HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: longshot on February 23, 2009, 01:34:18 pm

Title: Contest talk
Post by: longshot on February 23, 2009, 01:34:18 pm
I have been talking to several Rival teams about hunting in the TDHA "feed yhe hungry" contest and I love hearing all the "CONTEST TALK"

Everyone has a plan where they think the BIG hogs will be.

Here is mine:
I am going with my buddy JJ and DC, we are pooling our best dogs and heading WEST ---- YUP going WEST where it is open country!

There are not as many hogs but the ones there are VERY large.  It will be a long drive for us but it gives us the best chance of catching some heavy weights.

What is everyone else planning?

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 23, 2009, 01:47:51 pm
I think the last few years have taught me what NOT to do while hunting a contest.  Maybe third time will be the charm  ;).  I am really looking forward to seeing all the pics from people after the contest is over of all the hogs caught and things that went on during the contest.  Looking forward to it just wish it was going to be a bit cooler.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Circle C on February 23, 2009, 02:12:55 pm
Using the same tactic we did two years ago....Hunt close to the Expo.  Less travel time = more time in the woods.  Plenty of help and fresh dogs, just hope the hogs cooperate.  ;)  I figure every team hunting has the same chance of winning.

 I will not be hunting as hard as I did in 2007 though... It took me a week to recuperate from that hunt. This time for me it is less about winning something, and more about having a good time hunting with friends I don't get to hunt with as often anymore.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: jls41 on February 23, 2009, 02:15:14 pm
Getting out of those rocks huh longshot??  Don't go too far west as the rocks creep back up on you!!  

Good luck to you all!!  Can't wait to see all the hogs at weigh in and see who is gonna win the trophy buckles this year!!!

Also looking forward to seeing everyone and sharing a story or two!!!


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Circle C on February 23, 2009, 02:23:31 pm
Jo Lynne,
      I think the buckles have really gotten some peoples attention.  I know a few hunters in the contest that did not care about "hunting to win" when there was just money on the line. Once the buckles were announced, they decided they want to hunt hard and try to win the buckles. ;D

Do you think there are any "buckle bunnies" in hog dogging? >:D

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: longshot on February 23, 2009, 02:33:53 pm
Well I figure there are some rocks out there also just a little flater and just as dry!   Maybe we will get to really test the range capablities of the new DC-30 collars.....LOL

you are right,  EVERY TEAM has the same chance at winning.   That is why I enjoy hearing the strategies that people are trying to put the odds in their favor. 

I am just hoping to have a BUNCH of FUN while hunting some new country(and get some sleep)!


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: So Oklahoma Cur Dogs on February 23, 2009, 02:53:12 pm
Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to the pics and wish I could be there but It's to far for this poor boy.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: jls41 on February 23, 2009, 04:41:59 pm
Do you think there are any "buckle bunnies" in hog dogging?

Heck Chris - I think there are buckle bunnies in every sport - especially if the buckles are nice ones!!  8) 

The pics of the buckles are good - but like all pics, they don't do them justice.  Wait til you actually SEE them - they are purty!!

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Txmason on February 23, 2009, 06:19:01 pm
Also some of the donated items that will be given away.
Donated Tickets: $10 each Only 300 Tickets Sold

1) 37" Flat Screen TV - $1400 Value
2) Catch Dog Set UP - $220 Value
3) Vest, Cut Collar, Break Stick - $150 Value
4) 4 - $25 Gift Certificates to Gun dog Supply - $100 Value
5) Deer Feeder Helper - $40 Value

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Mike on February 23, 2009, 07:45:58 pm
I'm with Chris on that one... not hunting as hard as we did two years ago. Thankfully, Chris has us set up to hunt tons of land near the expo. I look forward to hunting and visiting with all of our friends and fellow hog hunters at the weigh-in.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Wmwendler on February 23, 2009, 08:53:59 pm
How many pounds do yall think it will take to win it?


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Sean on February 23, 2009, 09:00:26 pm
How many pounds do yall think it will take to win it?

2136 lbs. lol, j/k i have no idea since it will be so much bigger this year. i am so jealous of all of you that are getting to hunt it though. my work schedule just won't allow it, or i might have at least set us up a booth at the expo again. can't wait to see all the great hogs and hear all the stories! sure would like to have me one of those belt buckles too, they are purty ;D

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 24, 2009, 07:43:40 am
I am curious to see how many teams participate this year.  I think it will draw some teams in being knife only and turn others away.  Overall I am happy with the way the contest is set up this year and I hope it has a good turn out with good hogs brought in.  In years past even where guns were allowed I don't think rediculous weights won the show.  This year I feel if a team can catch 5 hogs over 200lbs they are going to be in the money and may win it all.  5 hogs over 150 may be all it takes, you never know.  But, killing 5 hogs in 36 hours that are all that size is hard to do regardless of where you hunt and how you hunt.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: BARRETT on February 24, 2009, 07:54:20 am
Well I won`t be hunting in the contest !!! :'( I have had a fishing trip booked for month`s down in Baffin Bay so I will be hunting BIG SOW TROUT!!! But not hog`s so good luck to all the hunters in the contest and hope to see all of you at the weigh in going to try and make a detour on Sunday!!! :o Besafe and enjoy!!!! Remember the Hunting is always Good it it`s just sometimes the catching is not !!!!

