Title: Lady hoggers Post by: Tomball Dogos on November 16, 2011, 09:20:28 pm Lady hoggers is coming on tell me what y'all think!!
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogaholicswife on November 16, 2011, 09:36:20 pm I must say nice to see they kicked it off in Fl....and we know Paul from work and he has some good places in Immokalee, which is known for some dang fine hogs!
I will say that I am disappointed in the silliness that ensued towards the end of American Hoggers and it appears like this is going to be a combination of HGW and American Hoggers but we shall see! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: brandeek1 on November 16, 2011, 09:50:47 pm Embarrassment to hog hunters IMO. They think 1 boar is n whole area. Really???? OMG. Those juvie hogs r so much like teenagers its scary. They r all boars too. ROFLMAO. Just deleted show off the DVR to do list. Worst one yet. Amer Hoggers 100x better.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: skunkhounds on November 16, 2011, 09:58:25 pm my garmin got a map
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: brandeek1 on November 16, 2011, 09:58:56 pm I had no idea that if u have a horrible problem with hogs destroying ur property all u have to do is find the 1 boar hog, castrate him n turn him loose. Guess that makes them stop rooting. What a joke.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 16, 2011, 10:00:33 pm Haha I got rid of franky cause she could not keep up with what we had. Looks like the just got it put on her ass.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: TexasHogDogs on November 16, 2011, 10:01:15 pm Well I can tell ya right now me and them gals would not get along dont make no difference how good looking they are , are how much skin is showing. To much mouth for me !!!!
American Hoggers #1 right now in my mind ! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Tomball Dogos on November 16, 2011, 10:05:43 pm The hog was bayed up in a open feild what is there to wait on lmao. Chance it don't look like they picked up on to much running with y'all lol some pro's
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: PEEWEE on November 16, 2011, 10:06:51 pm Oops sorry Texashogdogs
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Brody O. on November 16, 2011, 10:08:26 pm Embarrassment to hog hunters IMO. They think 1 boar is n whole area. Really???? OMG. Those juvie hogs r so much like teenagers its scary. They r all boars too. ROFLMAO. Just deleted show off the DVR to do list. Worst one yet. Amer Hoggers 100x better. X2 Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 16, 2011, 10:08:48 pm Well the knowledge was my wife they were just on the skirt tales of her. It shows it know cause I just shook my head at that.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: PEEWEE on November 16, 2011, 10:10:11 pm Ok let's try again im with you Texashogdogs
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Tomball Dogos on November 16, 2011, 10:14:13 pm Well the knowledge was my wife they were just on the skirt tales of her. It shows it know cause I just shook my head at that. Lol we all knew that a head of time I am sure it would have a lot better show if y'all where involved it is a damn shame they ruined a good thing.Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Circle C on November 16, 2011, 10:15:37 pm Not my cup of tea. I like Kristi in person,and have enjoyed hunting with her in the past, so I'll try to be nice..... I would rather watch another episode of American hoggers.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 16, 2011, 10:17:41 pm Quote my garmin got a map X2Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Bar R Ranch on November 16, 2011, 10:22:47 pm Well the knowledge was my wife they were just on the skirt tales of her. It shows it know cause I just shook my head at that. Lol we all knew that a head of time I am sure it would have a lot better show if y'all where involved it is a damn shame they ruined a good thing.X2 In the words of Jerry Campbell.... "They just pissed in thier chilli" ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 16, 2011, 10:27:08 pm Didn't watch, we was busy catching hogs. Chance, you gonna be able to make it down here some time or do I have to come up to plum grove America? :D
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 16, 2011, 10:41:10 pm Well tbob it makes me want to put my dogs on the ground just to make sure they are still worth a,Crap. Lets get it on.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: reatj81 on November 16, 2011, 10:52:42 pm Well I can tell ya right now me and them gals would not get along dont make no difference how good looking they are , are how much skin is showing. To much mouth for me !!!! You hit that one on the headAmerican Hoggers #1 right now in my mind ! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Findahog on November 16, 2011, 10:52:56 pm Embarrassment to hog hunters IMO. They think 1 boar is n whole area. Really???? OMG. Those juvie hogs r so much like teenagers its scary. They r all boars too. X2Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Dexter on November 17, 2011, 02:26:15 am Embarrassment to hog hunters IMO. They think 1 boar is n whole area. Really???? OMG. Those juvie hogs r so much like teenagers its scary. They r all boars too. ROFLMAO. Just deleted show off the DVR to do list. Worst one yet. Amer Hoggers 100x better. x3 or 4 Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Mississippi Hogger on November 17, 2011, 02:47:26 am Been having to be at work at 10:00 pm , was wondering how Lady Hoggers was going to actually be , Guess I got my answer . LOL . I am having withdrawals on missing American Hoggers .
