HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: JDJP on November 29, 2011, 01:59:27 pm

Title: quick swamp hunt
Post by: JDJP on November 29, 2011, 01:59:27 pm
Well talked my buddy into going into going for a walk this morning. Got out there at daylight and rode around for a while when my dog magic started barking from the back seat, so I let spaz and him out.

They did a 500 YD loop together, spaz came back and magic kept trying to work it out. He went 800 yds in another direction and showed treed before we left the road.  We took our time walking to him and got to within 15 yds. I couldn't see the pig in the palmettos, so I went ahead and told john to let spaz go and held my breath.

I got excited for a second to hear just some deep grunting, but it ended being just a tough little sow around 80lb.

No big trophy, but a day off work, a walk in the woods, cool weather, good friends, and my dogs getting it done by themselves makes for a good morning.

And this place is dogged hard, so the pigs usually run run run.

Home by 11am.


Title: Re: quick swamp hunt
Post by: paul.m on November 29, 2011, 07:42:46 pm
One hog is better than no hog!!!