HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: hoghunter71409 on October 20, 2011, 02:38:11 pm

Title: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 20, 2011, 02:38:11 pm
Like most on this site, I look at the dog trade a lot, just to see what people are selling.  I really appreciate this site and I'm glad the administrators have it.. Thank you!  Over the years I too have bought and sold a very few dogs from different sites.  Some worked and some did not.  The one thing that I really wonder about is when a person says they need to sell a dog (a single dog) in order to reduce the feed bill.  I'm not sure how many dogs the average person has (probably somewhere between 6-8 dogs).  In my opinion, one more or one less dog isn't really going to make much of a difference in the food bill.  As a matter of fact, I probably would not see a difference at all.  If I wanted to slim the bill and I had good dogs, I would look at feeding a little bit less or maybe even trying switching food.  So why would a person sell a dog and then say they need to reduce the food bill???  I say BS.  Now if a guy has 15 head of dogs and he is trying to sell anymore than 4 or more, I can buy that.  I've seen a lot of people selling dogs under the single dog for sale scenario and then go on to say that the dog has found a pig or two and might make somebody a good dog.  As the guys on ESPN say...."C'mon man".  If you don't like the dog or the dog is not what you want...say it..tell me why he does not work for you and don't use the BS line about needing to reduce the food bill because I don't buy it nor do I think anyone else buys it.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Texasreaper86 on October 20, 2011, 02:57:45 pm

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: okboarhunter on October 20, 2011, 03:04:22 pm
x3 bs

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: treeingratterrier on October 20, 2011, 03:05:01 pm
Like most on this site, I look at the dog trade a lot, just to see what people are selling.  I really appreciate this site and I'm glad the administrators have it.. Thank you!  Over the years I too have bought and sold a very few dogs from different sites.  Some worked and some did not.  The one thing that I really wonder about is when a person says they need to sell a dog (a single dog) in order to reduce the feed bill.  I'm not sure how many dogs the average person has (probably somewhere between 6-8 dogs).  In my opinion, one more or one less dog isn't really going to make much of a difference in the food bill.  As a matter of fact, I probably would not see a difference at all.  If I wanted to slim the bill and I had good dogs, I would look at feeding a little bit less or maybe even trying switching food.  So why would a person sell a dog and then say they need to reduce the food bill???  I say BS.  Now if a guy has 15 head of dogs and he is trying to sell anymore than 4 or more, I can buy that.  I've seen a lot of people selling dogs under the single dog for sale scenario and then go on to say that the dog has found a pig or two and might make somebody a good dog.  As the guys on ESPN say...."C'mon man".  If you don't like the dog or the dog is not what you want...say it..tell me why he does not work for you and don't use the BS line about needing to reduce the food bill because I don't buy it nor do I think anyone else buys it.

 For sale, a very hated dog deer running howling in the box fights every dog bit my wife with my baby in her arms and then chewed up the screen door and ate the funeral cake off the kitchen table for my dead mama while we at the graveyard, best offer!!!!  Come on boys step right up, bought her from a hog hunter who said she was eating too much feed??

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 20, 2011, 03:07:25 pm
And how long did you keep that dog in your kennel before you decided to sell?  Got anymore running around your yard out of that same litter?

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Texasreaper86 on October 20, 2011, 03:13:21 pm

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Bryant on October 20, 2011, 03:56:36 pm
What gets me even more are those "too many dog" or "lighten the feed bill" dogs that are for sale...then at the end of the ad says might trade for a started _________.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Purebreedcolt on October 20, 2011, 04:28:29 pm
Well I done but gave away and it was over a couple month period.  One here and one there.  Were not junk dogs have had good feedback on them just had to many and had some pups I wanted to mess with so yes in some cases just one dog now and another a little later etc.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: halfbreed on October 20, 2011, 06:58:59 pm
well to all you high rollers getting rid of one dog will save a man about 300 dollars a year . hell i've done it  . to somebody on a fixed income 25.00 a month is 25.00 a month . but i wouldn't lighten the load with one of my best dogs just a dog i thought on keepin and then decided i would like to eat beef once a month instesd . it happens but like i've allways said don't buy without a trial .. and i hope you dont get sick or loose your job so you wont have to lighten the feed bill some  ;D