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: nosightsneeded on November 17, 2011, 05:55:21 am Well the knowledge was my wife they were just on the skirt tales of her. It shows it know cause I just shook my head at that. This is what excactly what i thought when i seen the dvd. they just looked to be tagging along. now they are pros?!? iam going to tape some staged hunts and use only weiner dogs and a weiner dog pit cross to catch of course..........get ready for the next hit........"Big Bad Hogs and Weiner Dogs". Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: spazhogdog on November 17, 2011, 06:44:38 am I watched it last night and it will be my last. Don't like the mouth, the prema donna attitude, am not impressed with the boob shots and I hope they are acting when they talk like they know something about how to hunt and cutting the one papa boar to stop a hog problem. ;D
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogdogger98 on November 17, 2011, 06:50:04 am My opinion my 12 year old know more about hogdogging than the girls on Lady Hoggers. I am ready for another season of American Hoggers. At least Campbells know what they are doing they just need some better dogs.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: TexasJ on November 17, 2011, 07:33:26 am Overall, I like both Lady Hoggers and American Hoggers. I've only seen one episode of Lady Hoggers. While their storyline seemed fictional at times, I'm sure it's just a required plug. I don't care for their mouth at all. Nothing is less appealing than someone with a strong tongue, even if your joking. I've known a few guys that talk that way when they hunt and I don't end up spending much time with them. I know both those girls have a real strong handle on how to dog hunt. And I'm just guessing we're going to see that in future episodes.
I like the American Hoggers story approach better. Compared to Lady Hoggers, I'm sure that's more to do with the network producers than anything else. I love relating to the Campbell's struggles in the woods. Whether it's from heat, needing better dogs, or fighting over what to do. I really wish I could lend them my dogs to help! Lol. Over-all, both of these programs are better than HGW and I really enjoy watching both. Does that Campbell daughter want to get married? ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 17, 2011, 07:37:47 am Some have hunted with my wife and some know how those girls got started. I will asure you my wife would have refused to air that bs. She wanted to put a good light on the dogging world and had a plan,to help tdha and lonestarworkingdogs. Both association know this. These two girls tried to run with an idea that was not there's and there heart was in it for the wrong reason the only thing I can,honestly say they were good at was drinking beer. Maybe the should think about a show,on,that. My wife is very upset that they did what they have done to the dogging world.
Title: Re: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: boone823 on November 17, 2011, 07:44:02 am Embarrassing to true hog hunters in my opinion. They better step up they're game. They cannot even use a gps tracking system. Come on
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk Title: Re: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: boone823 on November 17, 2011, 07:45:30 am X2
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: DoGgONit on November 17, 2011, 08:00:28 am redonkulous!!!! when your garmin is not true ....recalibrate!!!and it helps to know witch way is north .
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: dabutcher on November 17, 2011, 09:12:43 am What was with that girls reverse skunk stripe hair.......that's all i could focus on while I was thinking, "WTH was she thinking?!?" that and the brunette not being able to figure out what the hell was going on with her Garmin. lmao that was funny. I'm married so I'm used to being bossed around by a woman, but if i was that fella in the Gator I would've packed up my chit and left.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: dabutcher on November 17, 2011, 09:14:20 am Well the knowledge was my wife they were just on the skirt tales of her. It shows it know cause I just shook my head at that. This is what excactly what i thought when i seen the dvd. they just looked to be tagging along. now they are pros?!? iam going to tape some staged hunts and use only weiner dogs and a weiner dog pit cross to catch of course..........get ready for the next hit........"Big Bad Hogs and Weiner Dogs". You could always call it "Weiner's Gone Wild". Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: treeingratterrier on November 17, 2011, 09:41:48 am Gees, guess i am losing it but i actually enjoyed it, I dont care about the sex male or female, but they had better dogs than cambells for sure, they rolled out and ran a hog, and for sure they did not have to hire a helecopter to find hogs at a water hole on a 500 acre trap like the campbells did, they showed more of the dogs catching the hog as well and i liked that white pit bull for sure, I guess they will never get a real pro off of this site who hunts 5 times a week with dogs that roll out and strike hogs time after time but i will watch it over those campbell epsiodes, oh yea by the way, did texas have a huntable pig population 52 years ago anybody?? Would that have made him hunting during the screworms outbreak when deer and hog alike both were very scarce?? Maybee if he was hunting high fenced russian hogs they had imported on th eYO ranch or something, there were almost none wild in the whole county at the time he claims he was hog hunting, maybe he shot 5 a year or something who know, sounds good like the texas ranger story that had to be retractedlol
So what year in your area and state did feral hogs first become hunted in your area, we saw them down here in bee refugio golaid live oak right after the screw worms was knocked out, not sure but had to be in late 60's when i first saw them down here in numbers, by the way am not saying there not some just saying in numbers peeps started keeping straight hog dogs to hunt them due to so many?? There has been hogs in texas since the spanish brought them over in this area and that guy over at Refugio that brought in Russian from european game preserves, John Tattons Dad over at Refugio, he gave his ranch to Texas with some on it now its called aransas wildlife refuge,,, Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: skunkhounds on November 17, 2011, 10:03:32 am them dog belong to that boy that was with them there dogs didnt catch chit
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 17, 2011, 10:09:05 am Knightstock, I have to say this I did enjoy the fact that "Gary" was running a business, he taught viewers about looking for sign on fences and that hogs will come to an area for a show pig. He was not very pretty, and his name is not very feminine but he was not scared he went in there and got the hogs caught with dogs and traps.
