difference are you sure you know what a hog dog is? :-X

Sorry having a bad day as it isguys and his dumb post about us "spoiled" Texas hunters just pisses me off!

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: 2Kranch on October 09, 2011, 03:21:08 pm
i went to his sight and after seeing the way he acted on here i didnt even take the time to sign up.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: TimmsHogDogs on October 09, 2011, 03:22:42 pm
Yeah you notice that you have to become a member before you can even look at the site... No thanks I will stick with ETHD!

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: 2Kranch on October 09, 2011, 03:26:49 pm
yeah me to. notice he hasnt had much more to say bein as us spoiled texans put our 2 cents in.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: TimmsHogDogs on October 09, 2011, 03:41:24 pm
He is too embarressed  rolleyes

Title: Re: Re: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: BigCutters4 on October 09, 2011, 04:01:52 pm
He does have some good points I must admit...  would love to see the pictures of dogs/hogs resulting from those good points...

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: dub on October 09, 2011, 09:34:02 pm
Yeah you notice that you have to become a member before you can even look at the site... No thanks I will stick with ETHD!
I see advertisements and bet every click makes him money. I would not go to the site until he can get back on here and defend his rants. Not everyone from Texas is spoiled like me rolleyes

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: tnhillbilly on October 09, 2011, 09:56:41 pm
He can come hunt with me since hes got it so rough down there.  ;D
I thought the same when I went to the sight, I didn't join. Figured he was fishing for members.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: sfboarbuster on October 10, 2011, 07:36:43 am
sfboarbuster, i would like to know some of the good points and bad ones he pointed out? im all about finding out the best ways, the do`s and the dont`s.

Pretty much all of this is good points that made. IMO

Fl curs have changed.  Used to be a "do it all" dog now guys are ruining the lines cause all the newbies.  No experience, accidental breeding, dog peddl'n.  Used to be you could have good dogs given to you.   Now the market is flooded with newbies offering up biig bucks for the wrong dogs.  Plenty of capable dogs are ruined due to lazy dogmen.  They expect the dog to just do it.  It takes training.  Trial and error, experience and learning from mentors.   I have my own forum for educational purposes and trying to keep the young guys on the right track but this whole entitlement generation don't want to work for it.  For a dog to reach it's potential, you must have a plan.  You got to want it!  Cull hard and don't sell your chiteaters!  New to this site.  Don't want to sound pessimistic but it don't take a perfect dog to produce hogs.  Many breeds will do it.  Certain dogs will serve you best on different terrain.  I have had plenty of young buck come out with their "finished dogs at 1 year old.  Couldn't catch a hobbled hog.  But they know everything and never shut the heck up.  Texting while their hunting and showing off pictures of hogs they didn't catch.  Once you find you a pack that works for where you hunt, you have to step back and think to yourself........self......I need to protect these dogs so I can have a decent line.   No.... everyone wants Now Now Now.  If you don't want your dogs to get beat up don't hunt hogs with dogs.  It happens!

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: halfbreed on October 10, 2011, 10:37:50 am
being an old fart i agree with all said above . BUT i think if he want's to get his opinion across he should first learn how to do it tactifaly . he needs a lot more people skills to be a so called teacher of young hard head no it alls . maby he should spend as much time on that as he does on dogs and then he won't sound like a know it all jackazz .

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: geronimo on October 10, 2011, 10:46:10 am
as forrest gump would say, thats all he has to say abt that? man i was wanting to hear more. he had alot of gooood points, but he needs to come back and do some splaining...

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 10, 2011, 12:42:22 pm
the points he made have been topics on here before.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: justincorbell on October 11, 2011, 01:28:08 am
seems like a goober lookin for new members to me  rolleyes

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: coach on October 11, 2011, 08:57:42 am
Anybody ever heard of the cat hunters Finney and his son John Clay? The Clays have cat hunted with hounds all over North America thier entire lives. In no uncertain terms will they tell you that the place to live if you want tons of land to run dogs is north Florida.

x2  The McBrides out of West Texas use to say the same thing. LOL That's why they bought a house over there to run their hounds all over that country.

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: treeingratterrier on October 11, 2011, 11:56:35 am
Last time i looked the Clays quit Florida and moved to Oklahoma or Arksanas or were done with Florida????

Title: Re: Hello,im high prey drive
Post by: arrowbar on October 11, 2011, 10:02:39 pm
C. John Clay goes by dads dogboy on the biggame forum, read his postings overthere and see that he has tons of knowledge.