Title: Cutting Back: Dogs for Cheap!!!! Post by: nuckspups on November 26, 2011, 04:38:01 pm 3.5 year old Male 1/2 BMC 1/2 Catahoula Great Help Strike Dog...Has not found his own hog but will go hunt with your lead dog and will strike and help when bayed. Very Gritty. $200.00 o.b.o. Also, 3 Males and 1 Female 1/2 BMC 1/2 Catahoula have been around the outside of the bay twice. $50.00 o.b.o Can Send Pics of all them by phone I am located in Mabank Tx. Near Tyler Tx. Can Meet you or deliver. No Trades unless it doesnt eat. None of these dogs are culls or no good I just dont get to hunt much anymore and tired of feeding everyone so I am cutting back. If you want more than one I will cut deals and please make any real offer I will consider it. THEY NEED TO GO......(903)391-7936