I am sure there were alot of "Juvi" boars left on that property of that ONE hog caught by Paul and castrated by the ladies, to impregnate all those other sows destoying Mrs. Virginias property. The strong attitude about not being a map on the Garmin, and other comments sure does not make WOMEN look like very capable dog hunters and that leaves me very dissapointed . As I know there are many capable women hunter that can run dogs/catch hogs, start to finish without the aide of a a man to back them up. To put on t.v. and make the intelligence of castrating and releasing would solve the problem of peoples property being destroyed is really a bad blonde joke. I am sure its not the women as much as the network using the opportunity to raise ratings, but still GOOD GAWD! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BULLMASTER on November 17, 2011, 10:17:01 am Well the cleavage was nice to look at at ;DI dont know about yalls CDs but anytime a bay is going on and you have to run with your dog to the bay while holding his collar I would consider that a cull.If my CD can hear the bay he is going to it,point blank!!!!Does the guy not own a lead rope?Those sure were some mouthy ladies,I hope most of that was acting.Embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!The Cambells need some better dogs but that show is way better in my opinion.Still like Lady Hoggers better than Hogs Gone Stupid.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 17, 2011, 10:55:03 am Wow Ed, tell us how you really feel?
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 17, 2011, 11:05:50 am Mr. Ed, I agree 100% but since its entertainment as is the WWW we get to talk about here on public forum.
Most of us are smart enough not to put our STUPIDITY ON T.V. !!!!!! >:D to Entertain the rest of Us!!! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: ED BARNES on November 17, 2011, 11:08:49 am IM NOT SAYIN NOBODY CAN TALK ABOUT IT.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 17, 2011, 11:14:27 am YOUR CAPS LOCK IS STUCK
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Peachcreek on November 17, 2011, 11:16:06 am he is yelling ;) it aint stuck
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: ED BARNES on November 17, 2011, 11:18:08 am IM NOT YELLING. ITS HOW I TYPE AN WRITE. NO OFFENSE INTENDED
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: RL on November 17, 2011, 11:48:23 am I found it unwatchable. Just changed the channels when the woman railed about the guy running too fast to the hog and not waiting on her. Wow! My response would have been "run faster" ... well, probably a profane version of that. Yeah, I changed channels and watched a cooking show ... that is how bad it was.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 17, 2011, 11:49:38 am NONE TAKEN, IM PLAYING WITH YOU.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BOSS HOGG on November 17, 2011, 12:10:22 pm YOUR CAPS LOCK IS STUCK lolTitle: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: ED BARNES on November 17, 2011, 12:14:00 pm YOUR CAPS LOCK IS STUCK IS THE CAPS LOCK THE ONE NEXT TO THE *^%84YOU KEY? (JUST A JOKE I COULDNT RESIST) Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: DangerZone on November 17, 2011, 12:27:16 pm Well I hope they didn't spend all they got paid on bra's and belt buckle's. I don't think there will be a second season.......
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 17, 2011, 12:29:25 pm YOUR CAPS LOCK IS STUCK IS THE CAPS LOCK THE ONE NEXT TO THE *^%84YOU KEY? (JUST A JOKE I COULDNT RESIST) IT IS ON MY PHONE :laugh: ;) Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: tuskbuster on November 17, 2011, 12:46:11 pm in the immortal phrase of Jim
BAH hahaahahhaaahhaa what a joke that show is if i was that guy wouldnt be no arse chewinafter the first mouthin, they just couldnt stand to be showed how to doit Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Rusty Knife on November 17, 2011, 01:13:15 pm The boob shots? Well quite honestly, this isn't the channel I would result in tuning to if that's what I was looking for!! I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I was convinced for the first 10 minutes of the show that the brunette was a hog doggin dude for sure! Aside from that and all around what everyone else said. I do not like the unprofessionalism of the two ladies. Hunting is a way of life for some, some it's a sport, but they called themselves professional hunters and do that work as a job!?!? Granted A&E is probably to blame, not to mention 'Intervention' was the next following show of more American $&?@-ups. But seriously this way of hunting is something I know I'm trying to preserve for my children's kids. This crap is toxic to what I love to do, it's a pure passion and the most dissappointing of it all.... Is when it's on next week, I know I'll tune in just to make myself feel better at the end. Lol
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BobbyB on November 17, 2011, 01:36:37 pm I had it recorded and just watched it. I liked Gary. Didnt talk smack, just hauled out some shoats caught both with his dogs and in a trap.
