Title: good work for pups Post by: weller44 on December 02, 2011, 12:58:52 pm Got a day off of the rig because if rain so took some time to get some good work in with my ladner gyp (penny) and cd pup (little red)
(http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z441/treydavis44/IMAG0229.jpg) I let penny bay on about a 30 pig at the house for about 5 min then took the pig out in the woods behind my kennels and drug about 150 and tied it to a tree then went back to the house to get the pups..after about 15 min I turned penny loose it didn't take her long at all to find the trail and took it straight to the pig and bayed real good for about five min. So I tied little red and penny both to a tree then let the pig loose and it took of like a rocket. I waited about 2 of 3 min let penny go and just set there with little red waiting....sure enough about another couple min later heard penny open up about 75 yds out and then nothing but breaking brush..she got it stopped and was hammering away about another 50 yds away so I sent jade from probly around 100 yds out and this is what it looked like when I got there (http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z441/treydavis44/IMAG0277.jpg) Title: Re: good work for pups Post by: Boarrunner69 on December 02, 2011, 07:02:45 pm They look like there sure enough on the right track! Good looking dogs!
Title: Re: good work for pups Post by: weller44 on December 03, 2011, 12:04:28 am Thanks man...I sure am proud of em