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 20, 2011, 07:44:30 pm
Halfbreed...who is the high roller?  My expierence is  the guy that sells the dog in order to save the 300 a year is the same guy that buys another dog next month for $100.  After trying the dog a couple of times and figuring out that he bought a cull or does not want to spend the time to train the dog, the dog is back on here or another site for sale.  I've seen it too many times.....in too many places. Do you know anyone like this?  Just look at the number of dogs for sale on this site.  Lets face it...the good dogs are not for sale!  I wouldn't sell my best dogs and I'm sure most others wouldn't sell thier best dog either.  I can appreciate a guy on here that is selling pups ofut of his dogs...we can't keep every pup.  I can even accept a guy that is getting out of hog hunting for a while becuase of age or hard times.  I just dont like it when somepose tries to sell a dog in order to reduce the feedbill.  It is just my opinion and there will always be those that disagree.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Reuben on October 20, 2011, 07:51:37 pm
there are only 2 kinds of hog dogs...culls and a dog that hunts...some folks would rather try to sell a cull than to do the right thing... just can't see how someone can stoop down low enough to screw the next person looking for a decent hog dog.

What gets me is quite a few ads read "the dog has found one or 2 hog"...Heck any dog can stumble on a hog now and then...

part of the problem is that one hunters cull is another hunters main hog dog...but constantly stumbling over a dog while hunting and that dog is not a hog dog...

buying a pup is a totally different story...

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: halfbreed on October 20, 2011, 08:29:56 pm
sorry hog hunter just sounded like you grouped every body needing to cut back in one pile . there allways was and allways will be dog jockeys out there . and i may have to cut back here pretty soon myself . that why the dog bizz has allways been buyer beware . i keep 20 dogs around all my breeding and i had to cut down to move last year . cut down to ten dogs . now i'm back at twenty . thinking on cutting down again to save feed money . so it does just happen . and sometimes you get a great deal . but buyer beware has allways been the rule in dogs and horses .

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 20, 2011, 09:38:55 pm
I think the responses out of Bryant and Ruben were right on.  I'm okay with a guy trying to sell half a pack, as long as they are worth selling.    Maybe he needs the money or maybe his pack is not producing for the area that he is in...maybe the dogs are good but just not what he needs.  Peddlers of all types have been around forever and they always will be.   Nothing wrong with a peddler or any type...I would just like people to use good judgement and sell a decent dog and not one that has found a hog or two and needs to reduce the feed bill by just selling one dog.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: make-em-squeel on October 20, 2011, 10:36:39 pm
What gets me even more are those "too many dog" or "lighten the feed bill" dogs that are for sale...then at the end of the ad says might trade for a started _________.

HaHaaaa! Isnt that the truth. I always shake my head in discust when I see must sell b/c I am feeding or kenneling to many etc then at the end says or trade for a started ... cant even lie when you have the time to think about what your typing and edit the post! There are a bunch of idiots in the dog and horse trade world!

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Bryant on October 20, 2011, 10:46:03 pm
I don't consider myself a high roller, nor am I trying to ruffle any feathers, but if $300 in a years time can have an effect on your overall livelihood you probably shouldn't be turning dogs out anyhow.  On any given hunt on any given day things can happen that will land you at a vets office and chances are $300 might not get you square.