The girls were about as I expected having met em at a show and listening to them. Nice to look at I guess, but a lot of dumb stuff being said. Are we supposed to believe there is only one boar on Mizz Virginia's place and no others will move in? I recall Garmin Astro's being sold at " Their" Booth. I guess they didnt get the memo about various maps that can be installed for different parts of the country? Chance, I know me and Zach met you and your wife at the same time at the same show. None of this pointed at yall, just an observation. Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 17, 2011, 01:37:47 pm So are yall saying
Quote I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I was convinced for the first 10 minutes of the show that the brunette was a hog doggin dude for sure! that "Gary" is CROSS DRESSING ? Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BobbyB on November 17, 2011, 01:39:14 pm So are yall saying Quote I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I was convinced for the first 10 minutes of the show that the brunette was a hog doggin dude for sure! that "Gary" is CROSS DRESSING ? Oh Man, I hope not, cuz I havent a clue as what!!! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BIG CHRIS on November 17, 2011, 01:45:33 pm So are yall saying Quote I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I was convinced for the first 10 minutes of the show that the brunette was a hog doggin dude for sure! that "Gary" is CROSS DRESSING ? Oh Man, I hope not, cuz I havent a clue as what!!! lmao Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: ED BARNES on November 17, 2011, 01:48:45 pm AN ID BET MONEY THE GUYS ON THAT SHOW DIDNT KNOW IT WAS GONNA BE CALLED LADY HOGGERS WHEN THEY WERE BEIN FILMED
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Bump on November 17, 2011, 03:08:32 pm I just watched it....that was terrible. I quit about half way through. Cward...I thought you taught them better than that. ;D
The narration was bad...and we are back to 800 lb hogs and hunting on staged ranchettes. :-\ I got a question for few of them dudes...why your teef rotted? Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 17, 2011, 03:11:27 pm What are you thinking, rock candy?
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BULLMASTER on November 17, 2011, 03:16:42 pm This post is getting down right comical!!!!!! :laugh:
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: TColt on November 17, 2011, 04:08:37 pm Not a fan of the whole show, Gary was good though. Those girls would wear me out, how did they end up in Florida? I thought they were from Texas. They acted pretty ignorant, I felt bad for the guy that was huntin with them havin to put up with that bs.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: DoGgONit on November 17, 2011, 04:17:38 pm lol redonkulous lol
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 17, 2011, 04:18:56 pm Comments on A&E arent good either
http://community.aetv.com/service/displayForum.kickAction?w=380837&as=119137&d-7254205-p=1 Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: HDLCrystal on November 17, 2011, 04:26:16 pm Ok, I can't stand it no more!! I have been quiet in this whole thing and just sat back but after last night's performance I gotta do something to set myself apart from it all. >:D There ain't no way you could have made me get on television, make me act a fool, make my dogs and myself look ridiculous, and make me look like I can't perform a job that I am supposed to be a "professional" at. It is embarrasing for me and I wasn't even on it.
With that being said I did learn one thing from this whole experience...... I can hunt and hang with the best of them in the woods but, I can't teach the sport for shat apparently!! LOL! ;D ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Bump on November 17, 2011, 04:29:39 pm Not a fan of the whole show, Gary was good though. Those girls would wear me out, how did they end up in Florida? I thought they were from Texas. They acted pretty ignorant, I felt bad for the guy that was huntin with them havin to put up with that bs. That guy seemed fairly normal....sometimes men put up with bs to get certain things or think your gonna get certain things ...guess if it is at the expense of national tv and your dogs...then so be it ;D What are you thinking, rock candy? Think thats what you call it rolleyes ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Rusty Knife on November 17, 2011, 04:51:44 pm So are yall saying Quote I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I was convinced for the first 10 minutes of the show that the brunette was a hog doggin dude for sure! that "Gary" is CROSS DRESSING ? Oh Man, I hope not, cuz I havent a clue as what!!! lmao I was referencing to the "chick" that appeared to stand at 6 ft tall. S/he either has some bad hair or that's straight up a wig!! Check out the first few scenes in the beginning of the episode... With "her" hair down, one thing I'll say about A&E is they have some damn good make up artists to hide that Adams apple!! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Tomball Dogos on November 17, 2011, 05:07:29 pm Ok, I can't stand it no more!! I have been quiet in this whole thing and just sat back but after last night's performance I gotta do something to set myself apart from it all. >:D There ain't no way you could have made me get on television, make me act a fool, make my dogs and myself look ridiculous, and make me look like I can't perform a job that I am supposed to be a "professional" at. It is embarrasing for me and I wasn't even on it. Welcome back Crystal I am sure glad you and Chance still check in and all is good I am sure glad you quit them girls With that being said I did learn one thing from this whole experience...... I can hunt and hang with the best of them in the woods but, I can't teach the sport for shat apparently!! LOL! ;D ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: DSmith on November 17, 2011, 05:37:53 pm Even with all that cleavege on display, I still prefer the Campbells.
