Title: ybmc pups 12 weeks old Post by: possum hunter on October 13, 2011, 02:26:55 pm I have 6 pups left 4 females and 2 males left for sale or trade. The dad is a pretty rough strike dog, mostly used as a rig dog as of lately. Pretty rough, but not stupid. Mom of pups is also pretty rough she used to be suicidal, but the past fee months has learned to step back and bay, she is a decent ground dog, used a lot off the hood. If either of these dogs don't strike the hog, they will be at the bay shortly. best offer or trade for something that don't eat. 936 647 3100 or email wormneck08@gmail.com
Dad (http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/jeffeasttx/butcher.jpg) Mom (http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/jeffeasttx/IMG_0460.jpg) Female 1 (http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/jeffeasttx/IMG_2127.jpg) Female 2 (http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/jeffeasttx/IMG_7704.jpg) Male (http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/jeffeasttx/IMG_0079.jpg) |