Title: four wheeler or utv Post by: Purebreedcolt on November 06, 2011, 07:08:09 pm Ok getting time going to buy something. What is yalls opinion 2 atvs one for me one for my wife or do I go with a mule( I can work on a mule not a ranger as easy) or do I go with a mini truck type deal? I don't know which way to go or do I skip all and just keep the truck.
Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: Circle C on November 06, 2011, 07:30:08 pm Look at some of jessepauls pics. He's got a four door tracker or something similar rigged out for dogs. Probably 1/3 the cost of a utv and its street legal.
Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: Purebreedcolt on November 06, 2011, 07:32:26 pm Yeah something like that is an idea I'm just drawing a blank as to which to go with see good and bads to all
Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: charles on November 06, 2011, 07:37:23 pm There is a new type of side by side out called a benchi. I looked at 1 at the yamaha dealer, after i bought my grizzly. It is set up with head n tail/stop lights, turn signals n a liscence plate bracket n light. They hav a 4 seater that cost bout 9,000 n the 2 seater cost bout 6,500-7,000. I havent looked at all the specs on them yet cause i keep forgetin to when i get off work n back to my tent in the mornings. Ck'm out n c what u think or share the info for us all. I drove 1 n it would run a lil ovr 50mph sustained.
Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: halfbreed on November 06, 2011, 07:53:12 pm you can buy yourself a couple of good 4 wheel drive toyota pickups for the price of 1 4 wheeler or mule
Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: DubbleRDawgs on November 06, 2011, 08:45:12 pm its up to what terain you hunt ,to me you cant beat a 4 wheeler for where i hunt ..can get alot closer with a 4 wheeler to get the hog out ..being an old man that means a lot to me ;D
Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: KerDog77 on November 06, 2011, 10:17:30 pm I am not going to act as if I have been hogging for years because I haven't, but been on alot of scooters and such. If it was me and my dollar I would look at a couple used honda 450 foreman S's and call it a day. To me the 2002 for the money are the ticket(selectable 4x4).
2 scooters $7000 26"mud grips $900 racks $200-400 providing you can build em Your wife might also like feeling more independent and in control. Know mine does ;) Title: Re: four wheeler or utv Post by: Circle C on November 07, 2011, 08:12:43 am I am not going to act as if I have been hogging for years because I haven't, but been on alot of scooters and such. If it was me and my dollar I would look at a couple used honda 450 foreman S's and call it a day. To me the 2002 for the money are the ticket(selectable 4x4). 2 scooters $7000 26"mud grips $900 racks $200-400 providing you can build em Your wife might also like feeling more independent and in control. Know mine does ;) That's what I started hunting with. Two Honda Foremans, a 2002 and 2004. I put dog racks on the rear, and a flat rigging board on the front. A few years later, I bought a Kawasaki Mule 4010Trans. Since the purchase of the Mule, the Honda Foremans have been retired, one pulls a roping dummy, and the other is currently out of commission from me playing too hard. The ONLY advantage I have found with a four wheeler is that you can get to a few more places than a UTV. That said, I have had my Foreman with 27" Outlaws stuck, as well as the Mule. The UTV can haul 7 people, 2 in front, 3 in rear, and 2 on the jump seats. It can also haul 3 dogs in front, and 5 dogs in the rear. Has two gloveboxes, a large trunk in the front for storage. |