I'll stick with Leah and Krystal. 8) Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: HDLCrystal on November 17, 2011, 05:56:50 pm Hey Tomball Dogos! Yeah gotta check in every now and again don't want noone thinking we died. ;D
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: tuskbuster on November 17, 2011, 05:59:08 pm i'ld drag up the rear of the bay with them Campbell girls anyday.less work for me ;D
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on November 17, 2011, 07:18:59 pm Hey Tomball Dogos! Yeah gotta check in every now and again don't want noone thinking we died. ;D I've talked with Chance on a monthly basis since you guys were down. I've never heard you in the background. I figured after that tattoo incident, Chance fed you to the catfish. You do remind me of stinkbait because you're cheesy. I should note, I did not watch your pals because I felt they did you wrong, and I won't support them in any way. Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: TexasHogDogs on November 17, 2011, 07:24:45 pm It was ok for me untill she jumped on that ole boy for trying to get that hog stopped before the hog got out of the open feild and into the brush . I would have turn my catch dog loose sooner than he did to tell you the truth. That part ruined it for me then and there. What was he suppose to do ? Wait on her I would not have show are no show !
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Bino9905 on November 17, 2011, 07:40:32 pm Sorry if I missed this or has already been posted, but are the girls on Lady Hoggers the same ones on the HDL videos shown here several months back? The HDL videos looked pretty good, but the show last night sucked. I hope it wasnt the same set of girls/women.
Made them selfs look like control freaks when they got mad about the guy out running them Then like they didnt know what they were doing when messing with the garmin Then the most stupid move of all was to castrate the boar and then release him to continue damaging the old ladys farm! It seemed more like a "women power" ploy or something cuz nothing else made sense as to why cut the boar and release it when your getting "paid" to stop/reduce the hog damage. Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: uglydog on November 17, 2011, 07:53:19 pm Was wondering about releasing that hog and if it might be illegal? if Florida is like Texas, I dont think I would want to be on TV releasing that hog into the wild, anybody know?
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on November 17, 2011, 07:58:23 pm Was wondering about releasing that hog and if it might be illegal? if Florida is like Texas, I dont think I would want to be on TV releasing that hog into the wild, anybody know? It is not against any laws in Fl. Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: DangerZone on November 17, 2011, 08:02:27 pm What are you thinking, rock candy? Meth makeover! Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogaholicswife on November 18, 2011, 05:41:24 am Was wondering about releasing that hog and if it might be illegal? if Florida is like Texas, I dont think I would want to be on TV releasing that hog into the wild, anybody know? It is not against any laws in Fl. That was one of the reactions my husband had last night....'and these dumb ***es are turning them loose on tv'! It is not legal to just 'turn them loose' like so many people believe and if you ever get baited into it by a Game Warden you are going to be in big trouble if he wants to be a jerk (we have some sneakies down here that will try to talk you into it). We are required to carry a little yellow card with us that is for ‘Feral Swine Dealers’ and it carries a per head fine if you are caught without it. The card clearly states: All captured swine will be moved to approved locations. 1. An approved Feral Swine Holding Facility (MUST be GPS’ed / approved – there is an application for that) 2. A recognized slaughtering establishment 3. An approved game reserve Record Keeping Feral Swine Dealers (FSD) must keep records of numbers of animals trapped, date swine were trapped, general location swine were trapped (premises and county) and disposition of all animals for one year. Transporting Feral Swine In order to transport feral swine on public highways, individuals transporting the animals must have their FSD Identification Card with them. Additionally, the FSD must have a written record regarding the animals being transported (see above). The information must be presented to any law enforcement agency or authorized representative of the Department when requested. Now, on FWC’s site it alludes to you being able to release them on someone’s property that doesn’t mind them being there and that simply isn’t true because they do not know boundaries / fence liness....I was playing devils advocate with a Game Warden we know one night and he said he would nail someone just turning them loose. :o We bucked the system for years without getting it but then a man in Clewiston got caught with a bunch of them in a trailer and got a serious fine for not having his card so we gave in and got them….according to our log book we have the sorriest dogs in the world. Maybe the rules change for Hollywood or maybe they were hunting on a game ranch, I will ask around and see if I can find out. There are tons of game ranches around the lake that do hunts so that very well could have been where they were. Also, I know it says 'trapped' but it applies to any live feral hogs in a trailer ;) or atleast it does down here....heck we cannot even sell them any more to the local hispanics unless we kill them (legally) becauuse they do not have approved pens!! lol On another note, my husband said he would have embarassed that dark headed girl on National TV had she acted like that about his dogs.... Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on November 18, 2011, 05:54:53 am Wife,
Turning a hog loose at the bay/catch is completely different than transporting them. I have been a state trapper for years. In the state of Florida, hogs are considered property of the land owner. If the landowner has indicated to you to catch and release, turn them loose on the spot. Not a single law will have been broke. ;) Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogaholicswife on November 18, 2011, 07:17:27 am Wife, Turning a hog loose at the bay/catch is completely different than transporting them. I have been a state trapper for years. In the state of Florida, hogs are considered property of the land owner. If the landowner has indicated to you to catch and release, turn them loose on the spot. Not a single law will have been broke. ;) I know they are property of the land owner but no whete below does it say you can turn them loose, it clearly states that 'all captured hogs will be transported to one of the three outlined'....then it goes into where they can be placed at after the transport from said removal. We did some trapping for the ACOE years ago but it was too much of a hassle because the boaters would come steal our hogs since we were trapping on the levees of the lake. I fought getting the card and never had a problem until the last few years. When I went to get the paper work I asked a million questions and one of them was about turning them loose....the Dept of Ag rep said I could do what I want but said if a warden was watching in his bino's he could be a jerk about it. Well that wasn't good enough so I asked the same thing to a Game Warden we know, he said the same thing and I know he has turned him loose himself but I jave no doubt he wouldn't hesitate at giving you a rough time. Its all about how you interpret it, my entire family was LEO and my dad was one that let a man finish his Maryjane once because he figured since he was already taking him to jail for it why not let him finish it. Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogaholicswife on November 18, 2011, 07:50:20 am And I agree with you Cutter if the land owner gives the ok to turn them loose its no biggie, we are advocates of hog management because if they aren't managed we can't hunt what doesn't exist!
