Title: Doe had her pups! Post by: Black Gold on March 06, 2009, 07:00:57 pm We bred my staghound female "Doe" to Krystal Rohan's "Cotton" (1/2 Dogo 1/2 AB) on the first of January. Was busy at the EXPO Sunday morning and got a call from my wife saying Doe was having her first pup. One was stillborn, but have 11 that are looking good! 2 solid white and the rest are Jersy cows!......more males than females, but not sure on exact numbers yet. Should make some good RCD's.....I hope!
(http://www.wildboarusa.com/copper/albums/userpics/10003/normal_100_1839.JPG) (http://www.wildboarusa.com/copper/albums/userpics/10003/normal_100_1840.JPG) Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: matt_aggie04 on March 06, 2009, 07:07:06 pm Good looking pups Cody, I like the one in the middle with the spade shaped white mark on the head with a black dot in it. They should be some well built catch dogs.
Matt Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: dabutcher on March 06, 2009, 09:08:29 pm good lookin pups for sure. :)
Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: jdt on March 06, 2009, 09:38:41 pm dont you mean holstiens ?
Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: Black Gold on March 07, 2009, 09:39:11 am haaaa......maybe so...never been much of a cattle man! ;D
Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: ppc dogos on March 07, 2009, 01:26:57 pm Healthy looking pups!
Interesting mix, How do you predict they will work in the future ? Thinking about range, nose, catch ?? B Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: Black Gold on March 08, 2009, 09:13:19 am HOPEFULLY, they will be close range RCD's.....If they are 200 yards out then they are too far.....Enough nose to find a pig in a brush pile.....Hunted in pairs to be able to do hog removal on small properties. Enought legs and sighthound to run'em down in an open field.
Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: dabutcher on March 08, 2009, 09:39:28 am it should be interesting to see how they turn out. i think it's gonna be a good cross but what do i know :-[
Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: Bigl on March 08, 2009, 01:50:34 pm HOPEFULLY, they will be close range RCD's.....If they are 200 yards out then they are too far.....Enough nose to find a pig in a brush pile.....Hunted in pairs to be able to do hog removal on small properties. Enought legs and sighthound to run'em down in an open field. Cody isn't this also what u expect from the RIP pups, I mean thats what i EXPECT from em'!Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: Mike on March 08, 2009, 07:59:56 pm Good lookin' pups Cody... sure is a bunch of 'em. ;D
Title: Re: Doe had her pups! Post by: DOEHEAD on March 09, 2009, 10:28:02 pm Great looking pups!!!! How much will u be asking for them when they are ready?