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Wmwendler on February 24, 2009, 08:07:01 am
Thats what I wast thinkin Matt catch 5 that average 200 would put you close.  I'd be after some fat sows at first. Then see if I could'nt catch 2 or 3 good boars.  It will be interesting to see how the dry weather effects things.


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 24, 2009, 08:25:39 am
I have a bad habit of trying to find our third hog before the first hog is caught haha.  After we tie the first hog then I will start thinking about the second this year.  In years past I have learned a few things that are key I think.  1) Sleep is more important than you think 2) Don't discount the size of any hog you catch 3) Make it to the weigh in on time 4) Don't get ahead of yourself
These seem pretty elementary but they have bit us in the butt before and hopefully won't again.  I kinda look at it like a playoff football game, don't get away from the original game plan.  No need to change the playbook for one game when what you have been doing works.  Go hunt, enjoy yourself, and let the dogs hunt.  If it is meant to be, you'll catch the hogs.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: uglydog on February 24, 2009, 09:17:04 am
Excellent advice Matt! now lets hope we can all follow it!

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: buddybegone on February 24, 2009, 09:20:28 am
hey barrett i like fish too send a little my way. tired of eating pork and deer lol good luck to all the hunters

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Hogboy on February 24, 2009, 09:22:37 am
I'd be willing to bet that if a team goes over 1,000 ponds on 5 hogs they will win it all (But with the current conditions I dont know if it can happen, but I hope a team proves me wrong).  900 will put you in the big money.


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Cull Buck on February 24, 2009, 09:50:13 am
I agree matt.  I'm not a hog hunting tourney expert but I learned a lot of the same things about fishing tournaments thru trial and error.  The way I approached and fished tournaments after about 3 years was way different then the way I went about it the first couple of years.  Got to have a gameplan, have to be willing to stick with it, and drive it like you stole it. ;D

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Black Gold on February 24, 2009, 07:00:32 pm
Like usual I'm way too deep in "behind the scenes" stuff to hunt the contest, but I did sponsor a team via WILD BOAR USA so I will have a little excitement riding on the outcome.....I'd sure like it to say:  Champions - Team Wild Boar USA, but it will be stiff competition with some great hunters and awesome dogs from all over Texas......

I agree that a 1,000 pound top five will bring home the gold.....That is one heck of a hunt in that time frame with the dry conditions. 

I wish everyone the best!  Come by and see me and say HI!  Forgive me if I'm a ZOMBIE by Sunday, but by then probaly wont have slept in a couple days! ;D

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: jhy on February 24, 2009, 07:21:33 pm
This sounds like a great time and I wish I was going to be there, but it is still too far from my hunting grounds to participate.  Hopefully in the future I will either get some land closer to the weigh-in or they will go to satellite weigh-in stations so all texas folks and some of us Louisiana boys can play. :)


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: WestTexasCurs on February 24, 2009, 07:48:34 pm
This sounds like a great time and I wish I was going to be there, but it is still too far from my hunting grounds to participate.  Hopefully in the future I will either get some land closer to the weigh-in or they will go to satellite weigh-in stations so all texas folks and some of us Louisiana boys can play. :)

Same boat I'm in.Sounds like alot of fun.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: daisydog on February 24, 2009, 07:59:05 pm
how does one enter this contest and do you hunt your local places or are there places there to hunt

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Txmason on February 24, 2009, 10:12:48 pm
Go to www.tdha.org for all information.
Yes, you hunt your own places and bring hogs in field dressed in eatable condition because all goes to Hunter Harvest for their missions.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Flatbroke on February 25, 2009, 01:06:52 pm
I have been talking to several Rival teams about hunting in the TDHA "feed yhe hungry" contest and I love hearing all the "CONTEST TALK"

Everyone has a plan where they think the BIG hogs will be.

Here is mine:
I am going with my buddy JJ and DC, we are pooling our best dogs and heading WEST ---- YUP going WEST where it is open country!

There are not as many hogs but the ones there are VERY large.  It will be a long drive for us but it gives us the best chance of catching some heavy weights.

What is everyone else planning?

If you head far enough west I can set it up that Scott with the Jadg he got from you has some nice hogs spotted and waiting  ;D

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: longshot on February 25, 2009, 02:07:41 pm
I might be in the Neighborhood, if I am I will drop him a call when I hit Arizona.....LOL

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: txmaverick on February 25, 2009, 03:21:56 pm
Turnin em loose..........letin em fly..........not doing anything different than what i normaly do except just more of it.

My plan is to not win a bloomin thing.........but donate some pork and come to the expo........who ever wins can thank me for my donate to the prize.

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: longshot on February 26, 2009, 11:44:34 am
you are a good guy.  I dont care what Birch says about you! ;D

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: TrueBlueLacys on February 26, 2009, 02:10:15 pm
Can't wait to see what y'all bring in on Sunday ;D I'll be working at the Expo most of the time, running around taking pictures, and hopefully catching a Saturday night/Sunday morning hunt. I'm sure it will be an exhausting weekend, but it should be lots of fun!

Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: uglydog on February 26, 2009, 05:03:26 pm
Good Luck to everyone, hope TDHA has loads of hogs to feed the Hungry!


Title: Re: Contest talk
Post by: Eric on February 26, 2009, 08:55:05 pm
I am curious to see how many teams participate this year.  I think it will draw some teams in being knife only and turn others away. 

We are into 35-37 teams that pre-registered as of this evening. Last year there was 40-some thing total... its looking good so far.