You have to admit that what may belong to land owner Bob has the ability to squeeze under the fence to Dan's place who doesn't want them because they tear up his crops...... I just don't believe it was a good idea to show it on tv. Another reason I left out that was conveyed to me was because of brucellosis and psuedorabies was a problem and there was no way to know if the hog you are turning loose was positive for either....plus to cut down on poaching cause we all know they are such honest individuals. Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Critter Catcher on November 18, 2011, 10:34:17 am this might be an off the wall question but ain't they the HDL GIRLS ? What happened to the other one?
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on November 18, 2011, 11:04:37 am this might be an off the wall question but ain't they the HDL GIRLS ? What happened to the other one? They are 2 that were on the HDL team. Crystal ( CWARD"S wife) was the brains/sensable one in the bunch. They had a lot of offers for shows. Crystal had her lawyers look at the contracts, and she decided to turn them down. The other 2 breeched their contract with Crystal to take on this deal. They were wrong, and it shows. ;) Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: zachW on November 18, 2011, 07:02:16 pm Lady hoggers would be pretty good if they got rid of the girls and just let Garry Paul and the other guy do work, why they get mad at Paul? Did he catch the pig to fast?
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: HDLCrystal on November 18, 2011, 07:58:10 pm this might be an off the wall question but ain't they the HDL GIRLS ? What happened to the other one? They are 2 that were on the HDL team. Crystal ( CWARD"S wife) was the brains/sensable one in the bunch. Well Cutter, I thought I was gonna have to get after you a little bit about that stinkbait comment but look at you going and redeeming yourself! That's the sweetest thing you have ever said about me! LOL! ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 18, 2011, 08:06:13 pm Stinkbait ain't nothing, you oaghta herd the names he was calling when he thought the internet was down at the ward house. That's why I've took to calling him "gutter bay"
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 18, 2011, 08:06:49 pm :D
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on November 19, 2011, 07:29:32 am That's why I've took to calling him "gutter bay" This whole time I thought it was because I'm fat. Man, that just made my day. ;D Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: skunkhounds on November 23, 2011, 09:30:18 pm damng they let as many go as they get rid of and she thinks she got skills lol i bet she does but it aint at hog hunting
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 23, 2011, 09:32:32 pm damng they let as many go as they get rid of and she thinks she got skills lol i bet she does but it aint at hog hunting THAT'S FOR SURE THE TRUTH AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER.LOLTitle: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Dexter on November 23, 2011, 09:47:54 pm I posted on lady hoggers on a&e via face book that " they need to go away their embarassing to all of Texas" less than a minute it was deleted
they cant handle the truth Dexter L. Blevins A&E try to delete this Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Dexter on November 23, 2011, 09:51:16 pm Brother Chance
Lordy man I really feel for you, I wont give you a rash over these idiots Dexter Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Dexter on November 23, 2011, 10:00:56 pm this is the post I posted on the lady hoggers site
Florida is a good place for this bunch , embarassing , shameful, do we need to say more!!!! bye now lmaooooooooo what a joke and that Gary Dud is a joke juvies and what other pet names he has hell not many hogs stay around to get named least ways with the groups I hunt with Just saying bye now to amny rum rums and i gotta get before I say something i get banned her for Dexter Happy Thanksgiving Everyone Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Dexter on November 23, 2011, 10:09:04 pm wow and its was deleted also
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 23, 2011, 10:47:15 pm Ok,I,have typed up three post the deleted them as I do not have nothing nice to say. The roo dog on there is,out of my ike dog really hate they are hunting any of my blood as they are embarrassing . The roo dog belongs to Christy brother witch I have always thought the world of and he knows hog hunting like know other. But me and him started hunting as kids and hunted a bunch together and Christy was j never on none of those hunts. Me and her dad hunted together and she was never on those hunts. Must be she was out hunting on her own.lol then I think I,need to post some of her first videos when Crystal ask her to join hdl. The truth is on all of them her asking how to tie a hog,her learning how to cut one,and her asking how to hold one. Oops the truth can come out cause I have it.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: treeingratterrier on November 23, 2011, 10:48:43 pm Just watched the show tonight latests episode, it was great, least there is a hogdog striking off the cab couple of time and they in a crypress pond down around Sebring, sounds like about 2 hours south of me, did anyone catch the name of the town he is from? I cant wait until they get those girls back in texas to teach jerry campbells crew how to catch hogs like they do in Floridalol I figure about 3 or 4 more shows and they will actually stumble into somebody who off the site, am still waiting for somebody to hunt with a fence jumping mule and about 10 curs and just bay them up and then drive themlol It could happen right??? Same dogs, same hogs, same brush same ol cowboys ranch raised with working sense right??? lol
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 23, 2011, 10:55:37 pm Lost a hobbled hog?, look at your Garmin sweetie, then put a pup on the line if you must. Don't lose a hobbled hog on national TV. Im at my cousins house for thanksgiving and having to be nice is killing me while I get asked the most elementary questions. Whatever ladies, wish you luck
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: brandeek1 on November 24, 2011, 01:46:43 am I wish they would please STOP reminding everyone that they r from Texas. Does anyone else look at tracks so closely like Gary to notice a crooked toe hog????
