Title: European hunt. Post by: ppc dogos on February 22, 2009, 04:44:49 am I hunted with a new contact 3 weekends the last 3 months, and finally our work paid off. I will make an exception and show some pictures. This boar we caught with PPC Payo,PPC Bomba and PPC Eloy. The pack we have been working with the last 4 months. On fotos Eloy and Bomba. Eloy is 14 months and Bomba just turned 2 years. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v600/Birgpet/hunt023.jpg) We started out in the night at 11 o´clock, the dogs took off after one hour of walking. 10 minutes later we heard boars running in the thicket around us, but no sign of the dogs. about 10 more minutes later we heard the sweet sound of caught boar and ran the best we could. Was almost impossible to navigate to the catch, still no GPS, we could only orientate when we were standing still, trying to figure out where the sound came from..after some minutes, have no idea how many..but the longest minutes in my life, we spotted them. Payo was on the nose, Eloy and Bomba each ear. What a beautiful sight! The boar was caught in a open spot, all wet and muddy, in the outskirt of the forrest. Difficult to say who was there first, but Payo had a injured shoulder(limping heavily), so most surely him. I legged the boar, my friend stuck it, missed the heart though, he flipped over, and we had to finish him from the right side. I first realised how big this boar was after he was lying still, my adrenalin level were so high, that I did not even notice while I was legging him, at this point I was so busy telling my partner to get that hog killed!! He never used knife before, so he got the adrenalin rush of his life. Bomba on after it was stuck. Halfsister to Marvins Deangelo, same mum. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v600/Birgpet/hunt006.jpg) Greetings from Denmark Birgitte & Peter Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: clint on February 22, 2009, 07:46:13 am Thats a nice hog and nice dogs... Did you get to weigh him?
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: Noah on February 22, 2009, 07:49:29 am Denmark... that's pretty neat, had no idea you all dog hunted over there! Great boar!
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: Ladogos on February 22, 2009, 07:56:29 am Gret hunt and nice dogs. glad to see you posted over here. this is a GREAT site with no B S . Just a bunch of good ol hunting folks sharing there hunts with others.
Man it looks cold over there by all that ice on the ground. popo Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: dabutcher on February 22, 2009, 09:05:42 am man i love them dogos :). nice hog as well
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: ppc dogos on February 22, 2009, 09:36:07 am Thanks,
Noah, In Denmark there is no boars, so we travel to different places in Europe each time. We are not so blessed with boars nearby, unfortunately! :( So if we are lucky we can hunt, like 10 times a year, when it is a good year! We did not have a scale, but we were 3 grown men to lift him to the hook to gut him, and it wasn´t easy :) Our guess is that he was on the good side of 150 kilos which I guess is 330 lbs. It wasn´t really cold, just a bit thin layer of ice, still a lot of mud also. Had no winter here this year. Bad for the boars. The piglets are born in the wet season like now, get a bad start of life, if they survive. B & P Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: hoghunterdfw on February 22, 2009, 11:18:16 am All dogo hunting team? that is awesome.
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: ppc dogos on February 22, 2009, 11:47:57 am Yes, only theese 3 dogos - our curdog (Black mouth)is high pregnant in Sweden living with a friend of us.
We always hunt our dogs on the ground, so it wasn´t new for them. B & P Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on February 22, 2009, 11:55:20 am Good hunt, looks like the young dogs are doing well.
Glad to see ya'll over here, good site with good solid hunters. For those of you who don't know these folks have some fine Dogo's, my female Adora comes from their bloodlines. Paul T Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: ppc dogos on February 22, 2009, 01:16:19 pm Thanks Paul,
If Marvin dries out Louisiana before we are there, we might should drive down to your area? ;) B & P Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: Bigl on February 22, 2009, 06:22:15 pm where did u get your dogos???
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: Mike on February 22, 2009, 06:56:20 pm Welcome to the boards! I love seeing pics and stories from hunters around the world.
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: jhy on February 22, 2009, 11:51:48 pm Welcome and look forward to more pics and stories. Good hog for sure!
Joey Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: ppc dogos on February 23, 2009, 12:28:47 am Thanks !
We bred them all. Thoose dogs are 4. and 5. generation in our kennel. So we knew them pretty well. ;) We have been in this breed since 1987. Birgitte & Peter Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: jdt on February 23, 2009, 09:13:48 am ppc what do your hogs look like compared to ours , are they true european or d yall have "feral" hogs also
Title: Re: European hunt. Post by: ppc dogos on February 23, 2009, 09:42:14 am In Sweden the populations is foundated a bit like in USA. A couple of Wildboar farms had some "escapings" many ears ago. How pure they were, no one really know, they looked pure.
In the rest of Europe I would say they are pure. But the size variates a lot. The biggest ones we see from Russia, Romania and Bulgaria. For what we have seen the hogs in Sweden are similar in type to the ones that Marvin caught in Louisiana lately. Fast and quite strong hogs. Big adult male boars in Russia hunters over there say are not realistic to hunt with catchdogs. They tried many years ago, but gave up, they got their dogs killed. Here is a big male boar shot in Sweden last year by our friend Henrik: (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v600/Birgpet/Storgrisen2006kopiera-1.jpg) B & P B & P |