HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Mississippi Hogger on December 05, 2011, 04:30:09 am

Title: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Mississippi Hogger on December 05, 2011, 04:30:09 am
Just wondering if any of you guys hunt hogs on horses . Got some young horses I have thought about using and was curious on how to get them used to hog hunting . Was worrired when we got to a bay that the horse would be uneasy and scared . I always work my colts on dragging something behind them , but never a squeling pig . Any ideas that would be helpful . Thanks

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Bar W on December 05, 2011, 06:50:03 am
We ride mules. They have been packed on for years with elk and mule deer so there used to the blood. We usually make a two pole drag and put the hog on it and bring it out alive. We don't ride up real close to the bay, just tie the mules and walk in. Need a bulldog that will stay with you until you tell him to catch hard to lead one off a horse. I've used horses in the past some were ok with it.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: tuskbuster on December 05, 2011, 06:56:36 am
dont get em used to it ,just get you some SOON TO BE EX BUDDIES and tell they are broke to hunt off and let the rodeo begin, ;D ;D >:D. most of mine i just put a small pen  of hogs up in the paSTURE with em .and they get used to the smell .work a dog or 2  on em outside the pen while your mounted and they usually come around pretty quick.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: wranglercurs on December 05, 2011, 07:28:20 am
We dont ride right up to the bay. I bought me a rope halter that I put under the bridle. Ive got a good tie down that is tied to the halter. Im off an running within a second. We change an release more than we take out but if we catch a good barr Ill drag it out to a 4wheeler trail are something. I had a horse I could tie the hog or deer across the saddle an lead her out of the woods.

If your horses aint used to being around your dogs pick you up an ol'town dog an put it in the trailer with your horse.lol See how the horse acts around it. He may get a kick out of it.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: joe on December 05, 2011, 10:31:10 am
go to youtube and search up HORSEBACK HOG HUNT WITH CURS and watch them florida boys do it. the horses get charged and hit by the hogs and never flinch.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: treeingratterrier on December 05, 2011, 01:02:17 pm
go to youtube and search up HORSEBACK HOG HUNT WITH CURS and watch them florida boys do it. the horses get charged and hit by the hogs and never flinch.

Sure good video, like the way the horse was watching the pig, couple more videos show them shooting off the horse at a loose boar bay, to heck with riding a horse or mule that you tie back from the bay up, while you do that your dog gets killed or the hog runs off and you cant find the horse to follow, nice lil red cracker horse for sure, check out the other links, one has a rat terrier at a hog baylol

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 05, 2011, 01:11:32 pm
 i have been hunting horseback for a long time. some horses will take a hog running thru there legs and others will want to run off if they smell a hog. best thing is to just go at it and adjust as needed  ;D
 i ride up were i can see the bay then walk in.  i use a shock collar to train my catch dogs to stay with me till they here a bay then they split.

                          good luck

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: ED BARNES on December 05, 2011, 02:42:28 pm

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 05, 2011, 09:12:07 pm
cool,,,  i guess im invited to the hog fry.. ;D

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Mississippi Hogger on December 05, 2011, 10:21:20 pm
Thanks for all the advice . I will try a little of all of it . I did see the videos on utube , and they are pretty cool . I was wondering what those horses were goin to do whe those pigs ran under their feet . lol . It was a shock to me they were steady and calm . I have seen horses that wouldnt even load in a trailer that has hauled hogs before . This arto be a fun process .lol. Thanks again .  ;D

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: djhogdogger on December 06, 2011, 10:31:08 am

 On young horses, I would suggest riding them down real good before I hunted off of them. Worked horses tend to be less flighty. And take them to the bay with an old nag who doesn't spook from anything because a young horse will take cues from the lead horse. IMO

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 06, 2011, 12:37:26 pm
i dont plan that well.  Good thing is i usually have a good ride before i find pigs.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Colby T. Brown on December 06, 2011, 02:52:49 pm
We hunt just like Craig... Make the bulldog follow the horse, until we ride into a bay, carry the little ones and drag the bigger ones. Keeping new bulldogs from wanting to catch a horse is always fun!!

3 yr old Dry Doc grandson...

4 yr old Two Eyed Jack gelding I'm just now getting broke....

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 06, 2011, 07:04:08 pm
 you got some nice young horses there..

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: matt_aggie04 on December 06, 2011, 07:28:44 pm
Hoghunter101 has some really good videos on YouTube. The one where they chase the hog all the way across a huge palmetto flat and rope two hogs is fairly impressive.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Mississippi Hogger on December 06, 2011, 07:43:09 pm
 Colby, thanks for the pics . Ive got a Blue Valentine bred mare Im gonna use . She is nice had her green broke half way or so at the beginning of summer and work kept me from riding , I saddled her saturday and she picked up were she left off . I think she will do good on hogs . Nothing seems to bother her to bad . But she is young and you never know . Im gonna start leading some dogs off of her and tying her close by when I let the pups bay . Thanks again for the advice .

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 06, 2011, 07:53:47 pm
horses are good for carrying out dogs also


Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: treeingratterrier on December 06, 2011, 08:03:58 pm
Does anybody ride mules hog hunting that jump fences as well??