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: brandeek1 on November 24, 2011, 01:49:33 am How n the hell did he get two legs hobbled so fast? Camera was right behind him but when the camera got there the hog had 2 legs crosstied already. LOL. Sound effects r wayyyy exaggerated.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: brandeek1 on November 24, 2011, 01:51:16 am Why they get mad at Paul just because he's n better shape n get to the bay first. Lose some weight honey n u can run farther. Lol. Show makes me laugh n nautious at the same time.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogdogger98 on November 24, 2011, 07:50:15 am Now we all know they're professional hog hunters!! Haha Lmao
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: skunkhounds on November 24, 2011, 08:55:24 am they should take the girls off the show and let that boy thats hunting with them do it atleast he knows how to hunt .they act like they are scared to run might get a black eye lol
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BULLMASTER on November 24, 2011, 09:05:55 am Did yall notice they suited their CD up with a vest and but seemed to have forgotten another important piece of protective gear?I dont know about yall but if I put a vest on a CD Im probably gonna put this thing called a cut collar on him!!!They need to stop this stupidity already.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: treeingratterrier on November 24, 2011, 10:53:16 am I wish they would please STOP reminding everyone that they r from Texas. Does anyone else look at tracks so closely like Gary to notice a crooked toe hog???? If you were really watching close you would have noticed it did not have a crooked toe at all, its just hype to get people to watch, just like when the camera man is laying on the ground so he can get a close up shot of cleavage coming right at the lenslol Still got better dog work on this episode, sex sells so get use to it I guess, I still dont get what is up with all of the hobbled hogs, guess they wont show somebody shooting a hog or stabing one with a good kbar knife and guting it out on the spot and then making for the truck so the fireants wont cover it up, be kool to see those gals poping some hogs in the eye or stabing one with a real long hog knife and watching blood spray all over there pretty pink clothinglol Cant wait for next week, I heard there are coming to texas to have a striking contest with jerry campbells dogs for first strike from the rig, first to the bay and closest dog to the hoglol Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Peachcreek on November 24, 2011, 11:23:09 am I wish they would please STOP reminding everyone that they r from Texas. Does anyone else look at tracks so closely like Gary to notice a crooked toe hog???? If you were really watching close you would have noticed it did not have a crooked toe at all, its just hype to get people to watch, just like when the camera man is laying on the ground so he can get a close up shot of cleavage coming right at the lenslol Still got better dog work on this episode, sex sells so get use to it I guess, I still dont get what is up with all of the hobbled hogs, guess they wont show somebody shooting a hog or stabing one with a good kbar knife and guting it out on the spot and then making for the truck so the fireants wont cover it up, be kool to see those gals poping some hogs in the eye or stabing one with a real long hog knife and watching blood spray all over there pretty pink clothinglol Cant wait for next week, I heard there are coming to texas to have a striking contest with jerry campbells dogs for first strike from the rig, first to the bay and closest dog to the hoglol rolleyes popo Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: skunkhounds on November 24, 2011, 12:01:39 pm mr campbell is gonna give them girls a spanking
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: bucsniper on November 24, 2011, 01:18:15 pm Ive hunted with these people on this show, the only one that is real is paul who is one of my best friends btw. the rest are part time wannabees. Ohh and btw they could of found better lookin chicks in florida but like they say texas style, lmbo, jk guys, easzy.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogaholicswife on November 24, 2011, 06:05:13 pm I despise the names and plot lines / narration. I think they are showing the dogs working alot more than the other two shows but the sound effects are rediculous.