I personally feel that's part of the problem with this sport is that people really have no idea what kind on monetary commitment it really takes to properly care for a pack of dogs.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: halfbreed on October 20, 2011, 11:00:46 pm
thats just an example fellers . and i do agree completly with alot of people ain't got a clue . known a bunch of people that hunted didn't even have a vet in mind when they started hog huntin .. and if ya got 4 good dogs and a huntin buddys got 4 dogs and times get tough 300 dollars is alot of money . me personally my critters have allways paid their own way . but say i decided to get me one of them new fangled trackin gizmos well i might just let ol so and so and this and that go to pay for it . this thread imo was started to knock the dog trade its a rollover from the sucks thread

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: jhy on October 20, 2011, 11:51:11 pm
I look at cutting the feed bill as I don't have the time to work with dog and needs to go somewhere it can be worked with.  Unfortunately I got a few since I had triplets a couple of months ago and formula is a heck of lot more than I thought, not to mention diapers:)


Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: mod93dirt on October 21, 2011, 01:04:14 am
Not to knock anyone, or ruffle anyones feathers, But I have a genuine question here. I am new to hog dogging and see where people say they have 8, 10, or even 20 dogs. Do you all actually hunt all of those dogs?? If so, good for you. I wish I was in a position to have that many dogs and be able to hunt them like they should be hunted. But in my situation,that is not the case.  I have two pups now who are showing lots of promise, and in the end I am looking to have 4 or 5 good solid hog dogs. To me if you cant get it done with a handful of good dogs, what is the point of having a lot more dogs?

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: red79 on October 21, 2011, 01:19:10 am
If the truth is told 90 percent of the dogs for sale on here are not worth what the people are asking for them people think they can but junk for sale sale it on the Internet and never see the person they sold the dog toAgain. If I was going to sell a dog out of my yard and I didn't give my hunten buddies first shot at it they would be pissed and if you got a dog worth anything most of the time somebody that has hunten with the dog gets it before it gets on the net. And if for some reason I did have to get out of hunting  I would give my top dogs away before I sold them to somebody That doesn't know anything on the net
E wi

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 21, 2011, 02:06:49 am
sounds like a bunch of sore butt hurt folks to me. old sayen applies once again try before u buy!!! if u dnt like what u read on the trade simply dnt click the mouse. and just because the dog is on the trade and u think it`s junk does`nt always mean the next man wont like it. if u think some one rooked you on a dog, really think about it in the end u only done it to yourself! you are the one that bought the dog, aint anybody made u give your money away.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Zaneo on October 21, 2011, 02:45:55 am
sounds like a bunch of sore butt hurt folks to me. old sayen applies once again try before u buy!!! if u dnt like what u read on the trade simply dnt click the mouse. and just because the dog is on the trade and u think it`s junk does`nt always mean the next man wont like it. if u think some one rooked you on a dog, really think about it in the end u only done it to yourself! you are the one that bought the dog, aint anybody made u give your money away.

That about sums it up.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Bump on October 21, 2011, 09:35:30 am
I don't consider myself a high roller, nor am I trying to ruffle any feathers, but if $300 in a years time can have an effect on your overall livelihood you probably shouldn't be turning dogs out anyhow.  On any given hunt on any given day things can happen that will land you at a vets office and chances are $300 might not get you square.

I personally feel that's part of the problem with this sport is that people really have no idea what kind on monetary commitment it really takes to properly care for a pack of dogs.

Very good point!

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: leifbarnes on October 21, 2011, 09:37:58 am
I don't consider myself a high roller, nor am I trying to ruffle any feathers, but if $300 in a years time can have an effect on your overall livelihood you probably shouldn't be turning dogs out anyhow. 

I personally feel that's part of the problem with this sport is that people really have no idea what kind on monetary commitment it really takes to properly care for a pack of dogs.


Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: halfbreed on October 21, 2011, 09:52:50 am
300 dollars a year . alot of people are just plain bizznizz folk and some ain't, you boys stuck on 300 dollars like it ain't nothin. me i'm a bizznizz man i keep excact to the penny records of my dogs and kennel opp . money in money out . when you reach more money out than in , you adjust your inventory acordingly . money out is dog feed ,vetbills , routine maint , gas and huntin truck up keep , huntin boots , ect. money in is pup sales , dog sales , hog sales , guided hunt money ,ect .  and just 300.00 can put a bizz in the red or black for the year . if at the end of the year you've spent more than brought in you cut back or go in the hole . you white folks government lies to you and rips you off every year your govmnt. is selling you a bad dog all the time what you doing about that ?  ;D  ;D   the same thing your doing here pissin and moaning . as pual harvy would say  GOOD DAY .

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: t.wilbanks on October 21, 2011, 10:09:46 am
300 dollars a year . alot of people are just plain bizznizz folk and some ain't, you boys stuck on 300 dollars like it ain't nothin. me i'm a bizznizz man i keep excact to the penny records of my dogs and kennel opp . money in money out . when you reach more money out than in , you adjust your inventory acordingly . money out is dog feed ,vetbills , routine maint , gas and huntin truck up keep , huntin boots , ect. money in is pup sales , dog sales , hog sales , guided hunt money ,ect .  and just 300.00 can put a bizz in the red or black for the year . if at the end of the year you've spent more than brought in you cut back or go in the hole . you white folks government lies to you and rips you off every year your govmnt. is selling you a bad dog all the time what you doing about that ?  ;D  ;D   the same thing your doing here pissin and moaning . as pual harvy would say  GOOD DAY .

I think that most of us only dream about making money from hog hunting....  ;D

We may sell a few hogs every now and then but all it does is buy a few bags of dog food every now and then...
If i had got into hog dogs to make money, then that was one of the worst investments ive ever made...  :D

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Circle C on October 21, 2011, 10:13:57 am
you white folks government lies to you and rips you off every year your govmnt. is selling you a bad dog all the time what you doing about that ?

What you mean, you white folks...   I thought I was black. O0

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: BIG CHRIS on October 21, 2011, 10:15:26 am
sure money plays a roll in the hog doggen world. some of us has more then others and thats the truth. but to tell a man if $300 makes a difference to him he ought not turn dogs out, aint right!!! how many old school remedies do u practice have tried and willing to try to save a buck? maybe the man was getting rid of one dog to focus more on the pack and the well being of it.

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Bryant on October 21, 2011, 10:32:38 am
...but to tell a man if $300 makes a difference to him he ought not turn dogs out, aint right!!!

I was speaking generally with this statement, and not to anyone in particular....however my sentiment remains.  The point I was making, is that if a $300 unexpectant vet bill could potentially keep food off your table of shoes off your kids feet, you should probably find a less risky way to spend your time.  It's all about priorities.

I'd rather not keep track of my expenses when it comes to my hobbies.  I learned a long time ago, that cheap and fun typically don't play well together. 

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: halfbreed on October 21, 2011, 10:52:08 am
doggin period should be nothing more than a joy . and to me it is purely and simply that . but i have no more joy than to see that i can do what i want on a break even scale . every body has a comfort zone as to what they want to spend in a months time on their hobby or dogs or fishin and whatever . and to condem a person for realizing that they have over shot their COMFORT ZONE and needed to cut back as much as even one dog ain't rite . and who is anybody to try and justify another mans idea of how much he or she wants to spend on their hobby . you buy a dog and don't get a trial and warrenty it is your own fault if it don;t work out . that;s all i am trying to get across .

Title: Re: Why would a person sell one dog to reduce the feed bill? Good reason or BS?
Post by: Reuben on October 21, 2011, 12:03:09 pm
sure money plays a roll in the hog doggen world. some of us has more then others and thats the truth. but to tell a man if $300 makes a difference to him he ought not turn dogs out, aint right!!! how many old school remedies do u practice have tried and willing to try to save a buck? maybe the man was getting rid of one dog to focus more on the pack and the well being of it.

I agree...we only live once...so we make our sacrifices and adjustments so we can pursue what we love to do ...