HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: cujo72 on December 09, 2011, 10:00:55 pm

Title: 12/9/11 Starnes Ranch hunt with Monty
Post by: cujo72 on December 09, 2011, 10:00:55 pm
Got a call at Lunch today from Monty saying the Ranch manager of the Starnes had just called to tell him of a Big Spotted Boar hog he spotted while feeding today. He told Monty to come get this beast and Monty was nice enough to invite me along. So that's how it all worked out. Monty and I were so excited we left work early and loaded dogs. Dogs on the hunt were Monty's Cain, and my crew Nicki, Barely, and Jack. I might also add from the ranchers description we brought enough catch dogs to bring down a full size African Bull Elephant. Cd's were Max, Spook, Keechi, and Roxie. The crew was Monty, Pop, Colby, Leon, Kaleb, and myself. We dropped the dogs were the rancher told us the boar was last seen dogs all hunted the butts off but nothing. So we pressed on further into the ranch finally we made the turn to head back to the truck when the dogs struck and bayed Jack and Cain where about 700 out bayed and the girls where 500 west bayed so we headed to it afoot lead by Colby, Leon, and Kaleb. Falling really slowly by Monty and myself after a long run for the boys and a quick walk by the elders caught hog it wasn't the big one but a nice little 100 lbs. Boar off the ranch and a great time with some great friendships. Anybody that knows Colby might ask him about getting sadder up in that fence really good stuff and he still was the first one there. Sorry for the long story but I wanted to tell everything.

Title: Re: 12/9/11 Starnes Ranch hunt with Monty
Post by: cujo72 on December 09, 2011, 10:29:09 pm
Monty & me
Leon, Kaleb & Jack
Me &  Jack
Kaleb, Jack & hog
Starnes Ranch boar hog

Title: Re: 12/9/11 Starnes Ranch hunt with Monty
Post by: cujo72 on December 09, 2011, 10:39:39 pm
Sorry for the misspelled words I did it on my phone. Colby got wadded up in the fence not sadder Dang auto correct LOL hope you guys enjoy. Colby, jack and Cain were the Superstars of the hunt.

Title: Re: 12/9/11 Starnes Ranch hunt with Monty
Post by: M Bennet on December 10, 2011, 06:28:09 am
all i can say is i still cant beleave my dumb arse turned my cd loose 341 yrds away. and that cold air sure made my lungs hurt while i was running. ok i mint walking realy fast. great hunt guys, one thing cujo that big boy still there.

Title: Re: 12/9/11 Starnes Ranch hunt with Monty
Post by: weller44 on December 10, 2011, 10:08:24 am
Good job guys

Title: Re: 12/9/11 Starnes Ranch hunt with Monty
Post by: Purebreedcolt on December 10, 2011, 12:07:33 pm
I was about to say you monty run???? Good hunt