I kept thinking I had seen the white headed dog that Gary was leading around and after a little diggin' I found him on Southern Airboat for sale. I talked to one of the guys down here and the way it was explained to me was they asked several people to take them and everyone declined. The guy I was talking to said the girls complained about not wanting to hunt where there were gators and snales (welcome to Florida).....plus he said he told them they were not paying enough money to put up with their belly aching and he wasn't up for their plot lines. I hope for Paul's sake they get re-signed because of personal reasons but from what I understand those girls rubbed alot of people the wrong way while they were here. I also want to send them a couple sets of hobbles, they make life so much easier. :laugh: Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: DSmith on November 25, 2011, 06:04:57 am I don't understand why everyone is so down on them? Afterall, they are feeding so many needy people with those big boar hogs they are tying up and donating to starving families. UMMM UMMMM ;D
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: bucsniper on November 25, 2011, 09:33:58 am Atleast one of my hogs made the show, i donated a hog for the show lol.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: treeingratterrier on November 25, 2011, 12:08:42 pm I don't understand why everyone is so down on them? Afterall, they are feeding so many needy people with those big boar hogs they are tying up and donating to starving families. UMMM UMMMM ;D Do they buy wild hogs in Florida or in other states or is texas the only state allowed to buy them and sell it labeled as wild boar meat?? I have never seen a wild game meat market in Florida??? Is there any wild hog meat for sale in florida or is it all ordered from Texas?? Anybody know what other states buy hogs legally and sell the meat in a restruant in that state?? Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hoggcatcher on November 25, 2011, 08:27:24 pm Lady hoggers is alright its alot better than american hoggers and that hogs gone wild or whatever that show is called when they were calling 200lb hogs 4 to 5 hundred pound hogs and wasn't men enough to hobble them and I like american hoggers but i havn't seen them catch a big hog yet and they also say the hogs are chewing goats ears off and killing baby deer and calves which we all know is B.S. to me they're more in it for the money and not the sport.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 26, 2011, 08:22:18 am Atleast one of my hogs made the show, i donated a hog for the show lol. Is this true. They had to get a hog for video.Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Miller Lite on November 26, 2011, 09:12:51 am damng they let as many go as they get rid of and she thinks she got skills lol i bet she does but it aint at hog hunting lol thats funny Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BobbyB on November 26, 2011, 11:57:26 am Is it just me, or do these pics look like they are a TV set?
And check out the tushes on that black hog. Whittled? http://www.aetv.com/lady-hoggers/photos/#/lady-hoggers/photos/the-hog-hunters/The-Ladies-and-Gary.jpg Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: T-Bob Parker on November 26, 2011, 12:21:25 pm Who knows, but I can spot a few things in the picture that I think have been whittled on.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: bucsniper on November 26, 2011, 01:16:59 pm Atleast one of my hogs made the show, i donated a hog for the show lol. Is this true. They had to get a hog for video.Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: halfbreed on November 26, 2011, 01:51:37 pm hell it's tv . how the hell is a camera man gonna get there and film before the dogs get there . unless you are a hog hunter even the hog dog vidios won't keep your attention . standin around waiting for ol shep to find a hog . it's not a documentary on hog huntin it;s entertainment .
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: cward on November 26, 2011, 09:28:02 pm When hdl was filming there was not any staged all was real. Just goes to show you how fake they are!!
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BULLMASTER on November 26, 2011, 10:19:00 pm If they get on a treadmill about 30 minutes every morning they might actually make it to a bay in a reasonable amount of time.Fake boobs and fake hunts!!!!!I know a 15 year old girl that needs to show those girls how to hog hunt.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: reatj81 on November 26, 2011, 11:30:22 pm If they get on a treadmill about 30 minutes every morning they might actually make it to a bay in a reasonable amount of time.Fake boobs and fake hunts!!!!!I know a 15 year old girl that needs to show those girls how to hog hunt. LOlTitle: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: Miller Lite on November 27, 2011, 08:36:09 am If they get on a treadmill about 30 minutes every morning they might actually make it to a bay in a reasonable amount of time.Fake boobs and fake hunts!!!!!I know a 15 year old girl that needs to show those girls how to hog hunt. lol tell em again by god Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: S_J_KENNELS on November 27, 2011, 12:42:35 pm I would much rather watch American Hoggers. The only one n this show that seems to know what is going on is that Paul guy. The girls need to shut up every time they open their mouths it is to b^&ch about something. When they jumped Paul for not telling them anything, and them not being ready. What is their to get ready? You should be ready when you drop the dogs. They are making Texas hunters look bad. Like somebody said I wished they would quit saying they are from here
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: BULLMASTER on November 27, 2011, 01:01:17 pm Dont they hunt around the Moss Hill area?I am like the rest of you,if I hear them say "Texas Style" once more I think I will puke!!!They wouldnt last 5 minutes with me or my hunting buddies.They couldnt handle some of the terrain we hunt in.Lady Hoggers if you are reading this you 2 are an embarrassement to Texas hog doggers!!!!!I wonder how much money they paid those 2 wannabe hog hunters?Anybody have an idea?If its more than 25 cents A and E got ripped off.I think I will stick with American Hoggers.I am sure they picked them for their looks but I really dont find them attractive at all,nice racks though!The girls on AH are way more attractive than them.Lady Hoggers sold Texas hog hunters out by making fools of themselves,hope they are happy.
Title: Re: Lady hoggers Post by: hogdogger98 on November 27, 2011, 07:44:54 pm At least they're not from Arkansas! LOL They suck!!