HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: TrueBlueLacys on March 02, 2009, 10:54:25 pm

Title: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: TrueBlueLacys on March 02, 2009, 10:54:25 pm
Brace yourselves, I don't have the awards ceremony done yet, but I think there are plenty of pictures for y'all to look at :laugh:

I was really impressed with the contest this year. Congrats to all the hunters and a big thank you to the TDHA!

Saturday before the storm:

Thanks to all the sponsors:


First team to weigh in:


The scale tells the tale:




Driving up and weighing in:








The crowd:




Turning pigs to pork:



Longest tusks at 3 1/8":

The runner up was 3":

And the biggest boar had 4" feet:

23 hogs in a single trailer:


Eye on the prize:




The haul:




Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: shawn on March 03, 2009, 03:21:07 am
nice pics

Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: ppc dogos on March 03, 2009, 05:41:17 am
Wow, that is a lot of future sausages!

Thanks for sharing!

Nice to see the event got so many visitors.


Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 03, 2009, 06:39:03 am
Very nice pics.  Thank you for sharing.

Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: Mike on March 03, 2009, 07:20:42 am
Nice pics! ;D

It was good meeting you Sunday.

Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: bghogdogtx on March 03, 2009, 07:47:05 am
wow that looks like yall had alot of fun.  Wish i could have made it.  maybe next year

Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: TrueBlueLacys on March 03, 2009, 03:59:18 pm
Glad y'all liked the pictures! But I'm afraid to post all of them on my open Flickr account, it might make my city friends a tad queasy. If I wasn't a vegetarian already, I'd become one after seeing nearly 29,000 lbs of meat processed.

I do have a question for next year... I'm disappointed in the way the awards pictures turned out. They are better than a point and shoot, I'm sure everyone will be happy with them, but they aren't as professional as I'd like. Do y'all think a nice set up with a backdrop and lighting would be worth it, or are fancy pictures pointless when you're covered in blood and grime and ready to cash your check?

Title: Re: Lots of pictures from Hunt for the Hungry
Post by: aladatrot on March 03, 2009, 04:09:17 pm
I think it's a great idea! The blood and grime will only add more character to nice photos!

Great photos!