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Bar W on December 06, 2011, 08:14:07 pm
My uncles prolly would but never tried it. I'm not that good in a saddle to try it. Guy we used to know hunted off a mule that could smell hogs and would go to them. Then he would shoot between the mules ears. No dogs needed.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Bar R Ranch on December 06, 2011, 08:18:04 pm
Does anybody ride mules hog hunting that jump fences as well??

We ride mules but my mule is the only one in the bunch that will jump... I will try to find some pictures...

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Silverton Boar Dogs on December 06, 2011, 08:25:25 pm
My Mule will jump. When he hears a bay his heads to it at a run, I can step off and stick a pig while holding the bridle rein.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Circle C on December 06, 2011, 08:33:31 pm
Is that the same mule you were riding at the tdha contest 2-3 years ago?

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: treeingratterrier on December 06, 2011, 08:45:31 pm
I just curious to see how you guys jump fences with the mules and if anybody was riding up to the hog and shooting them, anybody got a video of a mule loading up in th eback of a pickupbed with hog dogs??  Ones i had we used a bull halter and 20 foot lead rope, lots of times if we got behind a really tall fence we have to take out the tpost clips and then wrap the lead rope around the top 2 wires and then cluck him over after we pullled it down and wrapped it, I have seen some that wanted a saddle blanket on top of the wire but that is a bad habbit as they wont jump without it if you lose it and wastes time, I had some of those 16 hand mules that would jump a bobwire fence 5 wires with one still in the saddle, not cool at all, way to dangerous at night for sure especialy if its wet or a creek on the other side, one thing for sure with stirups i would get tapaderos in case something happens so u dont get drug with your foot thru the stirup vs a tap that will let ur foot come out after a ways usually.  Anybody got any pics of a mule riding in the truck bed with dogs??  Seems like if u get the right kind of mule who wants to work they will hunt like a dog and smell hogs and snort and go to the bay up even if you have fallen alseep in the saddle.  Any of you guys who ride mules do you hunt at night with them and do you use a NITElite headlight to shoot hogs or do you just get off and stick them??

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Circle C on December 06, 2011, 09:10:19 pm
Have you seen James Land video? He has some jumping mules in it, and he is a cracker jack with a levergun. Best doggin video I have seen.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: treeingratterrier on December 07, 2011, 11:27:05 am
Have you seen James Land video? He has some jumping mules in it, and he is a cracker jack with a levergun. Best doggin video I have seen.

Got a link i searched utube, is it on here soemwhere?

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Circle C on December 07, 2011, 11:52:06 am
Here is a link to purchase the video. They might have some previews.


If I still had a copy of the DVD I would send it to you, but the one I watched belonged to a friend.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Colby T. Brown on December 07, 2011, 11:54:27 am
 you got some nice young horses there..

Thanks!! I sold the bay colt last week. I've gotta put a little more time into the buckskin horse, but he is coming around pretty nice. 

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: make-em-squeel on December 07, 2011, 04:10:22 pm
How do yall keep the CD's from going to the bay from to far off?   ???

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Circle C on December 07, 2011, 04:18:48 pm
I've hunted three different ways with horses and catchdogs.

CD loose on the ground, Tater (Craig's pit) would trot along with the horses, then head to the bay when he heard the dogs open. You just loped along behind him toward the bay. 

CD behind the saddle/tied to the horses tail.  CD doesn't get cut loose until you are ready to cut him.

CD on a four wheeler some distance behind the horse.  This has been the best of both worlds.  The four wheeler is there to haul CD, drinks, cut kit, and tote out caught hogs.   The four wheelers stay way back from the horseback riders, so that the riders can hear what's going on. 

I can't explain this, but it seems that when I am horseback, I am almost always within a couple hundred yards of the bay. We get to ride up and watch the bay, then call the four wheeler guys and tell them to send the catch dogs.  This past spring we were within about 30 yards of an entire sounder bayed up in an open field.  We watched the bay 5-10 minutes I'd guess, then sent the catch dogs.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 07, 2011, 06:21:25 pm
How do yall keep the CD's from going to the bay from to far off?   ???
i dont, if they here the bay they are gone. The best thing is on a horse you can be right behind the catch dogs.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: craig on December 07, 2011, 06:26:45 pm
Chris is right the best of both worlds is catch dogs on atv and horses to drag hogs out .

im to crippled up to lead catch dogs thru the woods so running them on the ground behind a horse works the best for me.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: SCHitemHard on December 07, 2011, 06:32:25 pm
we used a mule for a while but we had a dog bite the mule and that was the end of that

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: ED BARNES on December 08, 2011, 10:55:15 am
we used a mule for a while but we had a dog bite the mule and that was the end of that
id tie that dog to a mule  n let them spend the day together, whether they get along or not, it will fix the problem one way or another

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: Colby T. Brown on December 08, 2011, 01:46:18 pm
How do yall keep the CD's from going to the bay from to far off?   ???

We want ours to stay with us until we send them. They will want to go to a bay as soon as they hear it, but they usually wait until we send them. If they act like they want to go before we are close enough we just call them back..... We try to keep a shock collar on them, until they are handling pretty well. Then of course, we have to remind them every once in awhile.

Title: Re: riding horses hog hunting
Post by: jsh on December 10, 2011, 06:26:08 am
My cousin used to hunt some with James Land.  His mule would load onto a flatbed and tie to the headache rack.  I'll see if he's got some pics. 

I agree Circle C, that is the best video out there.  No Hollywood, no testosterone or egos - just good ole hog eradication.