HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: paul.m on February 19, 2009, 03:59:42 pm

Title: Hunting tournament!!!!
Post by: paul.m on February 19, 2009, 03:59:42 pm
I am posting this thread for a guy who hunts with dogs but
does not have the internet. He is holding a hunting tournament
in Kerns Tx. His # is903-641-6062 his name is Bubba Warren
call him for any information.The tournament is called PIGOUT!
Call him for any questions.

Title: Re: Hunting tournament!!!!
Post by: elliscountyhog on February 19, 2009, 04:16:42 pm
Dang u need to get a job where u actully work and not on the dang computer all day >:D

Title: Re: Hunting tournament!!!!
Post by: oklahoma hogger on February 19, 2009, 04:35:09 pm
wheres kerns tx??

Title: Re: Hunting tournament!!!!
Post by: paul.m on February 19, 2009, 05:29:41 pm
It is 14 miles east of corsicana. Go south on I45 and Exit Hwy 31 and head east.

Title: Re: Hunting tournament!!!!
Post by: oklahoma hogger on February 19, 2009, 05:50:51 pm
to far from me lol